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ICCDBB Sermon:

Highest Decision Making Initiation Sermon

Memorial Day Weekend, May 24, 2009

Motivation has always been there for us, for all, for God. Yet at the point of creation things changed from keeping together gathered in perfection united in purpose and cause, of one mind, spirit, and soul, always in perfect agreement faithfully, and in the beginning of the Bible is largely the analogy to deep water.

The beginning of the ongoing rising living Bible, the highest book, is the perfect amount prior to creation, before the water analogy.

The time prior to creation in our relative sense perspective, or in the situation is according to the wisdom, as recorded in the Highest Book, the book of dynamics, growth, guidance, highest matters, motivational force, guidance, and much more. Prior to creation is as being under deep water at ease, and then thinking of the best thing to do similar to flicking a finger upward [the Big Bang], and as all of Us [Christians] simultaneously flick upward, so together as much as individually willing [less because of being out of breathe, rather because of wisdom] all move upward in the created plan toward the air.

Moving upward, some have the talent of making use of eddy currents similar to how geese fly in formation. Some use their talent of helping others upward. Some use other talents. Symbolic of these talents in agreement are their representative symbols: the Big Bang had representative stars, planets, and other and each had it's glory, it's spiritual representation of proper talent.

None were omitted, none forgotten. All together were the full of the Universe, representing the fulness of the glory of the total sum of the perfectly perfecting Plan of Us, God, and the proper glorification thereof.

The creating is not that highest glory, though at the time it was as high as it ever was, save previous Bangs similar to the Big Bang, evidently (see previous ICCDBB Sermons and pertinent linked info). The creating of our relativity, the creating of our relative universe, was a higher glory, as the great I AM, the great Us, moved from glory to higher glory. The creating was part of that highest glory yet to come, even perfected in Jesus Christ, yet also to come moreso.

There was high (highest at the time or situation) glory of creation, higher glory of created perfection (reference Eden, for instance), and there was higher glory 2009 years ago when the Lord of US Law appeared, and there will be higher glory when each and all talents agree with each other with individual missions complete, with individual concerns overcome, and with all focus newly on the greater glory preparation for the great marriage together; and from that glory to the higher glory of the receipt of custom of the return of the Lord Jesus from the Heavenly realm mission even on Earth and from where the Will of the Highest would so move Him in agreement, similar to how a USA frontiersman such as Daniel Boone would go forth months at a time and then return with trappings, reason for celebration.

Absolutely if Earth is perfected from sin again, that is to mean in relative terms per se, if Earth is protected from sin and protected against sin from arising again within this present Universal Plan of God, then it is relatively safe, and rather it is GodMath proper that Jesus Christ return Home to receive his Chosen People in all glory.

All the talents of all the people, each and everyone important and of key importance, and each of great importance, Will serve as Home to the Highest Glory, the End Time Glorifying of Jesus Christ Our Lord.

Highest Creating is not stuck in neutral, Highest Glorifying for others and rather for Jesus Christ is an entire Universal Living System, the Highest System For Improving Life The Best Way.

Some people focus on the self, and that is alright if they not only think it through beyond the self, yet if they don't inappropriately repeat such thoughts. Some people fear traffic so are afraid to go to church, some fear lack of oxygen so are afraid to think about outer space, some fear global security in terms of mind control, so are afraid to think.

To think about the self is not evil, though it can become an unnecessary burden (see similar GodMath discussion on money). There is a time for every purpose under Heaven. There are times to think about the self righteously.

There is a time to think about the self to do internal checks, such as if you fall from a gust of wind. Then it is typically appropriate to check the self and situation for perhaps a time of a second, and then to get up again. But if you fall while a car is dangerously approaching it is typically important to get out of the way at emergency speed, and check for broken bones later. In other words, it is alright to love the self for a second, now or later, as appropriate. More love than appropriate can endanger the love you have amassed over the years toward personal longsuffering [as if] for nothing (reference GodMath internal checks each time you wake-up).

