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Life & the Universe According to Tim
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Bored at Work
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Nothing . . .
Well I'm sitting here bored at work as usual. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it just me?

Well anyway, so I'm sitting here at work, getting ready to go on leave at end of the day. I can't wait, 20 days of sleeping late, staying up late and seeing the sights. Melissa flys into Narita Airport in Tokyo tomorrow afternoon, where I will be picking her up as she exits customs. We plan on spending at least one weekend in Tokyo, and climbing to the top of Mt. Fuji (hopefully before it snows up there).

Not much is new here. I am expecting to hear back from the Commodore any day now, but still no word back yet about my case.

It has been unbarably hot here the last few weeks, but at least it is cooling off at night. We had another minor earthquake over the weekend. The scary part about this one, was that my house shook at the exact same time that the movie Scream 2 had a scene that resembled an earthquake as well. The timing couldn't have been better.

Let's see what else can I mention. Oh I'd like to Congratulate Vanessa and Oscar once more on the birth of their second son, Andrew. He is now 2 months old. Where does the time go?

Well that's it for now. More to follow when I think of something else completely useless to write.

Posted by myband/twseifert at 11:04 AM KDT
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Wednesday, 10 August 2005 - 2:19 AM KDT

have a great time while Melissa is there....take lots of pictures....and send some home.

Saturday, 13 August 2005 - 4:16 AM KDT

Name: Kaitlin

Mom loves to comment on your blogs : ) althought she does not always put her name on it! Love ya Mom! Kiki reminded me today to check your blog. Things have been a bit crazy lately, so it was a nice reminder. Things are the same old here... I think this weekend I'm going to finish up doing stuff in my garden, putting the edger up and what not. So much more rewarding then working on my paper. I handed one paper in, only two more to write and then my intership. Whoo!!! Can't seem to get motivated for the last two papers. Oh well.

Glad the tropical storm did not really affect you. I know you are disappointed, but in the end its better that way. Its pretty funny. Glen Rock is in massive water restrictions, I think its a 4 right now, so no watering anything. Here in North Brunswick, we have gotten so much rain. There has been a few bad floods too. Just an hour difference and there is a huge change in the amount of rain.

I hope you hear from your Commodore soon, I know its been hard waiting to hear. Hang in there. (make sure you let us know when you do hear).

Enjoy your 20 days of vacation! Make sure to leave the house! (Hi Melissa). Go see lots of sights! And take lots of pictures! That is why you got your camera!!! Pictures!!!!

Speaking of pictures, I was hoping to have my pictures back from my disaster of a camping trip with Tom today, but the store messed up. Damn them... They need to make water proof digital cameras... so then I could have brought my camera with me. Oh well.

Enjoy! Be Good! Love ya.

Monday, 15 August 2005 - 11:49 PM KDT

Name: Cerise
Home Page:

I'm bored at work at least once a week....have plently to do but still manage to be bored.
I'm so jealous! You guys sound like you have a lot of fun planned while Melissa is in town! I would love to go to Japan again...I don't remember any of it.
The whole earthquake/Scream thing would have scared me to death...I can't do scary movies on my own...what a wimp I am....
You did very well...I knew you could think of someting. Remember to visit my site. And comment...I love comments ;o)

Wednesday, 7 September 2005 - 12:58 AM KDT

Name: Melissa

Write something else!! I enjoy reading your witty commentary on your life! ;)

Wednesday, 14 September 2005 - 12:03 PM KDT

Name: The Owner

You think that just because you have told me to write something new on my blog that I will?

Thursday, 15 September 2005 - 4:56 AM KDT

Name: melissa

Ummmm.... that's exactly what I think. I need someone to entertain me while I'm at work, and I think that someone should be you. Entertain me already C. M. ;)
Love you....

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