Abstinance @ Work

Ahhh, good ol' Abstinance. These are just a few shots that we've taken the time to take and download for your viewing pleasure. This, my good friends, is Abstinance @ work!


The dummer and #1 singer of harmonies of the band demonstrates the reactions of all the girls when we take the stage. Brad's basement is where we always practice, and there is a simple reason for it: drums are hard to move. Brad is now attending the University of Evansville where he majors in Theology and Biblical Studies. But college is not keeping Brad from enjoying himself. In his spare time at school, Brad enjoys weightlifting, watching his favorite movies, studying hard, and visiting Travis', Josh's, and Lucas's website, which is the link "Pray for us all" on the main page.


Steve, the bass player, currently the only member of the band over the age of 18. Many a time has his vast knowledge of big words and trivial information been the catalyst in a humorous confrontation between himself and his band-mates. Such is the price of achieving a higher plane of consciousness. He also likes to say "dude." Steve now attends Purdue University, where he spends his time being really freaking smart like always. He has made many friends since he's been there and plays parties in his new band with The Killer Slinky's own JD Stalter.


Sporting none other than wife-beaters, the Abstinance Pistols perform "The Girl Song" at the Northridge High School Variety Show. Craig is in the back on keys next to the concert drummer Keith. Up front from left to right: Steve, Brad, and Joel.

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