So there are ways to think and rise, and there are ways to love and rise, yet to love is as high or higher than to think, since thinking internally is limited to the self typically, while love typically involves greater God, other people, or at least typically more than the self. The higher and highest exception is perfection perfecting (see previous ICCDBB Sermons).

So where is thinking stored, relative to where love is stored: thinking is tied more toward things seen, whereas love the unseen. It is true we can love other people, yet rather first love Jesus Christ.

We do not love objects, it is among the highest of sins, it is toward thoughts disjoint from love. We can love people, so can love accordingly and such can include the God of Nature, the objects of the home a tiny amount, and even the self body a minuscule amount as long as appropriate (note: this does not say love nature the most, nor love nature more than the family nor more than the house of the family).

Therefore friend, thinking does not please God, unless thinking is tied to love. Love is the higher standard, highest with the Lord.

There is exception in thinking pleasing God, as God is merciful, thankfully. We can think a little, even to test God, whether the spirit be of good or evil, though that is the quick completion of that thinking. The completed thought is sufficient. To repeat that thought is toward quick problem making and so toward quick ending of mercy extension.

Creation does have limits. Thinking does grow with love, hardly without. Thoughts can be stored in brain codes, the ways computers can be stored on shelves.

Love grows and blossoms. Love rises. Love is great, caring, and toward helpfulness, yet thinking helps helpfulness. Wisdom enables proper helpfulness, while love alone might try to help a but the recipient might not be able to process the help most effectually, so with the love is the proper amount of thinking appropriately.

Therefore love, yet add thinking to the extent appropriate, and that extent needs be toward the minimum amount necessary to get the helping job accomplished properly.

For food, a little seasoning is added. For love, a little logic is added.

There was the highest love code, then a little relativity was added. With perfect love came the outward need to not be selfish inwardly, rather to have love, hence unselfishly. So [if (love also agrees with the options of causing mercy and grace)] to have love, then to be outward of love, times love (see previous ICCDBB Sermons and GodMath on speed of light times speed of light), with love. With thinking it is to give charitably, to give love. It is to reasonably think to give love.

Love does not fail, so attach thinking to love. Attach only as much as necessary lest as if love is spoiled and fails, though since love does not fail, then relatively love goes somewhere not failing. So a person can lose even what they seemed to have. A person can rise or fall in some loving-popularity-polls. It is not because love failed, but typically because of the person, and rather the higher purpose.

To give love outwardly is to waste if to give to nothing, therefore necessary was the creation of the Holy Witness, Comforter, Counselor, the Created Holy Heaven With Living Life Entity, And Entities. This creating enabled God to give love outwardly to such entities, and not to give love out to nothing, in order that love not be spent wastefully for no purpose nor cause.

How to quantify thoughts, and love:

To collect electricity into the smallest [chemistry similar mole type] useful quantity is such as to have an electric socket available, or a battery available. Similarly to per se have a "mole" of thought or thinking, is as to have a formula, or thinking. Quantification of a thought is typically as to have an equation.

Yet to have formulae (reference GodMath discussion) in the brain is to have not simply each equation, with equation after equation. Then it would only be as a series of trivia questions, disjoint from each other. Rather the equations via love can be properly organized to handle the equations toward one comprehensive organizational body and properly administratively organizing equation.

So a thought can be measured in it's building block as being an equation [an idea typically being a myriad of equations and feelings], and the smallest equation [such as A=B] being the smallest [non-feeling] thought (reference GodMath discussion).

Yet rather for useful purposes, love can be introduced to charitably earn a higher yield, or the highest possible yield. The highest measurement of yield per given is understood as being in vertical linear application traceability, yet traceable properly and best (reference PCS). In other words the best quantification of useful highest yield of thought is minimum or "mole" per se thought, among love.

