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ICCDBB Sermon:

Sermon of the Future

by Dr. Bob Benchoff, PhD, February 22, 2009

Fact: Lord Jesus Christ wants you to do goodly things, such as celebrate festivals for the Lord, with the Lord, such as seasonally, and such as on Sabbaths.

Fact: In celebrating with the Lord the weekly festivals of the Sabbaths comes with the Lord the knowledge from faith, as revealed through the source of love, hence wisdom: the wise outwardly loving understanding that we are to also remember the longsuffering of the Chosen people of Israel of God, including the history of how they struggled 40 years in the desert though God took them through to the Promised Land.

Fact: In celebrating the historic longsuffering comes with the Lord God the wisdom of the trend of the Lord, while dwelling within better enables the ability to distinguish the right direction and even in logic the knowledge of moving in the goodly direction.

Fact: In celebrating the logic of the goodly direction unselfishly with the Lord, comes the reasoning as to why things happened the factual way they did in the past, and so the trend line can be factually drawn through the present continuing into the future.

Because God has granted us to know the future, we can determine the parts most important to God, and hence the parts of future eras, and future time segments most remarkable. That is, we know to rely on God for to celebrate outwardly for others, even that the Lord is welcome to come quickly.

It is better to celebrate, for instance if a soldier goes to protect his [or her] family from invaders, that soldier logically reasonably would not cast his family in front of himself typically, in order that the soldier would hide behind his family, rather the reasonable and loving soldier goes and returns safely victoriously, for that family. The point being, the soldier does not call his family to open battle, rather does call his family to openly celebrate his, and therefore his family's victory.

It is better to celebrate, for instance if an employee goes to earn wages for his [or her] family, the employee doesn't invite the children to the workplace where the children might get killed by machinery, rather the employee invites the children to parties the employer throws, and the employee invites the children to the dinner table, and to the mall, to celebrate together, victoriously.

In the future there is much celebration. It is not for the unaware children nor babies. The celebration is for the aware victors in Christ.

The child receives milk or a child's portion. To the mature victor go the spoils and the greater portions, sufficient to divide among the family members, even suffient extra for storage, savings, and usury [blessed usury rather than unfair, usury fit for kings rather than to wield over those unlearned in financial powers destined / overburdened by laws].

To the responsible kings is first responsibility to the Lord Jesus God, the first true love. To others celebration is also available, though toward measured amounts filtered by those of student growth positions.

Celebration is for the rich in Christ, and similarly for others also.

The future is often more of the same, unless responsible action is made to improve. A bigger barn to store more is not necessarily more responsible nor better, it is often contrary to the trend of God.

If all food shortage problems have not been overcome, then a bigger barn is not likely the solution. To celebrate openly with all would be to give them reason to celebrate.

A worker can till the soil all day, day after day, all their life. But that is not much of a life. Even Moses clearly understood such truths self evident. Apportioned from God to rather celebrate at times. That is the future (for you if you so agree).

The employer can know how to throw a party. The employees often want more parties with more craziness for careless momentary selfish delight. Yet the responsible employer understands the risks. The employees can have parties as great and as often as they want, as long as they show the less risk, more responsible, better victories in so doing. It is a contradiction to many, yet a blessing to the real victor(s).

A party, a celebration, and yet for the glorification of the Lord, the source of the parties. The source of responsible parties, unselfish parties. The grand parties of the future.

In the beginning there were no parties, in the human traditional sense. Now there are parties aplenty. Praise the Lord.

The future, after you reach Heaven, is aparty: a responsible party.

Consider how a lilly grows and blooms. But if it parties alone it is lost to time. If a person comes and dashes it with a bulldozer, the party is over. Yet if a person otherwise comes and responsibly appreaciates it's beauty, and perhaps calls others to come see, then the blessings of that single little flower multiply. The tiny seedling, the tiny bud, have become the fountain of the hit of the party, the festival of flower(s).

A tiny party among friends can bring great pleasure and successes. Yet a large party can help the friends behold wonders of crafts, rides, music, and foods; just imagine if everyone on the planet simultaneously partied, similar to the Moon Landing.

Yet rather than respect parties and space crafts, respect God. Rather than parties of greed, party responsibly, party better, offer parties responsibly as blessings unto others for the greater glory of the Lord Jesus Christ, even as Jesus Christ has done, offering food and drink and responsible higher spirited entertainment even revealing better living. Parties and crafts have values, yet greater is the responsible arragements of flowers and parties and crafts, for God, the source of all these and greater, even the invitation for you to enter the GodHead, the responsible party central.

For you is given to know these things, for others it is reserved, reserved for you to reveal to them responsibly.

To you is given to be the responsible gatekeeper and bouncer for Heaven. Goodly habits yield goodly patterns, yet unselfishly rather seek the one best trend for God. Be responsible to be able to bounce people out, yet rather seek to be better at respectfully drawing people toward God, and in being responsible in the future, after they are drawn, reward them charitably, more than they expect in pay.

More than a celebration is a super celebration, an advanced celebration, and yet rather a celebration for God, and not a lame celebration, though not an irresponsible irrespective celebration.

Is your ability to give music, then if appropriate to the situation so be it. If appropriate to not give your music talent, then you retain your soul.

Is your ability to tally numbers, then so be it, celebrating God. If they call you to party and ask what you can bring (not that they have to ask you first), tell them you can bring a tally of some the more interesting things that you have found about tallying numbers that have interested you and that may fascinate the crowd.

Why look here for the answer, it is your God given talent, set it free! Use it to please others openly yet responsibly, sly as a fox yet rather celebrating for the highest glorifying of the Lord. Even so, you can look here, it is within your current power. Yet be mindful that if they say God is here, or God is there, remember the physician does not typically need the doctor. Come, go forth, reach others for God that your celebrating is blessing those who would increasingly follow God, and rather those who would increasingly be victorious responsibly with God, leading and yielding responsible celebrating.

Devotion to celebrating diminishes and loses meaning, rather know faithful responsibility and in the world your faithful and logically reasonable self evident responsibilities. With God, thereafter in the future then first comes the preparations to receive victories, then afterward in the future comes the victory parties: for God, first the accomplishments then for God the parties for God.

The future is party after party, with victories in between. Each party accomplished is a victory, if for God.


The above Future Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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