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Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff 1/20/2003.

Spirits dwell among us. We live in a world easy for our senses to understand. Spirits exist in a realm of uneasiness and anxiety from an earthly point of view. Spirits abide in a flux of energy.

The Holy Ghost is complete, while spirits that are not one with the Holy Ghost are incomplete...searching, yearning, in need, in want, perhaps in temptation of greed, perhaps in the house of chaos. Wanting, seeking, wandering spirits are amidst the firmament and beyond...some on the right track, some lost.

Spirits are restless, compared to our world, although for practical purposes (referring to those that can be saved), we are in each other's world.

If you see someone that is lost, you can help direct them on the right path (to Jesus Christ). Likewise if a spirit is lost you can offer similar direction.

You normally don't see electricity, but you use it. Likewise, you may not see spirits, but you can find good help with the Holy Spirit.

This may or may not bring instantaneous success in your opinion. Likewise some people are born again and/or healed with dramatic, miraculous, and instantaneous impact on their lives; while other people have a gradual transition.

You can clean a house in one day, or you can clean a house one room at a time over many days. Your personal wants and needs influence your methodology.

Likewise a person can dream and have strange imaginings...these are all similar (Reference: Logic of Emotions).

Ghosts, dreams, visions, and spirits are very similar to each other. They for the most part are the same with generally three variations due to: A. deviance from oneness with God, B. the person's methodology, and C. due to your perspective. Note the similarity of the word perspective with the word specter, having similar word root sense.

Faith, hope, and the physical manifestation of love which is charity which is Jesus Christ; these all agree.

Consider how as recorded in the Bible Book of John Chapter 20 verse 17 Jesus Christ rose from death and while rising dwelt on earth among people, and said not to touch him then because he needed to rise farther, to heaven.

Ectoplasm, haunted castle investigations, Kirlian photography, and similar each have value, yet the greater value is as stated above, with and through the holiness of Jesus Christ. Because your reaching of heaven and your dwelling in heaven is important to Jesus Christ.

For example, a person on vacation can decide to ride a horse through a beautiful desert in bloom. But if the rider can't get the horse to drink water before riding into the desert, the senic journey may become nightmarish. The horse might not even survive.

Don't act as a dumb animal. Wake up to heaven and investigate everything in relation to heaven. Lean on Christ mentally, to constantly think of righteous priorities: 1. Christ, 2. Other people, 3. Yourself.

Consider the laying-on-of-hands done by many churches. Sometimes ritualistic, and sometimes spontaneously as when someone mentions a problem and then they are surrounded by those of faith gently laying their hands on them while praying for them.

If a person can interact with a ghost in a haunted house, how much greater is it to interact with God's Holy Spirit? Instead of being afraid, have joy.

You can walk through the valley of the shadow of death and fear no evil. You can choose to dwell in heaven.

Ghosts can get where they don't belong (so don't give them the opportunity to goof-up your life). Jesus Christ commanded them to leave the people and they did.

Ghosts that are lost are chaotic according to their choosing, and when they enter an innocent person (unsuspectingly dim due to lack of focus on God) they embarrass that person and themselves in the end because they choose chaos.

Have you noticed that with schitzophrenia the innocent often (or always) has personality qualities from normal to antagonistic. Dementia of this type can include multiple personas or in severe cases multiple personalities.

If you possess an unfruitful antagonistic embarrassing personality or specter, cut it off, leave the dead to bury the dead. Seek heaven. Preach God's Holy Word, and infuse holiness in your being, set a good example. If they seek recognition, recognize them by the Holy Word; and if they seek destruction, destroy them by the Holy Word if they will not repent; and let God's Holy Word administer swift and permanent vengence justly.

If proper, cast them out by the Holy Word. If proper (if they choose in agreement with you) put them to work for you by the Holy Word: not by pact of agreement, but only via your authority given you through Jesus Christ the supreme authority. Put them to work properly, let their work be the study of the Holy Word and do not cast them out of your churches or synagogs. Yet be certain to not let their strange ways subvert you from the Word. And do not let them selfishly partake of sacraments for their own glory. If they are to convert, first reprove them.