A thought surrounded by charitable love is the highest thought. And that thought therefore so surrounded by such, automatically in perfection becomes thinking; moving from thought to thinking, from perfection to perfecting; from measuring thought to measuring Wisdom.

To measure thought at the highest speed of light times the highest speed of light is as to measure one "mole" per se of Wisdom.

So in application, how might this be used?, and that can be answered as being available within application within each human, especially in the mind [not leaving the foot nor hand undone, lovingly], yet rather in the mind of Jesus Christ, made clear in the Bible, also as the Bible is of love, and Wisdom, though the Wisdom is mostly love and virtually of the minimal amount appropriate in thought(s).

The initiation of love to thought yields wisdom, the beginning of faith. In other words, a person can love an object wrongly, yet rather can love appropriately, and that appropriate amount is with truth, yet is mostly love, in order to make the most of that truth thought: to think wisely, lovingly: to build on that truth, rather than to waste efforts.

Truth sets free, logic sets free, logic tears apart, faith properly does best to build together lovingly that none nor nothing be lost along the Way. Even the logical equation separates or at least distinguishes one side of the equation from the other. It's known as relativity.

Truth cuts asunder as a sword, truth destroys ties, yet properly used has value. Proper usage through Christ is with love, hence wisely.

Look at the money of the [currently stark] stock market: one day it is up, another day down. It is surrounded by smart people but it lists and falls when not properly tied to love.

A person can count, 1, 2, 3. An accountant can count, 1, 2, 3. Where is much gain?, rather a quantity can better and best be quantified, if done so better or the Best Way. The Way of Best Love.

Shall we run to the money traders then with finding-out?, no, we shall not run for selfish cause, save the minimum amount necessary, or a little more mercifully for others, outwardly, lovingly.

To give an answer accountably is to first warn for safety, and responsibly of dangers and threats, along with potential risks, and time matters, and so forth as appropriate. To give a loaded pistol to an infant is not appropriate.

Now aware of these things sufficiently, is the further lovingly unraveling further of the mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

A person has a need, so logically in truth seeks an application solution, so needs first quantify not only truth, yet also and more importantly first rather quantify love, if to best solve. Love is as a grain of mustard seed, very small though able to grow into a great and high bush. Truth knowledge puffs-up and is lost, lest properly associated intrinsically with much love appropriately. Also it needs be specific to the situation, the problem you are trying to solve.

Starting on highest love, there was the creation as stated above, the sum being greater than the sum of it's parts, rising from glory to higher glory. So of this smallest motif (the Big Bang) the pattern specific to your situation can be formulated.

The initiation of the Witness of God, the initiation of the Creation to be with agreement with God save to be lovingly observing independently for fairness as an independent party, is the smallest "mole" per se, of love.

It is the beginning of love in the Relative sense, no longer only in the GodMath sense, therefore with both in agreement [faithful truth logic in equation], then also in the Absolute sense including both GodMath and Relativity at that point. And so with the two together as under equation law as being in one agreement in love and fact of truth faithfully, then the 2 also being of one Absolutely, then 3 in 1, the 2 being greater than their sum: 2.

So now we are aware of the Relative being greater than the Relative alone (reference previous ICCDBB Sermons on proof of the existence of God) not only God yet also in the doings of good [when] in agreement, being not only the person God Jesus Christ, yet also the logic with the sum being greater than the sum of it's parts when formed appropriately, wisely, and best.

For a sentence to wisely understand, let us momentarily consider the old saying that a car is more than the sum of it's parts, but if the car doesn't work, it may be a bad investment and less than the sum of it's parts, therefore the best solution is traceable not only back to the parts' manufacturers, yet also forward to the best solution: best love, optimizing via dynamic PCS.

This interpretation of the Biblical truth is greater than the love alone, or the truth alone. Your talent may have important facets more appropriate to your cares, such as more specific to your talents, so should also be told by you appropriately [such as most likely per PCS Format for many Biblical reasons, yet with room for mercy].

