Mood: lazy
Now Playing: Bon jovi - Have A Nice Day
Well not much new to post here, but I wanted to say the following things:
1) I saw Everclear live in concert last Thursday the 22nd, here at Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka (for those of you who are confused as to where that is, it is the Base I'm sationed at here in Japan). They were AWESOME. THey are currently on a tour of just about all of the Forward Deployed Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Forces bases here in Japan and South Korea. The concert was free. I got bought a concert tee-shirt, and had them autograph it. They also singed pictures of the band for everyone who stayed around after the concert for free.
2) Cindy Sheehan is a COMPLETE MORON!
This weekend, Mrs. Sheehan was quoted as saying: "America is not worth dying for!" during the weekend's Anti-War Protest in Washington DC. When she was interveiwed and asked to clarify what she meant, she said that she meant to say: "Iraq, is not worth dying for!"
Come on lady, you are so freakin' stupid. How can you mix up America with Iraq?
Yes, I am sad that your son has died before his time. Yes it is unfortunate, and you have my deepest sympathy for your loss. But it is quite obvious now that this has gone way beyond expressing your anger and frustration that your son died, because the President was wrong about there being WMDs in Iraq. Wake up and smell the coffee and stop being used by those who would destroy this country.
How dare you or anyone else say that America is not worth dying for! Would you tell that to the brave men who died during the American Revolution? Would you dare tell that to the men would died during World War I? How about the brave men and women who died during World War II? What are you doing for your country? Is there anything you would willingly sacrifcie your life for that you believe in? I think not!!! You yourself have been quoted as saying something to the effect that you believe the President and think he is sincere after you had sat down with him and talked to him.
So please stop your moronic protests and support our great nation instead of tearing it down!
Americans need to stand up and unite together and stand side by side united. That is the only way we will triumph over those who are evil and seek to destroy all of mankind. They also need to stop blaming others for their situation and misfortunes and take responsibilty for their own short comings and lack of progress and their misfortune. The attitude we are seeing expressed as a result of these hurricanes is the exact polar opposite of the can do spirit that made America great in the first place.
I want to add Two more things about last weekend's Anti-War Protests:
ONE) As I am watching the news, and they keep showing the protesters in Washington, I have seen two EXTREMELY hilarious signs been carried:
1) Bush is a Terrorist
This is not the exact words, but this is
CLEARLY the message.
How dumb can you people be? Clearly
you have got something coming, see
sign #2 below
2) Who would Jesus bomb?
If you are the poor SOB carrying this
sign, I'd watch out. I think his choice
of targets is fairly obvious!
There was also one lady, chanting that Aparthied (sp?) is here in America.
Some people are so clueless. . . There was one thing missing from the protest. . . Everyone wearing Tee-shirts that say: "I'm with stupid (finger pointing in some random direction)."
::Stepping off my soap box now::
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Updated: Wednesday, 28 September 2005 4:41 PM KDT
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