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Well, well... it's been 6 years since was founded, and it's been over a year and a half since the last post. There has been simply no news to report. Abitwar as you know it is on hiatus until further notice. Thus, will be rendered inactive by the end of this month. You can still find the band by doing a google search for these pages or search Angelfire (our free hosting service) for myband2/abitwar. We have not made it to myspace as other bands have, and we have no intentions as of now either. We want to thank all the fans who visited our site and relyed on it for your information regarding the band. Until there is news to post... Later!


It's been quite a while since we've had an update here. A couple shows have passed, but not much else. We just want to extend a thank you out to everyone who comes to see us at the shows. Your support is much appreciated. There was supposed to be a show tonight at Scoreboard, and it looks like it would have been a beautiful night, but I was informed that Scoreboard isn't having any shows for a few months. I don't know why considering the outdoor stage is a much better draw, but oh well. Hence, the next show will be August 12th at Champs. Hope to see you all there. More booking in progress as well.


Thanks to everyone who came out to Champs last week to see us. Many thanks again to Brian for lending his awesome vocals to another set. We look forward to working with Brian on the new material recently written. No shows are currently booked, but there will be much to come soon. Improvements to are coming soon including new music, pictures, and bios. There have been many complaints about access issues. Due to the recent security issues with Internet Explorer, the site will soon be compatible with Netscape and Firefox navigators. Also, the popup issue will be addressed as well. Thanks for the info and concerns! Contact us with any other thoughts.


Happy New Year and Happy 4th Anniversary to, the only way to get the news on ABITWAR! Look for new photo galleries, links, profiles, downloads, and improvements to the site soon! Not much has gone on since the last show, thanks to the holidays. The show for January 7th at Scoreboard has been canceled. The next show will still be January 28th at Champs. We are now booking for more shows in the coming months as well as working on new material we'd like to release by the end of the year. We're still battling for more practice time, so hang in there. Be on the lookout for show flyers, promotions, and more info to come.


What's up. It's time for the last update of the year. Thanks to everyone who came out to Champs on the 4th. Sorry Lifter never showed, but Black Thumb put on an awesome show with us. We want to thank Brian for singing with us. I'm sure you'll all hear alot of him in the future. As the year closes, we just wanted to say thank you to ALL the people who came out to see us at all the shows this year. It was fucking amazing. It was a good year for us, and we plan to release a new recording in 2005. Be on the lookout for free copies at future shows. As always, please feel free to contact us with whatever is on your minds. See you at Scoreboard on January 7th. Thanks. Peace.


It's been a long time since the last update. We just added 4 new shows in the coming months, with more to come. The Halloween show went very well and a good time was had by all. We want to thank Harris for singin for us. You shall see him again at the next few shows. Email us with your opinions. Aside from the new singer, we want to thank the other bands, Sixteen Ounces and The Bad Bains for putting on an impressive show. Most of all, we want to thank all the fans who came out to see us. Thanks alot - We hope to see you all at the next show. See the tour page for more details on the upcoming shows. Also, pictures from the past couple shows will be posted soon.


Sorry for the 2 month hiatus, but in the mean time lots of stuff has been going on in the band. We ceased booking shows for a while for many reasons. First, the singer vacancy. Second, the broken equipment. Third, the new album.
As you all may know, we set out a search for a new singer, and although we are still trying out a handful of hopefuls, we have booked a show with a local singer whom you may recognize from 2 area bands, "Sixteen Ounces" and "R." It's a special show on the Friday before Halloween out near Joliet, IL. See the tour page for all the info. In addition, you may be seeing ABITWAR the ON Halloween night in the Oak Lawn area. Details to follow soon. Also, Ken has finally replaced his entire setup with CARVIN equipment after his amp fried out prior to the last show. Should anyone be interested in purchasing some great used bass equipment, please contact Ken directly. Jason is now also using some amplified equipment with his setup to further brighten our sound. You WILL notice the difference next time you hear us. Finally, the album. This has been an issue we haven't addressed in awhile. We have been writing new music which keeps getting better and better. A full cyt will be recorded and released sometime soon. Right now we cannot put a release date on it, but lets just say when those cold boring months come around, we may just have nothing better to do... As a result, we will only make 50 more of the first CD "Abattoir" for sale at the next show. These will be onsale for $3 with a voucher for a FREE copy of the next release to be redeemed at a future show. Be sure to pick one up from one of the band members at the show (between beers of course). Hope to see you all sometime on Halloween weekend.


Hey everybody. We just wanted to say thanks to all who came out to the show at Champs last week. We had a great time and hope you all did too. Many thanks to Earl's Truck Stop and Eden's Fall who both put on some kick ass shows! We have an abundance of pictures to post on the site. That will be taken care of shortly to add some more flavor to the site. More shows will be posted along with that very soon. Until next time, we're out...