Yet similar to how Genesis was written, so too, there are certain truths that are self evident currently, though dynamically [virtually] will be challenged in the future, just as the minor creation or evolution was improperly challenged. There is one way. The court of law and logic yielded: faith poverty. The churches with faithful love though without sufficient mercy [nor highest reasoning in Wisdom (hindsight is relatively easy)] yielded: truth poverty.

To elucidate is that love is needed, and to that add a thought, then wise thinking.

Instead of a court settlement, it is a series of truths functioning together according to priority comprehensively. Instead of faith in love alone, is the wisdom of truthful agreement unselfishly. Consider that God loves not only Christians, yet also sinners. God loves also truthful people, including people as if devoid of love [on the surface] yet those people have talents, God given talents, talents that some Christians might not possess, yet in mercy God allows Christians in love to follow Christ to learn to lead and conquer and overcome such talent lack and devoid of love areas, to be greater than the sum.

If there is love and sin is added or encountered, it dosen't necessarily mean loss, rather the sin can be overcome, not that we should sin to be greater, rather that we properly give in truth and fact, and give love.

So your particular solution is tied to charity. Your innovation, invention, or design solving is tied directly to some form or talent of charity available to you for the glorifying of Jesus Christ through Jesus Christ rather than through yourself, not through yourself, save One Mercy or save the ongoing Divine Intervention often unseen.

From Love, then from the start of creation into truth logic, from that love in agreement with that logic having the tiniest equation, we can build the love, then as appropriate we can add a little truth as needed. The truth verifies our love progress, Loving Progress, the Way, the Way of Jesus Christ God.

Let's abbreviate to show this wisely, L for Love, E for equation or truth or logic: Series #1. L, (Big Bang), LE, LLE, LLLE, LLLLE, LLLLLE, and so forth. The pattern may shift, though you likely get the idea. The pattern could be similar such as Series #2. L, (Big Bang), LE, LE, LE.... In either case, the pattern is at least as much love as equation, truth, or logic. Love keeps us on the right track, on the proper course. An equation without love is as a rock without a plan, without much functional usefullness, without much appreciation by others, without their loving appreciation of the beauty aspect. It doesn't make the rock bad, nor sinful; and it hardly makes the rock worthy more than it was, nor more worthy than other rocks relatively, and it makes it even less worthy than certain other lovingly appreciated rocks (such as a diamond associated with a special loving meaning).

So even without sin, devaluation of the mind, the progress, the dollar, the energy, and so on can occur. Love needs be present.

Your solution depends on love.

Above are shown 2 Series of L and E. The 2 Series as you saw are currently of your mind. These are love codes, love codification. These are both in your mind presently, intermittent in series, yet one is distinguished as being higher than the other. You have one mind, yet part is distinguished and higher, in prioritized guidance over the remaining balance of your mind as a whole. One part leads, and you can lead with Jesus Christ the Leader in perfect agreement.

You can utilize the leadership code with measured control. You can measure the faith code, the love code, and love. You can measure love itself, the entity love, the counterbalance to gravity, the outpouring rather than the [counted as if selfish, greed] grabbing entity. You can measure gravity, and now know how to in counterbalance measure love, and these agree.

Love is from above, from where the Lord Jesus Christ originated, Heavenly. The Heavens are over, above, and beyond; with the energy as counted in the past by equation physicists, as if beyond the control of bodies (and hells): black holes that can stretch and rip away a body from itself, even to grab and squeeze away blood and tear muscle from bone and from vapor of life; yet Highest Heaven is greater, even able from calm, including potential black holes before the black holes were born, before the black holes were babies, in the calm Love instead overcame all the black holes combined, and Highest Heaven initiated creation, and initiated black holes and low matters, yet distinguished love from hard life, Highest Heaven started black holes, and the power of their death, gravity, and Highest Heaven has of Plan numbered each hair of your head, and accounts credibly, and has measured the amounts of sins [as if powers of gravity points] symbolically, and yet less toward symbolism is the reality of Highest Heaven.

