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Fernando's Profile

wanna know a secret?

i no spek a no englis. i tok + seeng lik a munke. spel gud tu. Elvis is dead.

ahhhhhh....not da lil fairies..............

Wow, those little fairies are magic now I can understand, speak, read, and write English. So you want a profile? I doubt it but ok. To save time I'm not going to use proper CAPS or punc'tua"tion or speling any more, k? i was born in ohio and grew up in peru. i go to peru schools. i cant fly i cant dance and i can almost sing purdy. i enjoy punk muzik. but im not a punk...


sorry bout dat. i like muzik. i play piano for 7 yrs, saxophone for 2.2 yrs, ukalele for 2 months, voice for 11 yrs. i used to be in choir from 4-7 grade. i had a little soprano voice and complete control over it from 2-6 grade. in 7 it was hoorray for voice change. i had little control over my short i sounded good. i took control partly last summer trying to sing songs but i listened to punk so i developed a punk voice whenever i sang. oh well it did me good cuz now i kinda fulfilled a kinda dream of being in a band. yeah for the WhAt-nOts. im the youngest band member so they saved my from dumb jr high schoolers and welcomed me with the highschoolers.


sorry. blink oneeightytwo is my fav band prolly cuz they were the 1st punk CD i got. after i learned i liked punk aaron was in my BS troop and realized the people his age were dumb so he talked to me and we found out we both liked punk rock. he had tried to start a bad with ryan for about a year and he found out i could just about sing. so i went to practice about 2 months later + now im in the band.

That's my story. oh by the way im a freaky, nerdy, straight A's, obnoxious, annoying, pessimistic, irresponsible, sensitive, shy, loud, lazy, apathatic, loser. (just ask my friends)