What's up everyone. Not too much good news for the band right now. We have a show next week, July 10th at Champs. Beyond that, we really don't know what will happen. We are trying, but we all can't seem to get together at the same time to make any progress toward new recordings. More shows will be on the way, but until we have more time, we will be on the underground. If you would like to book a show with us or would like us to check out your show, drop us an email anytime! We'll see as many of you as we can at Champs next week, and sometime soon after that. As stated before, pictures will be posted soon. Thanks.


Hey everybody. Thanks to those who came out to see us at The Scoreboard last night. We really appreciate the support. Also, many thanks to Earl's Truck Stop for all they've done for us. You guys rock! Keep up the good work. Not too much news for now. Just be on the lookout for new shows and pictures from the past 3 shows will be posted soon. See you later.


Hey everyone! Thanks for coming out to the show at T. Patrick Murphy's. Everyone had a great time. Congratulations to Loki on winning. They are a kickass band, and you should really check them out at, and see them May 1st at T. Patrick Murphy's against Black Thumb and others. Pics from the past two shows will be posted soon. Finally, a new show has been added, so be sure to check out the tour page.


What up! First of all, we want to thank everyone who came out to the CHAMPS show this past Saturday. It was a great time and was a bit of a preview for this Saturday's show at T. PATRICK MURPHY'S. Make sure you come check us out. We go on around midnight, and it is a Battle of the Bands, so bring everyone you know! We need a large and loud crowd, as always. Also, be sure to check out SOUTHVIEW, a great band from the Rockford area that you will likely see us playing with in the future. They put on a kickass show at CHAMPS, but if you missed it, they will be at OASIS 160 on June 5th. Also, we have some pics to post of the CHAMPS show, which will be done soon after the show this Saturday. Both shows will be posted under the pics page. Finally, we have some updating to do for our tour page very soon (shows will be added). It's in progress now, but we will be playing a hand full of shows in May and in June, so be on the lookout. Check back here for details. See you all this Saturday at T. PATRICK MURPHY'S.


Hey guys! We have some additional news to post. We have completely canceled the CHAMPS show on March 17th, for various reasons, but it was done for the better. Instead, we are pleased to post that we will be playing a special show at CHAMPS on Saturday, April 3rd, with Burn Again. This will be the next show to attend, followed quickly by a competition at T. Patrick Murphy's on Saturday, April 10th. EVERYONE should come out to this one, as $10 gets you in the door and FREE domestic beer for the night!! Plus, the more fans we get to come and the louder you all are, the better chance we have at winning. So be sure to mark down that date and come out to cheer us on. Also, we have added a show with Eden's Fall and long time friends Earl's Truck Stop at CHAMPS on Saturday, July 10th. Check the tour page for complete details, and be sure to check all the shows out. More to come....


Due to conflicts beyond our control, the CHAMPS show has been pushed back one week to March 17th. We are sorry for any inconveinience, but atleast the show wasn't cancelled. We are currently preparing for new shows, and can't wait to be onstage in front of you all. We'll see everyone very soon. Thanks!


The UIC show will not be happening. Sorry for the trouble. We are looking forward to the CHAMPS show, still happening on March 10th. No other shows will be scheduled till April. We have some shows ready to book for summer, and we will continue to do so for the entire duration of summer, so count on seeing us around alot then.


2 shows have been added. The first will be March 4th at UIC for a Battle of the Bands. Bands will be selected February 18th for this, but we intend on being selected for a return from last year's performance. More details later. The other show will be March 10th at CHAMPS ROCK ROOM. Check out the tour page for all the info. Hope to see you all there.


The MP3's have been fixed. Download them and listen to them! The alternate source has not been set up yet, but will be soon. Also, the Netscape access problem has not been resolved yet. Continue to access with Internet Explorer.


It has been brought to our attention that the MP3's are not currently working due to some unknown error. This matter will be taken care of shortly, so check back in a few days to successfully download the music. An alternate source for downloading the music will also be available at that time. Also, some people have had problems accessing the site through Netscape Navigator. The site is best viewed on Internet Explorer. However, this problem will be solved shortly after the MP3 issue. Sorry for any inconveinience.


MP3's and the Message Boards have been added! Please take a few minutes to listen to some of our songs by clicking on the "MEDIA" link and selecting the song you want to hear. Also, check out the message boards by clicking on the "BOARDS" link. Thanks, and enjoy!!


Hello everyone. As you may have noticed, we have changed the site for's third anniversary. Take a look around and tell us what you think by clicking on the contact link at the left. Alot of new features will be added shortly including MP3's and Message Boards, so be sure to check everything out until then. Thanks for visiting the only official ABITWAR site. Select as a bookmark and check back frequently for new news that you can only get right here.


View the previous sites' updates by clicking here.