Victory in Christ is with following, yet rather leading together of one higher, one Highest Mind, the Highest Married Conqueror, also able to break the power of any black hole, able to break the hold of any black hole, able to see through transparently perfectly, face to face, because all things seen and unseen work perfectly according to the perfect Plan Of God. All works perfectly together, though many refuse to see. See the unseen.

There are many Heavens in Heaven, our Father's Home in Christ has many mansions. There are many hells, yet when preaching consider how they hear, be kind to imagine it sufficient for now to only speak of a Heaven and a Hell. After all, a body only knows how to equate to a single death and hell; unless the person already knows of more heavenly matters, such as the body of Christ living beyond death, and such as not being harmed by the second death. If they have some talents with pertinent awareness of certain matters accordingly, teach accordingly, add a little salt to your preaching. Add a little higher energy of love.

Chart #1 of GodMath showed how you can now leap, and also showed the body minimum evolving [lest dying]. To measure points along the way is to measure much love and many leaps of love from point to higher point until Jesus Christ, then highest point to new highest [most quickly off-the-chart since the chart was tied to symbolically linear time perspective]. The chart showed relative love at three points, at Creation, at Jesus Christ, and at End Time.

As discussed in previous ICCDBB Sermons, 3 points are often used to standardize a curve. Sometimes more points are needed, sometimes fewer, yet it was sufficient to so standardize love, such as for measuring purposes.

A typical bathroom scale can weigh and so can measure relative gravity of a person (some scales similarly use counter-weights to measure absolute mass). Typically, a person selfish for food, fat, measures more gravity, more of a particular hell, more of an aspect contrary to skinny, able to leave food for others to eat. The scale is an indicator of the amount of love.

Save Holy awareness, a sensor can measure something and not necessarily something else. So too, a bathroom scale can indicate something, though not necessarily all forms of love: in plain language it doesn't measure every type of love from every one of the heavens.

The key to measuring, therefore to understanding of the codification, is the End Time to come, the life of Jesus Christ that already was [and even so, is also yet to come more gloriously].

The book of John Chapter 11 verse 24 showed the End Time has already come and passed us by, save of Christ and we can remember the longsuffering of that Highest Joy every Sabbath (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the Alpha and Omega).

Yet watch this point, that the Father and the Son agree with each other as one [in Witness, go and do likewise for them]. Except in the book of John Chapter 11 verse 40 Jesus Christ, the resurrection, offers a mystery, with usage of the word "not" to describe what he had said beforehand, to distinguish the Witness (Martha and others). So the Highest Heaven Source Of Love King Lord Jesus Christ placed himself at the lower seat position lovingly, that witness be properly so authorized to witness, and Christ even enabled the saying of no or "not" so. Christ enabled the equation, the jury and trial, the logic, even knowing faithfully that love is higher, even highest, save God.

So Jesus Christ showed He not only could write the code, yet also that He could read the code, even the code written by others (Note: the ease of reading with prioritizing to clarify, and comprehension comes with the reader, and also according to the divers writing skills within the talent per se of His Highest Codification).

The Highest Heaven is not just about heavens, as if distant places, the Highest Heaven is also for your sake(s) of your conquering in Jesus Christ over conquered hells.

What gravity can have hold on you?, yet for your sake there is gravity for you to conquer. Consider how you measure gravity. Rather than some seen mechanical sensor you measure according to what you don't see. You measure the largest amounts of gravity in the unseen realm, the more heavenly realm.

A black hole did not suck-you-in, yet you know black holes suck-in stars and even galaxies. Black holes use gravity to suck-you-in (see recent ICCDBB Sermon on political matters), it is a measurable fact of logic and equations. You witness such things. But you did not see any such thing in person. You are your greatest sensor, at the evolutionary level. Higher is your greater sensor ability, the other people, the other sensors. All people (or Jesus Christ) [including Chosen Christians] together are your best sensor. Through them you know how to devour distant galaxies.

