Todd's Personal Biography
Todd plays lead and rhythm guitar and the Hammond organ. Instruments include a ’57 Classic Fender
Stratocaster, Gibson Les Paul Standard, and a Hammond XB-2. Todd’s amplifiers include a Blues Pearl
Verbrasonic and a Vox AC-30 Top Boost. Effects include a Budda Wah, a modified Boss SD-1 to TS-808
specs (modified by Analog Man), Micro Vibe and Echo FX Analog Delay. Todd has been playing the
guitar since age 9 and has been experimenting with keyboards off and on (mostly off!) since high school
. Todd’s style is primarily influenced by the Pop, Rock and Motown sounds of the 60s and early 70s.
Although the electric guitar is his main instrument he has always been mesmerized by the Hammond B-3
/Leslie combination and hopes to someday put his keyboard skills on par with his guitar skills. Todd’s
style can be thought of as an odd mix of Blues, Rock, Jazz, Funk and Soul.
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