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Show History

  • Be sure to go to the bottom of the page and sign our guestbook, thanks guys

    Reasons why The what-nots do what they do:

    Hey, thanks for taking the time to check out our site. We're just 4 bored kids from the middle of nowhere who have instruments. This is our little punk band. We like to call ourselves the whAt-n0ts.

    ~MP3's~ ADD.mp3
  • May 13- Well, we just spent several hours riding our bikes around putting up flyers for the show friday and now our bums hurt from the stupid bike seats so we cant do it anymore. if anyone would be willing to help us out with stuff like this and be a street team of sorts, help us put up posters and stuff that would be very helpful. we might even be able to get you in shows for free. until next time, aaron.

  • May 11- hey, this is ryan and aaron. the show the 18th is quickly approaching. we need everyone to come out, and bring your friends. we're going to go down to muncie and start recording at the fraction as soon as we get a free saturday, we'll keep you posted on that.

  • Directions to dk's!!!!!!!! Dk's

  • May 4- Well, the show on the 18th is coming quickly, it should be awsome, chronic chaos and corporate circus are playing, theyre absolutely amazing bands, so everyone come to that show. its at dks. We have two new shows scheduled now. May 25 at the raintree in marion with all torn down a octahex and june 15 at the raintree, other bands are tba. Times, cover etc... will be up shortly. later

  • April 28- We had a show...and well, it wasnt very good. we had a lot of problems with sound equipment and stuff, but hey, it happens and we're just looking forward to the next show. though the show didnt go so well, we got some good pictures, and they will be up soon, thanks to all the bands and everyone that came out. it was a really good thing everyone was doing. later

  • April 23- Hey, show this friday is at DK's skate park in kokomo indiana. it starts at 6pm. This is a charity show for systic phibrosis(sp?) so everyone come out. later

  • April 14- Hey good news, we went to a chronic chaos and corporate circus show last night. theyre really good and we confirmed the show with them on may 18, gavin is going to pay dan from DK's soon, and the show will be confirmed, it should be one kickin show, EVERYONE COME. oh ya, and ryan and gavin(from citizens arrest) were the only 2 moshing and they knocked over the ash tray. we went to the fraction, but its moving to a nicer place, so we really dont know anymore about it now then before. later

  • April 12- Sorry guys, but the show the 12 didnt work out. we couldnt get mcgrawsville or canterbury effect so we're going to try to reschedule it for sometime this summer with more bands and stuff. i just figured out today that the bands melanogaster and fighting the bayonette will be playing the 27th as well. this is going to be a lot bands and a lot of fun, everyone come out. more info...starting time and venue will be up tomorrow when eric gets in touch. and saturday is aarons birthday, give him something cool.

  • April 9- Another confirmed show, April 27th we will be playing. The band list is sl7, the what-nots, ZeroTolerance, In the face of war and Dead of Winter. Time, place and cover charge will be up Wednesday. There is a message board up now, feel free to post questions, praises, complaints, etc. The entire site should be getting a make over soon.....look at the background now, it doesnt move! ok, thats all for now, later.

  • April 6- The show at the fraction is definately on June 2, we'll have directions up soon...everyone try to make it out. Tonight we're going to talk to Canterbury Effect and hopefully we will finalize the christian show. later

  • Our counter reset again, so, if you care, add 800 to what ever it says for a real reading.

    To ask the band about tapes/cd's or shows, email us here.


    I'm a little fairy in Fernando's head.
    If I pull this little cord then he just might be dead

    Tooth and Nail's gnarly web site

    we really dont have any relationship with tooth and nail, its just a good label with good bands, and its mildly humorous.

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