Title - The Wretched Author - Lady Disdain E-mail - The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Rating - R Category - Story Summary - The unhappy version of Mulder's abduction. Spoilers - seventh season finale Disclaimer: I do not own these characters, Fox does and I'm just borrowing them. I also do not own Nine Inch Nails or their lyrics. Author's Note: This is a sad story. In fact it is so sad I don't know how I can bring myself to write it. But it is a possibility that Mulder's abduction was like this and I think we need to recognize that. ATTENTION: this NOT part of the "Thy Summer's Play" series! ----------------------------------------------- "The Wretched" by Lady Disdain <The_Lady_Disdai@mailcity.com> "just a reflection just a glimpse just a little reminder of all the what abouts and all the might have could have beens another day some other way but not another reason to continue and now you're one of us the wretched the hopes and prays the better days the far aways forget it it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to, did it? now you know this what it feels like now you know this is what it feels like" - Nine Inch Nails "The Wretched" The light draws me in. I don't want to go. I have a feeling that if I go I'll never come back. I don't want that. The light is greedy and takes anyone its want. It wants me. All of the others are in the light too. They smile and nod at me. But I know it is not because they are happy to see me. I am the man who wanted this. The man who asked them so many questions and tried to get to the bottom of this. I tried to save them from this. And now I am just another fool in this cruel joke. So they smile at me. The ship passes over us and as I look up into the light. It is painfully bright and it hurts my eyes. I know that it is only the beginning. ***************************************************** I wake up on a table in an operating room. They are doing tests. Horrible tests. I want to tell them to stop but no words come out. Pain begins to shoot up my spine and out to all the nerves. Every cell erupts with searing pain. I want to scream and writhe and curl up into a ball but I can't, the restrains won't let me. I am forced to just lie here as they do their tests and feel the pain. It goes on for what seems like hours. And then it happens. Scully told me about this once; sometimes when people are in such great pain their body all but shuts down because otherwise they wouldn't be able to function. I feel my heart rate slow and my eyelids begin to get heavy. Unfortunately my nightmares aren't much better. In my dream, I am sitting on the floor playing some stupid game with Samantha. I hate babysitting it's so boring. Then I feel frozen. I can move. The light comes in through the window and it latches on to Samantha. She's screaming, "Fox! Help me! Fox!" but she really means, "Why aren't you helping me?" I don't know why I can't move. I can't even get up. So I watch them take her. "Mulder!! Help!!" Those are the Scully's cries into her phone as Duane Barry abducts her. And again I am helpless. I might as well be frozen because I can't stop them from taking her. I see all of the people in the blue that I could not stop from ending up here. I couldn't even stop myself. There are so many others who have been sacrificed for my blind search. All of their deaths are replayed in my mind over and over again as I sleep. ***************************************************** I wake up in a room with the others. We all are strapped on tables with restrains. Bright lights above glare into my eyes. I turn my head to the left and see Billy lying on the table next to me. I look into his eyes and see nothing. His eyes are blank, they have robbed him of everything. They tortured his mind and his body. They have taken his soul. I look around the room and see that everyone else has the same blank eyes. The others all stare, not focusing on any object. They are not thinking any thoughts, they have no feelings. Perhaps I am the only one left. I don't have much time to consider that thought before two men with crew cuts approach and unstrap me and lead me down a long hallway. ***************************************************** They throw me into my cell, which reminds me of the one the Russians held me in. Only this time I know there is no hope of escaping. I sit on the concrete floor and I wait for whatever they are bringing me. Minutes later I hear a key in the lock. The door slowly creaks open and a woman walks in. I recognize her. This time I know it is finally her. Samantha. I say her name out loud as I get up and approach her with my arms wide ready to hug her. I am so blinded by happiness that I do not see the hate in her eyes. I do not see her right hand slowly turned into a fist. I am caught off guard when she hits me. I land badly and lay sprawled on the concrete. Again I say her name. Samantha. She kneels down beside me and grabs my shirt and violently pulls my head up, forcing me to look at her. "Bastard." She releases her grip and lets my head hit the floor. She rises and begins to pace back and forth from wall to wall of the cell as she screams at me. "Do you *realize* Fox, that if you had just left the whole thing alone they were going to return me? But no, you has to put up missing signs all around the city for years after they took me, you had to publicize the abduction, you had to open the fucking X-Files to investigate it." I tried to speak but the words wouldn't come. She kept on, ignoring my attempts at speech, "The tests were over but they had to start them again, all because of you! They drilled me for hours asking me why you did this and did that. They fucking cloned me just to screw with you." She paused in mid-stride and kicked me in the stomach. "I had to watch them make more of me like I was a fucking toy. Like I was some freaking product! I had to spend what was left of my childhood living with the Spenders. The SPENDERS! I had to sit there and watch mom and dad fall apart just because you wouldn't let it go. You wouldn't admit it that you let the family down. You had to prove yourself. Right the wrong." She paused and kicked me again. "Now *I'M* righting the wrong, Fox. Now *I'M* ending your stupid search. You'll get your answers, Fox. Ignorance is bliss, Fox, remember that. Now *you* get to watch the world crumble and be completely helpless to stop it!" She pulled out her gun and I stared into her blank eyes. I felt what was left of me go. She pointed her gun at me between my blank eyes, "Didn't turn out like you wanted it to, did it?" "the clouds will part and the sky cracks open and god himself will reach his fucking arm through JUST TO PUSH YOU DOWN JUST TO HOLD YOU DOWN stuck in this hole with the shit and the piss and it's hard to believe it could come down to this back at the beginning sinking spinning and in the end we still spend not knowing when you're finally free and you could be but it didn't turn out the way you wanted it to it didn't turn out quite the way that you wanted it now you know this is what it feels like now you know this is what it feels like you can try to stop it but it keeps on coming you can try to stop is but" - Nine Inch Nails "The Wretched" ---------------------------------------------- Send feedback to The_Lady_Disdain@mailcity.com Thanks :-)