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Life & the Universe According to Tim
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Bored at Work
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Nothing . . .
Well I'm sitting here bored at work as usual. Does anyone else have this problem? Or is it just me?

Well anyway, so I'm sitting here at work, getting ready to go on leave at end of the day. I can't wait, 20 days of sleeping late, staying up late and seeing the sights. Melissa flys into Narita Airport in Tokyo tomorrow afternoon, where I will be picking her up as she exits customs. We plan on spending at least one weekend in Tokyo, and climbing to the top of Mt. Fuji (hopefully before it snows up there).

Not much is new here. I am expecting to hear back from the Commodore any day now, but still no word back yet about my case.

It has been unbarably hot here the last few weeks, but at least it is cooling off at night. We had another minor earthquake over the weekend. The scary part about this one, was that my house shook at the exact same time that the movie Scream 2 had a scene that resembled an earthquake as well. The timing couldn't have been better.

Let's see what else can I mention. Oh I'd like to Congratulate Vanessa and Oscar once more on the birth of their second son, Andrew. He is now 2 months old. Where does the time go?

Well that's it for now. More to follow when I think of something else completely useless to write.

Posted by myband/twseifert at 11:04 AM KDT
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Wednesday, 27 July 2005
What a weak storm . . .
Mood:  on fire
Wow, what a let down. They call that a Tropical Storm? I've experienced worse rain showers. I mean there was no wind, very little rain to speak. Well it turns out that the land mass was too warm or something, so it drove the storm higher and higher or some such nonsense and it dissipated before it got here. We received the all clear message about 11pm or so last night. The last Hurricane I remember living through was Dennis I think, back in the late 80's. Every other storm, I have either missed or it has missed where I was at the time. I guess I'm fortunate or something.

Now it is ungodly hot out. There is hardly a cloud in the sky, but it is also extremely humid as well.

Well that is all for now, maybe I'll write more later.

Posted by myband/twseifert at 1:05 PM KDT
Updated: Wednesday, 27 July 2005 1:09 PM KDT
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Tuesday, 26 July 2005
Not sure what to say right now
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Everclear - Songs from an American Movie Vol. 1
Well I'm not sure what one is supposed to write in a Blog, but I've been thinking about it and Cerise said I should start my own Blog, and since I don't get to talk to her all that much anymore (she had ot up and move across the country on us), I figured I'd give this thing a shot. So here I am writing a Blog.

Well lets see . . . I've come to realize a few things over the last week or so.

1) I really hate using HTML. I was trying ot post something online, and I couldn't get the code to work just right, but eventually I got it working, but not the way I would have liked.

2) People start to get crazy and all kinds of ansy when you say a Typhoon is coming for them. The funny part is that it is not much more then a tropical storm, 60 mph winds (which as I am writing this have yet to arrive, and the storm was supposed to be here already). But I've got my house all battened down, and I'm ready to weather the storm so to speak. But I'll probably have to go to work tomorrow. I mean what good is a storm if you don't get any extra time off right?

3) I experienced my first real Earthquake on Saturday. It wasn't so bad, in my opinion, but I'd rather not experience a bigger one. My whole house was shaking for about 30 seconds or so. They say it registerd a 6.0 on the Ricter (sp?) scale. I have felt a cople of other ones since I got here to Japan, but they felt just like someone banged into my house. Or someone dropped something very large in my house, but BANG and it was over.

But onto better and greater things. Melissa is coming to visit me in August. I can hardly wait. She first has to take that pesky Bar exam on the 27th and 28th. So if you read this Bog before the 27th, please say a prayer for her and the Bar. She'll be here for almost three weeks.

Well that is all I have to say for now.

Oh and Joel if you are reading this, I've got something to tell you. I finished my Advanced Open Water Certification over the weekend. I went diving last weekend, did a night dive and a deep wreck dive. Unfortunately my certificaiton is from PADI, but I had no choice, there is no SSI over here. Well enjoy your 60ft limit my friend.

Posted by myband/twseifert at 9:37 PM KDT
Updated: Tuesday, 26 July 2005 10:01 PM KDT
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