A black hole can even eat another black hole. Can you imagine that?!, you now know how to make hells eat themselves, at least unto the last which would eat it's own arm. Then it would crave and there would be nothing left to eat, save a new creation, a new big bang, yet what did you learn along the Way?, nothing?, perish the thought. Rather you learned much, even how to measure love.

You learned how to measure the unseen, even in some of the most high of places, even heavenly matters. You learned how to distinguish a heaven, from another heaven. You learned how to distinguish things above the firmament, beyond the reach of many humans currently. They can't begin to fathom it, unless you properly enlighten them. They are lost. Yet they serve your leadership, they are your best sensor, that is, the Lord is best, and the second is similar to the first. These are the top new laws of physics.

They want the truth. They can handle the truth, if you present it to them properly for the greater glory of the Lord, and for their sakes.

When they talk accountability, you can speak of credibility, when they talk credibility, you talk highest honor, when they talk giving of lives, you talk leaps of faith, and so forth, leading, guiding them, nurturing them, helping them along the Way of God for God; and leave not undone the placing of them over yourself from time to time when appropriate, that they properly witness of your works and equate of your doings as to whether they be on their behalf or not.

Let them know your works openly, yet preserve a little measure of sanctity unto yourself lest all your work be inappropriately undone against the highest purpose. First give love, leaping higher, and yet reserve the remaining balance. Hardly scrap for crumbs save to clean, yet rather if they leave none for you rely on the Lord.

Wait on the Lord and learn. Yet with the Holy Word learned of love, move, do, act now, leap in love sending forth love, yet wait for the decision of the court(s), wait for them to gain your logic: for if not your learning then theirs, if not theirs, then yours, yet rather together.

The Heavens are the larger realm, the greater realm, in prioritization, the realm that both encompasses the centers of gravity points, and the realm that is within You, a gravity point: the substance of the Heavens. You are a constitutent of the Heavens, you are a heaven, a blessing unto others particularly when outwardly loving, showing your heaven exists: Your Heaven. Your own little world, rather one of the world's heavens, available now as much as reasonable.

One code, one law, one duty, one freedom: yet just as words and codes are composed of symbols, so too, the heavens await.

Love can be measured, allocated, and specified. Budget your love wisely. Love is not to be taken away unfairly, yet not to be hoarded by yourself. Love taken by robbery is become no longer love, it is then selfish gravity, a black hole or lesser body from which respect and honor flee, even love might wait for equation, yet rather let not the sinner lead, and rather lead according to the highest purpose.

You have learned of heavens and to love, yet learn to distinguish realms of glories. Let love be comprehensive, yet measure and count at times also to the point, the point of highest leadership. In so doing, learn to pull others out of their black holes.

Since love and charity are outpouring, the equating witnesses are of relative hellish gravity as if to tear you apart. Let not your waters be troubled by such things, save for their sakes. If people trouble the water, accordingly preach. Measure, and if you find an aspect of nature troubling your waters, so address for correction. If correction, thank God, if no correction, also thank God, comprehensively. Yet thank for the unseen higher and highest into which you are brought of loving faith. Measure your corrections and measure your lacks thereof, for your is the kingdom of your heaven: ensure it agrees with the Highest Heaven.

Love is tied to the logic equation. Leap above, yet not irresponsibly toward others, as if to leave them undone, yet if they will not, let your witness(es) and your love agree, then create a new better leaping. If you could leap in faith previously, how much more with Your Heaven on your side, even so, respect God.

It's not all about leaping in faith, though such is among the highest of priorities. Living is also of the equation under logic and law(s). Consider how in Luke 7.42 & 43 the sword of the word divided the people. Their witnessing did not agree together.

What can you do about it?, people have different opinions, yet there is much that can be done, even now, such a proper planning.