God created ghosts (for your joy in Christ), so ghosts with their ghostly energies understand the Word of God. Even rocks would cry out for the Christ.

God has the right perspective (understanding of specters in his creation), all else is loss, except when used to glorify God through Jesus Christ (according to sin Christ bears for us). Click here for a related perspective of God discussion including equipment and mind reading.

My Mother was with Dad when he passed away and she said she saw something such as a vapor rise from his body and go out the window.

I asked if the window was open or closed, but she said she didn't know. Having been in the hospital otherwise, I suspected the window was closed.

Stories from other people tell of ghosts suddenly appearing, and of ghosts moving through walls. Many stories tell of objects mysteriously moving, as if randomly.

Useful studies put to practical applications must continue, such as for Transporters and Digital Human Copies Technical Guide. How to Transport Humans Instantly Using Transporters. and applicable collective reasoning.

In this link's case, if our soul (ghost and spirit and essence of being) are vapor particles of matter, then practical application must address the situation, such as addressing handling options (such as cryonics), alternate containment options, and compaction limitations; but on the other hand if we can control ghosts, or if ghosts are energy that we can control by signal, then we can expect relatively easy system success.

Nonetheless, logically, as the previous link's site indicates, it is reasonable to conclude that the essence of life is about energy. Such God given energy is within human detectability and control. With a human's energy being within their body (see also Soul for beyond the body and pertinent control), then being of the body we can make machines to detect and control such energies. We already have such machines, unless revealed through actual construction and usage that further investigation is needed, that is if someone is reanimated and found lacking, more needs to be done to make the machine reasonably safe (just as airplanes do not just drop from the sky, but airplanes also have safety concerns).

One important concern regarding ghost detection and control is being sure to detect all pertinent energies (and if applicable, matters). Infinite concerns are important, yet with people, being of the body, it is logical to believe non-infinite pertinence applies and life within a body is therefore detectable and controllable. And life outside the body might not be so detected and controlled.

Therefore logically such a device would not control God except via the will of God.

If a person's soul energy extended beyond the body it would vest in Christ. Through Christ perhaps it would vest in helping other people, so logically if any such soul in part and/or in whole (let us refer to same as soul fringe) exists (I have faith it does), it would have Christ's protection.

Logically if the soul fringe would return to their person, they would according to Christ, and/or they would move to the person's life energy (signal and/or otherwise) rather than to discarded matter that once was part of the person's body.

So we find that a person is greater than the sum of their parts and we find that a person can be greater than the sum of a whole person. In other words it seems a ghost can change and grow in Christ similarly to how a body can change and grow physically, and so the body becomes physically more than the sum of the body a moment previous.

Such growth logic can be applied to collective reasoning in many ways, especially as Christ interacts with ghosts' signals and/or controlled ghosts' signals. Remember God is not a god of confusion (although choice is given). So when we give ourselves including our ghosts logically, we have hope in God.

Ghosts logically exist, as with the appearance of angels in the Bible, as found through so-called pure science mathematical indicators as link referenced herein, and via the mathematical process of elimination.

I do not personally know of any ghosts out of place, such as haunting houses, although I believe it is possible for many reasons. Some spirits do not seem to achieve proper perspective, and generally that's likely why they dwell in houses, haunting, until they understand to do something else, hopefully something better.

Discerning of spirits is a value to be sought, yet as with learning to ride a bicycle, there may likely be a huge price to pay; nonetheless, bike riders will tell you it's worth it.

Gifts of the Spirit include discerning of spirits, that is, telling spirits apart, particularly with respect to good and bad.

Reverend Ernest Angley explained his discerning of spirits and the horrible scary burden of seeing not only lovely angels, but also threatening monstrous entities, about which Reverend Angley explained the importance of fearing and serving only Christ, wholely, and purely.

So to put ghosts to work for you, rely only on the perfect Ghost of God. Let God work in your life.

So what governs ghosts? Your will if you let Jesus Christ work in your life: your soul together with the Holy Spirit cannot be defeated in your giving of Christ's Word charitably. And so as the Bible teaches us, you can rise above angels.


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