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Life & the Universe According to Tim
Wednesday, 27 July 2005
What a weak storm . . .
Mood:  on fire
Wow, what a let down. They call that a Tropical Storm? I've experienced worse rain showers. I mean there was no wind, very little rain to speak. Well it turns out that the land mass was too warm or something, so it drove the storm higher and higher or some such nonsense and it dissipated before it got here. We received the all clear message about 11pm or so last night. The last Hurricane I remember living through was Dennis I think, back in the late 80's. Every other storm, I have either missed or it has missed where I was at the time. I guess I'm fortunate or something.

Now it is ungodly hot out. There is hardly a cloud in the sky, but it is also extremely humid as well.

Well that is all for now, maybe I'll write more later.

Posted by myband/twseifert at 1:05 PM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 July 2005 1:09 PM KDT
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Friday, 29 July 2005 - 12:15 AM KDT

Name: Cerise
Home Page:

I can't seem to comment on this blog correctly...glad the storm passed you over.

Friday, 29 July 2005 - 4:21 AM KDT

we just got a wind storm...Oakland lost power: a tree came down across Rt 17 in Allendale and very little rain...India got hit pretty hard with rain....Today is a BEAUTIFUL DAY..SUNNY, AND TEMPS IN THE LOW 80'S and NO HUMIDITY

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