It is not meet to make people always agree with each other, for instance some might say let's be bad, but that does not mean agree with them. PCS Planning optimizes, and in such, be wise to understand it is given to Plan according to GodMath and similar. If they do not agree with each other on a point of love / equation, then to in missionary fashion place your heaven at the lower seat, and lower until the point reached is a point of agreement; from there is wisdom gleaned as to reckon which faction of people splintered away from love as you serve as witness unto their choice at that point. You measure and therefore so prove the equation in logic they understand, and they therefore needs be agree or dispute themselves and God.

Even the less faithful have points of beliefs: starting points to create according to Your Proper Heaven For Agreement mercifully in language they comprehend, while issuing to them prioritization lovingly.

So if contention is measured, consider going back, in missionary fashion a measured amount, toward solving. If agreement is measured, then a higher leap of faith is in equation agreed and justified accordingly. Keep a record of your leaps, and measure your success [or other] record / rate. Research science as never before, research God.

Concerning a leap of faith, a leap of love, or leaps, or leaping (LE Series #1 above relative to Series #2); these are tied to the relative equation less often, less frequently. Though without the logical equation witnessing part(s) along the way, (counted as if) half of the minimal guidance system is missing. To leap in love or faith, is often (counted as if) disastrous with effects felt through generations, such as perhaps to be a teen and jumping into relationship with the first peer person expressing personal interest: it can be a marriage according to superfluous feelings not yet formed properly into logical relative witness equations (reference previous ICCDBB Sermons): half truths: a leap of faith into the appearance of love, rather than the deeper loving committment. A teen may be experiencing internal chemical changes which often tend to influence illogically.

Rather God and logic agree Faith, love, and logic agree, or as much as reasonable such as often found with proper guidance counseling (reference PCS), when highest long range cutting edge innovative [or inventive] planning is involved.

There are various ways to measure, according to your talents for interest in those about you, concerning the talents of others, and concerning a world of natural pluses and minuses, exponents and absolutes, sets and variables within parameters, and so on.

Here are 5 important aspects of perfection in the Bible:

1. Us prior to creation, God prior to creation.

2. Us, creation [including nature], and humans [prior to the fall].

3. God after the fall of humans, yet visiting at times.

4. The life of Jesus Christ as a typical human [under governmental laws] [also later at times].

5. The glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When each person [each survivor, conqueror of sins, conqueror of talents over tools formerly known as sin though not used as previously toward sins] and all are [are securely shielded and powerful, yet] no longer offensive, then their reward together mutually is to see the pleasant return of the Lord for the Lord to receive the highest glory the Lord deserves.

Even sinners have great talents, though walk not after their ways, and be wary of such input. To be wary properly, weigh and measure. If to weight and measure to many errors, if necessary no longer waste your time there. If there is value, even from a sinner (there are many sinners), then utilize that provided you.

For instance a sexual pervert may ask you how far you are willing to go. Instead for the sinful purpose, the freely (toward love minus the sinful part) provided information can be used to solve other measuring needs or concerns. Logically it can apply to any addiction, to work, to play, to cleaning, and so on. The free info can help you assess that person's faith needs, their love concerns, their body chemical processes, their self control [or lack], and other.

Also for instance going on a church camp retreat to the woodlands is typically more than a full time job, it is around the clock intensive concentration on the subject matter. While a church retreat is typically a goodly thing, it is important to be aware in the case of this Sermon topic, that a "retreat" is also a logic term, such as used in the game chess.

Christian church, whether involving a building, a body, or other, is also often tied to logic. Even most of the time!

Imagine that, a church being about logic most of the time; it's true. Yet being about logic is not a bad thing, that is, not all of the time (reference the GodMath Testament for the full explanation, also reference previous ICCDBB Sermons).

Churches claim they are about faith, yet rather for the sake of the Lord let the truth be known, that none raise their head above the Lord, save as the Lord directs.

Churches are excellent in matters of faith. So what is learned?, much equating is done comprehensively, yet little faith leads much.


The above Highest Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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