Here are an "index of names" if you will of all the people included in my story for easy reference.(not that they would be hard to remember) the pics are for a visual aid, though no doubt it would be better if I could draw so I could put up pictures of my imagionary characters.(Especially Lillianna.) The more pics mean the more central the character is. (yes there is only the eye of Sauron but isn't that enough??)
Arwen - "high maiden", daughter of Elrond and friend to Lilliana.
Celebrimbor - elven smith of the three elven rings of power. He is a friend to Verdan and is slain by Sauron.
Celeborn - Elven Lord of Lothlorien, wife to Galadriel, and adoptive father of Lillianna. Friend and helper of Verdan.
Cirdan - "The Shipwright"; keeper of the grey havens and holder of the ring Narya. Receives Verdan as he lands on the shores of Middle Earth.
Curunir(Saruman) - The wisest and most powerful of the Istari; helps in driving Sauron out of Greenwood.
Daeron - human scribe of Minas Tirith who befriends Lillianna and orchestrates her escape when her life is in peril.
Elladan - son of Elrond and friend to Legolas and Lillianna who later falls in love with Lillianna.
Ellaroon(see "Lillianna") - dwarf name for Lillianna.
Elrohir - second son of Elrond who assists in the rescue of Legolas.
Elrond - Son of the mariner Earendil and the elf Elwing. Elrond is a wise and powerful elven Lord who gives advice and council to Lillianna during her escapades.
Fark - Gwin's assistant who kills the steward and takes over the leadership of Minas Tirith. He is Later defeated by Gandalf and the elves.
Galadriel - "Lady of Light", Lady of Lothlorien, wife of Celeborn, and adoptive mother of Lillianna whose wisdom and strength proves many times invaluable in Lillianna's life. She is one of Verdan's dearest friends.
Gil-Galad - Last high king of the Noldor who becomes like a father to Lillianna and is killed at the last alliance.
Glorfindol - Elven Lord who deeply desires Lillianna and assists her on several occassions.
Weapons: Spear, crossbow.
Gwin - human servant and spy of Sauron who infiltrates the royal family of Gondor and attempts to capture Lillianna.
Larthamar - steward of Gondor who is killed by Fark when Lillianna is there.
Legolas - "Green-Leaf", prince of Greenwood - son of King Thranduil - who is the greatest friend, love, and protector of Lillianna. He marries Lillianna after the War of the Ring in the third age and is granted two children.
Weapons: bow and arrow, curved dagger.
Leona(See: "Lillianna") - the name Lillianna uses while under cover in Minas Tirith.
Lillianna Moril - "Dark Radiance", daughter of Verdan and Princess Nimloriel who is a healer and ambassador for the elves. She marries the prince Legolas after the War of the Ring and has two children.
Weapons: Verdan's mithril dirks(whose worth are beyond measure), his bow and arrow, and small throwing knives from the dwarves.
Magilnor - Elf friend to Verdan who is slain at the last alliance. He alerts Gil-galad of Verdan's departure when Nimloriel is captured.
Meldon - son of Thalion, friend to Legolas and Lillianna. He witnesses Legolas' capture and rescue, but is later killed by the witch king.
Melinel - "love song", daughter of Legolas and Lillianna. She is one of the last elven children to be born on Middle Earth and sails away to Valinor with her parents after King Aragorn dies.
Mithrandir(Gandalf) - wise Istari who helps Lillianna retrieve her father's book and helps to drive out Sauron from Greenwood.
Nim - daughter of Thrain I who befriends Lillianna at the Lonely Mountain, teaches her the dwarf language, and dies at the battle of Greenwood.
Nimloriel - "white-gold", elf-princess daughter of Tingon who is both beautiful and strong spirited. She marries Verdan and bears Lillianna. She is captured, tortured, and killed by Sauron in his attempt to destroy Verdan.
Raisilin - elf under Thranduil who is killed when orcs attack and capture Legolas.
Rian - elf handmaiden to Galadriel
Sauron - "The Deceiver", maker of the one ring over all the others. He is the greatest foe to Verdan's line and all of Middle Earth.
Thrain I - dwarf king of the Lonely Mountain who allows Lillianna to live among his people and later pledges allegience with her.
Thranduil - Song of King Oropher and King of Greenwood in the third age. He welcomes Lillianna(daughter of his first cousin Nimloriel) to his kingdom and hopes that she and his son Legolas will fall in love.
Tingalen - "green-sparkle", son of Legolas and Lillianna and twin of Melinel. He and his sister are the last elven children that are born in Middle Earth. He sails away with his family after the death of King Aragorn.
Tyrin - wise, cunning Lord of Gondor who remains undetected by Sauron and helps Lillianna secure her father's book in the catacombs. Afterwards, he is made the Steward of Gondor.
Verdan - half maia son of the maia Ilmare and the Vanyar Elf Gilnole. He is the greatest healer and the kindest, most benevolent elf to walk the earth. He marries the princess Nimloriel and together they have the daughter Lillianna. He leaves Middle Earth out of sorrow after Nimloriel dies.
Weapons: Mithril dirks, bow and arrow.