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^~IMx Experience~^

I would like to thank LilCrystal_212 for her contribution to my website..I really do appreciate it.

Well it stated like this: I was about to leave out the house and I saw a message that Pooh_Flash wrote. So then I met Pooh_Flash in DC so we can go to see IMX. So Then me, Pooh_flash and her friend got in the club but we thought we weren't at first. So before I got in I got checked bt security to see if I had anything in my pocket book and so I said " I mean unless i'ma stab someone with my key" being smart. So then we went in and this dude had posters of IMX in his hand and I was like" can I get one?" and he gave me one. Then my homegirl Pohh_flash, kinda was cool with a DJ and she asked for VIP passes and the female DJ told Pooh, to come back in a couple minutes. At that time we were watching and joining in with the man trying to hype up the crowd. Then B2k came out. So then me and Pooh, went back to talk to the female DJ and after a couple minutes the femal DJ told us to follow her so we did then a couple minutes after that we were in the VIP room. B2k was still on stage performing so we chilled in the VIP and then B2k got off stage so here comes b2k and I saw LIL Fizz first and I was like "can I get a hug?" and he gave me one. Then I was like "aint today your birthday?" and he said "yes" and I said " happy Birthday". Then I saw Omarion then I was like "can I get a hug?" and he gave me one and I said something about seeing him on the McDonalds commericial. Then I saw Razb and I was like" can I get a hug?" then he gave me one. Then I was like "Do u remember me?" to Razb and he was like" u look familiar" so then he told me he'll be back.

So then I think IMX came in not too long after that when the dj was on stage. So then I turned around and I saw IMX. I started jumping up and down for a quick second and Pohh was like "r u okay?"lol then I said "yeah" so then IMX started going around the room giving the prople who were suppose to be in VIP hugs[the lil kids] so then after Romeo gave some lil kid a hug I tapped him on his shoulder saying "can I get a hug?" and he gave me a hug. Then LDB was on the other side talking to this boy and then I taped ldb saying" can I get a hug?" and ldb looked at me and smiled and gave me a hug saying " what's up?". So then I left and went over there with my friend and I saw batman he was looking out of the door so I tapped him saying "can I get a hug?" and he gave me a hug and then kissed me on my ear and said" what's up?" but to make a really long story short IMX are cool peeps and it's more to tell but my Fingers are getting tired. I should be getting my pics soon.

This is my experience that I had when I meet IMx for the first time it was posted in IMx: Online Street Team Newsletter

”Hi JIN, well thanks for all the info u gave us. And thank you so much for the info about the signing. I had so much fun and here's what went down in San Diego. Oh my goodness. Aug. 22nd was the most best day of my whole life. Well, as u may know Aug. 22nd was the autograph signing in San Diego and I was there. Ok, this is how it started. I got to the record store at 6:30 and there was a line, not a long one though. But anyway, at first I just walked in with my album and I was going to get that signed, but after waiting for a while and looking around I saw other's with only 1 or 2 posters in their hands. So u know I was like forget this I am going to get my scrapbook of all my posters and info. So I got out of line and went to the car to get my book. IMx wasn't there yet. So then I went back inside and some girls were actin crazy like they weren't excited. I just stood there with my book. We were all waiting for IMx patiently so while I was waiting I was getting my book in a presentable condition and when I opened it up, everyone was like dang girl, I ain't that crazy. I laughed. So then they announced that IMx was on their way in 15 min. They were running late. So we waited and I talked to other fans, we all talked until we heard some screams. Oh my, it was IMx walking thru the door. Man peeps were jumping up trying to see, including me. Peeps were screaming. It was so cool. Then they got behind the table and began signing, the line moved pretty fast.

I was so geeked. As me and other fans got closer to the table we were snapping pics like whoa! As we were going crazy, man this one dude (one of B2k's older brother- I got a pic) was like y'all buy the album many of us were like yeah. He was cool. We asked what his name was because a lot of us thought he was Romeo's brother, but he wasn't. So then we got closer, one girl cried, I just stood there smiling a lot. I was so happy. We all finnaly got to the front. While we were in line we were snapping pics like crazy. I was next in line. I didn't cry, just smiled. So then Taz said next and then she said which one do u want a hug from, of course I said LDB. Dang, he is too fine. Ok, let me get a hold of myself. So I sat my book down on the table and hugged LDB. He smelled so good. I didn't want to let go, but I did. So then I took a pic with them. I was between LDB and Batman. Dang they fine. Ok,ok, let me calm down. Then I said thank you. And went to the front of the table so they could sign my poster and CD. So as they signed my poster and CD, I was about to leave then they asked me what was that I had with me (scrapbook) I didn't say anything, but smile and opened it up. They all said dang. They signed the front page and flipped thru it. Then LDB saw his section in my book and was like "there that boy" he signed my pic with him in it. I was so geeked. Taz was like "We like devoted fans", Then Chris was like "U got HP4 on dvd?" I said naw and told him why, he was like ok. Then I asked him was this they last album he said "Right now, yeah". I don't think he meant they were quiting for good. But anyway, he was really nice. I also told them I had a website.

Then I walked off into the crowd. They were all so nice. It was unbelieveable. I stood there for a while and took more pics until I ran out, then I stood there for another while just looking at them I didn't want to leave. But I had to. All in all this was the best day of my life. Well, that was all. I just thought you would like to know what went down. I still can't believe it. Bye:):):)

Lynette (LDGirl_22) Once again thanks JIN for everything.”

This experience was from the IMx: Online Street Team Newletter

"Hey Jin"

The in store thing at the warehouse was amazing!!!! Not only did we get to meet IMX *who totally looked awsome* but B2K... Well even tho the guys were a little late the wait was worth it.. We got in line and when we FINALLLY got up it was sooooo quick they signed the CD and took a group pic and said Hi then we headed out the door to meet garrett *who btw is soo cool.. tell him Thanks for me* and we waited around for a bit and after a few minutes we went back in... After the line finished the guys came back and I thought the highlight was the huggs I got but NOPE... I had already took a group pic so I asked if I could take a pic with just LDB.. and he was totally cool with it... and here comes the HIGHLIGHT of my day.. after the pic he kissed me on the cheek without asking.. that just totally made my day... well not my day .. MY YEAR!!!! lol... Well it was awsome.. and thankyou sooooo much.. IM gonna keep promo them NO MATTER WHAT cause IMX are #1 on my list and they are the SWEETEST group of guys EVER!!!!!!

Well thanks Jin for everything... Im out.. P&ML- Angela”

Do u have an IMx/Immature experience that u would like to share with your fellow IMx lovers? Well, tell me about it and I will post it on the page. Just fill out the form below and e-mail me your experience. Thank You.

IMx Experience: