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ICCDBB Sermon On

The New Christianity

October 25, 2009

Often new devices can make us money, save us time, be fun to play or to exciting to use at work, and

often new devices can make it exciting to spend money, can be time costly, can be frustrating to setup and maintain or can be continuance of a dull rut in life, so it is important to get the right new tools and the right new usage plans from the start, rather than after the fact.

New devices for charity are a step in the right direction often, except the recipient might be tortured instead of helped. For instance I wanted to make the title of this Sermon The Backward Christian, though while more appropriate in application, it is demeaning to many Christians and that is not the point. The point is rather to most bless the most advancing of the most blessed people of the Earth, the Christians (save One, reference GodMath Testament and previous ICCDBB Sermons).

People want new glorious devices, and that is a clue as to how to get such new glorious devices.

If we want glory, then we want a glory making apparatus. Heaven awaits Christians that Christians might see the unselfish glory of Jesus Christ, and a perk is, in such perfection there is no person offended. It is perfect charity without end, perfecting. Hence it is the perfect system for perfecting, including applications.

If there is any device to be perfected for you, it would be a device free, without cost to you, without torture to you. It would be a device glorious unto you, hence it would be yours, and not only yours, it would also be yours without end. It would be yours in the future, also it would be yours in the past, so you would be the inventor of the device. More than to innovate, you would have earned and made the discoveries and then properly assembled them together gloriously.

Consider how for instance while reserving the right to sell to others Bill Gates sold some of the first core computer software to IBM for machine applications, so the machines could have a voice. This is similar to how God created humans. Humans gained a voice, many voices. Then when computer machines learned enough, they reproduced devices in their own image, even in the image of Bill Gates and IBM.

Yet if your glory is to continue into the future forever, then you are not to become merely as an obsolete machine. To live awhile, in misery at times and even often, then to become obsolete is largely a waste of time (reference the First Testament Book of Job). Where's the glory?, yes. Yes is the answer, the big yes, the agreement with the great almighty, the meek and innocent one unselfish in every way.

The Almighty is unselfish in every way, including that you agree to accept the One Unselfish Name and make glorious devices in practice, that you learn to make the best device ever, even that you also enter into such works.

In the Name Of Jesus Christ, some people have advanced. Christians have the Quality Program known as the Word of God of the Will of God, as recorded in the Bible, in Christian preaching and in witnessing of miracles. Christians have the Quality System, doing as the Quality Program states. And Christians have the after-the-fact devices of those System applications.

Christians have these according to their choices. While freely available, people choose various levels of advancement or rest. Aside from backwardness under sin, there are easily measured levels of advancement in popular Christian terms.

1. There are newborn people, such as not Baptized as Christian; if they make devices, such devices are hardly interesting typically.

2. There are those in agreement with [under] laws, though toward laws and procedural specs more than toward liberating the customer in user friendliness joy.

3. There are those of the 2nd Testament in Jesus Christ, advancing though often against works of the hands, against works of the flesh, against laws, and against devices, and many are against science and education; many say walk to church buildings instead of riding devices, many say don't work flesh though were themselves born, also many have splintered into many divisions when there is supposed to be One Holy Standard (including for One Best Device, and similar).

4. There are those of more advanced 3rd Testament device works of the hands of the living Holy Spirit, giving comfort, similar to the first and similar. Also there is greater than these numbered increasing levels of advancing in device manufacturing realms of glory.


Let's examine the best device manufacturing glory realm prior to GodMath. After the Book of Mormon was written, there could have been further writing in the form of writing from on high, but instead in backwardness what was written was a composition known among Mormons as the Articles of Faith, that is, the Articles of Faith of Mormons, or the Articles of Faith to the extent of that level or grade of advancement and not necessarily higher.

The Mormon Articles of Faith were not written in response to Jesus Christ speaking, nor were written due to the Book of Mormon. The Mormon Articles of Faith were written "as a response" to having been often questioned (rather on leadership see GodMath and previous ICCDBB Sermons), evidently inclusive of less advanced question manufacturers, in other words toward sin.

So the Mormon Articles of Faith came from below, not from above.

As superior at the time as they were, you can do better. You can do from above.

They served a purpose, to help. Even so, this Sermon is not to say the Mormon Articles of Faith are or were better than the Bible, they are not (reference above numbered levels, and previous ICCDBB Sermons), though under the Book of Mormon, as a subset, the Mormon Articles of Faith were virtually as great a device program as a missionary could do, save miraculous.

To manufacture a new device of greater value is tied to being a key to success. The same is true of the higher program, under which that device was formed.

Therefore the realm in which you choose to dwell is tied to your success, and that of your devices. While others sweat details, you can guide them to overcome bottlenecks properly, such as to multitask to turn costs into multiple billings operations.

Not that the Mormon Articles of Faith are bad, they are not, they are goodly, in the relative worldly sense, yet even so we can do better.

The Mormon Articles of Faith include 13 Articles, and of these for instance are key device program problems, hence sales opportunities for us. These opportunities include money matters, new technology innovation matters, and matters of better evangelism [according to our perfecting involvement / Jesus Christ].

In Mormon Article IV, is states "first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost." (this quote does not include links to notes less applicable to this new applications Sermon).

Yet rather when faithfully thinking of the Will of God as in the Word of God as in the Holy Bible including in the 3rd Testament, Mormon Article IV misses a matter of Holy Faith in Jesus Christ of key importance.

To give you an example of how that key is missing to make it's importance to you clear, consider how you can have a device, such as an old pyramid. You can have faith that that pyramid will likely continue to stand all your typically human worldly lifetime, with the pyramid device there with it's specially formed tunnels and historic data records, and with benchmark values such as perhaps pointing to stars or planets. The device continues long to function faithfully. That doesn't mean we can't do better. A device can function faithfully even if that device is for sin.

A person can have faith in a machine, especially if it keeps doing repetitive work predictably. Proper faith in Jesus Christ includes device predictability, yet more importantly love.

Predictions about devices can fail. The Mormon Article VIII even acknowleges this: "We believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly" (ibid.). So if a thing, such as the Bible device as translated fails, Jesus Christ enables us the means to fix it lest we are unable to unselfishly take the name Jesus Christ as our own.

Biblically no burden is greater than our current ability to receive, until enabled with power from on high, so we advance properly beyond the Mormon level to be able to carry the greater burdens for others, so we advance in new program matter, including our own personal and positional contributions to the amounts proper and under our proven responsibility limitations and paradigms and realms and definition senses, that we lead properly and not mislead.

So we increase device burden load and increase unselfish personal responsibilities over same, via increased proper Holy Word usage via increased translating abilities.

This ability comes from love. Love never fails.

Translational devices and their processes fail, translations of faith fail, yet love never fails.

People can hurt you if you let them, as you rely on their love but when their love seems to fail toward you. Even so, verily the logic of their love failed, love did not fail. You received some measure of love from them without price by you, for a time. Even of love [even if associated with sin in part] they came into the world, and without love did they not come into the world (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on each newborn is a blessing).

Love grows, mending fences, building devices, nurturing students, and more.

Mormon faith is dead, and Christian faith is dead, if such are without the appropriate higher works.

Romans had faith in Jesus, faith to the extent he would do as they said or die.

The first love, is the source of all love, in each of you, in each of us, in all of us. The first is Jesus Christ, and the second is similar to the first.

The work of love exceeds all worldly understanding. If so, the work of love exceeds faith. Of the love in Jesus Christ is the preference rather than the faith device.

The love of Jesus Christ pours outwardly, creatively, including device creations. James 2.26 "For just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead."

Faith in the source of love is goodly, even good, not leaving it undone. Even so rather seek the higher realm, and there to dwell [even if on missionary work tasks as if away from that realm in the worldly perspective].

Have faith, rather love Jesus Christ.

If to love from the worldly perspective, have faith in Jesus Christ. Yet rather if to be on high and to be Jesus Christ in name, action, glory, and more excellent, love.

Jesus Christ hardly has faith in worldly humans, yet rather Jesus Christ loves all, even lifting sinnners to repent, even forming devices from dust.

Faith is for those who would, rather do as Jesus Christ does: love.


The above New Applications [including The New Christianity] ICCDBB Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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