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Ryan's Profile

I play guitar, I have spiked hair, I'm Aaron's friend

And...Hey, im Ryan Starkey and I play guitar. I grew up as a poor kid in the slums of Beverly Hills. I was a mad rapper. Yeah I listened to the likes of Puff Daddy and Will Smith etc... Although I do still like the urban beats of detroit to nyc(no) I met Aaron in about 7th grade and we weren't the best of friends. Basically he hated me because of my color. Aaron doesnt like white Anglo Saxon Americans (yes were both white). Aaron introduced me to punk last year and I didnt like it till I heard Slick Shoes and Shorthanded, the greatest punk bands ever(if you like that kind of punk). Well, later I've already written too much."

Ryan Thanks: Just to let you guys know i would also like to thank the mothers... anyways here's some more thanks, Dan Hiatt(the quarters are great), Laura, Haley, blemish for helpin us out on shows, Mark II drumsets (prolly good), everybody who wrote us on our guestbook, Fruit of the looms underwear, My mother again and thats about it...If i forgot ya I didnt mean to