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A few thoughts from the band...
  • *feb 13, 2002. wow i cant believe its been so long. we've been spending a lot of time writing and jamming. So much shit has happened in the last few months. It made dave delusional! dont worry though, were almost ready to hit tthe stage again, and the new cd is being mixed now-also dave recently went on the prowl-so if your a young lady-you want a lead singer as your personal play toy, come see me Dave!!!!!!
    Oct 15, 2001.hello! well we'd like to thank the heads who came out to our shows this weekend. We had much fun playing for everyone. We also got really really drunk sunday at the benefit show! So please come on out to the grapestreet pub this wedsnesday, its like our most important set ever! but hey thank you all for your support!*Sept 18, 2001, well I'd never have thought it, but I actually feel that I should become a volunteer. But I wont get into that, I just wanna say that I have never been bounced around the spectrum of emotions like this in any part of my life before. The events of the last week have taken me from the most sorrowful state possible, to bitterness, and to the peak of this overwhelming pride. Pride for my friends and country. Anger from those who try to steal my freedom. And sorrow for all of our fallen brothers and sisters. Alls i have to say is....
    *August 27th, 2001-hey everyone, we'd just like to thank the folks who make our band real, if it weren't for you, it wouldn't be real, so thanks a million, and hope to see you at the shows this fall, check the LIVE section for current bookings, one love...*August 20th. hello there, any assorted individual, who may have stumpled upon this empty shell? g13 lives on, remember is all in how it feels and it feels good. dont get too close to the tv check g13 out at the grape st. pub smoke dank and live long! .hey whats up kids? its july already! the 4th was shitty...cos i cut my finger off a few days before...damn chop i guess i'll have to change things up and play dobro for awhile...dont think a missing finger would hold me from doing what I love, so look for us in a few months about and around. I'll be adding expect some fun with dobros and slide guitars, from me anywys, the rest of the fella's are 100%, see ya at the showz! dm......Hey every baddy, hows it goin? well its june already and well be playing P.J. Henry's in havertown next weekend, saturday june 30th, we got a good show planned and were also looking forward to getting back into the groove, so alls we can promise is that well play our little hearts out for ya! If ya can make it come on out to the show! Also thanks to all the great folks up in state college who grooved last saturday at the Red House, always loved jamming from sunset to sunrise, I had a great time and I'm sure rob and mandy did too, we got that show on cd if you want it, drop me an e-mail or mention it when you sign the guestbook! well see you up in happy-valley again over arts week, lookin forward to it! dmm. Allright hows yall feelin? can't believe that it's already may 28, I gotta update this site more man! anyways been taking some time off for writing, and we got some fresh new tunes for ya, well be playin around this summer, the usual venues, and a couple new. in an effort to expand our roots well be hitting the road to Arizona, and lA this summer just to check stuff out, hopefully good things will follow, check out some new mp3's on the page, and i'll be posting the tunes we write on the road as soon as i can! late everyone! and thanks to the mystery criticism in the guest book, whoever you are...dmApril 14, hello evryone. I wanted to say a few words about Dicky G. I can remember in that old middle school, wrestling practice there was dickey, there was Jim, the two brothers that I knew well. the last 2 years have been the sadest I can remember in h-town, people we need to be together now more than ever, the lessons have to be remembered. God is screaming in our faces, he was then and he is now, and the price is life. But all that matters now is remembering those people who have left our circle of friends. We shall burn one for Dickey, and may we once again burn one for kenny, they're jamming now...waiting for us to be enlightened as they, may their jams fill our universe forever, and one day we shall earn the ears to listen. To Dennis and Kenny; We shall remeber you always. And thank you for the memories that you have given me, and thank you for your help with my music, both of you, one day the h-town jams posse will be re-united, until then..... I dont know.