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This pic is a little better, the tape on my sweatshirt says I'm a goat. It was for halloween or something, I forget.

Hope you like the Ralph Nader cursor, I sure do.

I am Aaron
Master Guitarist of the World, I'm not quite as good as Ryan.
Im from Peru High School, Staulk Me!

Hey, hmmmm a Bio? I was born and raised in Peru, Indiana. Now with Peru being a ghetto, the infuence of rap music was strong on me as a youth. I soon discovered the error of my ways. I went through awful phases of liking everything that Mtv told me, and I'd rather not discuss that period of my life, I might very well cry. Anyways, in 9th grade I became so lucky to win MXPX "Slowly Going the Way of the Buffalo." Of course I hastily lost that CD but it influenced me for the better anyway. It was my first punk CD, a wonderful thing really. Anyway, Ryan and I had had a pretend band for quite some time however, we had recently acquired instruments. We couldn't play, but we sure thought we could, and so the band came along. Earlier this year I convinced Ryan, with some help from Slick Shoes, that punk rock didn't suck. Now we have a real band with people and instruments and everything. My mom is proud. Thanks? I'd like to thank my mom for inspiring me to write "My mom says I'm cool" Sam, for being able to sing, and all the kids at my school who constantly remind me that I'm a poser. I don't know where my self-esteem would be without them. more thanks, haley and jennifer for still coming to shows, anyone that moshed at mcgrawsville, harry boils for not beating me up when i touched his mullet and your mom. Later