Title - Wish For - 1 of ? Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - PG-13 (mild language) Category - Description - Summary - Be careful what you wish for... Spoilers - None Disclaimer: Mulder and Scully and their ensemble cast are owned by Fox. Characters of my own invention are owned by me. (Wow that even makes sense, I think.) ----------------------------- Wish For - 1 of ? by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com> "Be careful what you wish for You may regret it Be careful what you wish for You just might get it" - Metallica Orange Dayquil. That's what I want, an opaque little plastic cup filled to the brim with the thick syrupy drink of the gods that I know as orange Dayquil. Ok, so maybe I'm exaggerating but my throat hurts like hell and I don't even have any Tylenol. God, if only orange Dayquil didn't make me pass out and convulse. ....I'm strange like that, hypoglycemia, low blood pressure, and a combination of a bunch of other odd things have led me to a life full of clean living. Hell, I live cleaner than my parents and their born-again Christians for Chrissake. (No pun intended.) Speaking of my parents, who the hell names their kid Mary anymore? What's with that? I mean if you're going to give your kid a boring name why the hell would you give them a name that just happened to also belong to the mother of God? A lady who was completely and totally without sin. What does *that* say about your expectations for your child? I am so changing my name first chance I get. Mary Langly. What were they *thinking*? But that's not what I'm talking about. Man, I remember the last time I was sick and got Dayquil, it was sweet! I mean like I had all of these assignments and reports due for school and then I *luck out* and get a 102 fever along with a sore throat and cough. Your probably think I'm some sort of masochist now but that's just cause your underestimating the feel good powers of orange Dayquil. It's wonderful! It like, gives your throat this wonderful coating, you just feel warm and cozy instead of feverish and I think there must be caffeine in there somewhere. (Which I'm now not allowed to have in *any* form now...grrr...) I remember I just laid around and read all day. That was when I first got into Affirmations. I remember my good buddy Kelly...(A nice plain name, means warrior woman. Maybe I'll change my name to Kelly. Kelly Langly. Hm, too many l-y's in there...) Anyway, Kelly told me about it. She claimed it brought her and Trent together. The trouble was if I brought a book home about Daily Affirmations, my parents would give me a lecture on how it was the Devil's work and how God controls our destiny and ground me for like...forever. So, Kelly and I found a loophole. This one comedian had a very serious chapter about Affirmations in the midst of his usual antics in one of his books. We got a copy of it from the library and I brought it home the day before I got sick. After reading the chapter several times with my trusty dusty bottle of orange Dayquil close at hand I decided to give it a try. I went for something outlandish. Everyday that week I wrote in my journal fifteen times that I would get an A on all of the assignments I had due that week. This was outlandish considering that I'd only started about half of them and the fact that I'm a B student. But I'm not just any ole B student, I am a serial B student. Never anything below never anything above, just a B. Always. It was my fifth day of Affirmations when my beloved Dayquil (and its lovely noir version, Nightquil) betrayed me. And my mom came ' ' this close to finding out about Affirmations. I had just finished my writing and was pouring myself a generous cup of Nightquil when all of a sudden I started seeing spots. Little black splotches just popping up everywhere. Then I passed out and nearly hit my head on the dresser. Mom's banging on my door br