The #1 Practitioners of Abstinance are...
New Links!
Under the over of darkness we find: The Ninja!
Miller vs. Roker (featuring stick figure karate!)
Awesome Texas punk rock!
Check out!
Christian Guitar Tabs and Chords
The Killer Slinkys
Pray for us all!
Well folks, the Abstinance Pistols are all of at college, save for our amazing master of rhythm, Kyle Koch. You can find us at such places as IUSB, IUPUI, Purdue, and the University of Evansville. If ever you're in any of these areas, come see us or give us a buzz. We do love to hear from our diehard fans! But I'm afraid that's all for now. You may see us someday performing in other bands and being famous. But, until then, we love you and we'd just like to remind you all: You booze, you lose! Goodbye everybody! Oh, one more thing. Just because we're at college doesn't mean we don't want to hear that you love ABSTINANCE! So, hey, why not do the poll, sign the guestbook, or add some thought-provoking new quotes. Above all, enjoy your stay here at Chez Abstinance!
To see some pictures of us, just click the dancing ska dude
To hear all about our various exploits, click Mr. T
To see some cool stuff, click the Batman logo