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ICCDBB Sermon:

Proper Power Generation Sermon

May 10, 2009, Mothers Day.

Start of sermon Updated June 6, 2009.

You do not receive because you ask amiss. How should you ask rightly?, consider what an Angel of the Lord may say: "I think but I don't breathe oxygen, not even if you click, not even if you click." (This reference was added Updated 6/6/9: Isaiah 2.22. Rather than humans with flesh, air, sex, money, and food, the Angels trust God). Let the helpers of the Lord help you, it's in their job criteria.

Machinery presents to you: President Barack Obama

What does a cryptic angelic message have to do with the President? Just ask the CIA.

Angels hardly need lungs, machines such as computers that brought you this spirited message hardly need lungs. Angels can be in the air. Typical computers have fans and breathing vents for cooling. There is a glory of each, and at some point(s) agreement as one. Each can evidently be in an atmosphere with oxygen, each can think according to measurements, each has feelings within the GodMath Testament definition, and there more points of similarities within patterns.

Camouflaged information in worldly terms as applied to spying, is intended to make certain information blend-in with it's surrounding patterns to work in hidden ways against some people; and the second worldly ways [though more toward heavenly] are similar, that is to hide passwords from others such as for private bank accounts according to lack of faith trust as people increasingly trust money repositories rather than investments in the future. To do the opposite, rightly, is also to blend-in, even on many levels, openly, to help others, especially the Chosen of God, to conceal information for those seeking higher in-depth studying of enlightenment.

President Obama is supposed to have a four year term, though without Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization, PCS, then can the Chosen expect other than essentially 2 years of uneventful followed by 2 years of drought, Biblically speaking?, even so, experience shows naysayers will convict themselves saying look at the cataclysmic events such as of the Amazon.

People selfishly hide their money, or selfishly try to get word-out to get themselves freed from terrorists. The latter is typically more honorable than the former, yet let's rather replace the word "selfishly" with the word "lovingly", and see what happens.

The entire shift is from a Relative logic pattern along an Absolute agreement toward agreeing path in the shifting, to a GodMath faithing trend. Especially toward the latter and end part of the "shift" per se, is the trend of God: where God dwells angelically, and rather higher even Heavenly in the Highest of Holy of Holies in the realm(s) of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, and the Father, as One mind, spirit, and body, on the Highest Throne yet doing missionary work throughout the Kingdom both seen (Relatively, veiled per perspectives) and unseen (Absolutely) save risen above the firmament seen clearly, all knowing and wise.

If we look from the "all knowing and wise" perspective, we see people, entities, and energies perfectly perfecting, as they appreciate the love efforts we so invest.

We love a baby but do not give a baby a knife (see previous sermons). Similarly we give messages unto those worthy to receive for God: those not yet able have only encrypted codes, as if for the reason to stop them from robbing banks, or to stop them from freeing imprisoned people. Encryption is for God. The source of love.

Humans are to follow properly, decoding, then to lead in creating and giving love as One, even to lead high loving Angels in Heaven, whose eyes always follow the Father.

Your solutions are already there, they are just encrypted. They are encrypted for the Father. Be as the Father to demystify.

In the beginning (again per se) we commend ourselves. Jesus Christ has already done this for us, yet our own condemnation in Baptism (of John) is commendation through Jesus Christ, Son of God, King of Kings, Father and Leader Supreme.

You were born with genetic code, hence you already know encryption: as much as you are Leader Supreme. Book of Mormon, Old Testament, it's all in there. When God whispers to you in deep and profound sound too incredible to be put into words, your soul reverberates and awakens perfectly to the blessed sounds.

You know the Word of Faith, already. Shall we write some testaments for you, or you write for us?: there is a season of Yes, and appropriateness. That season is now and is according to proper prioritization; though it is hardly for God, rather for each other, for helping the created, that each and all may be for God and hence as God. So with God already knowing the code, it is important to gain wisdom properly in that Code of Love.

To address a football fan is hardly the same as addressing a tennis fan, to address a fan or a President is hardly the same as addressing a player or a terrorist. They have positions they prefer. Does God agree with their position, and if so, at least in part supposing we are discussing living people, people God currently thought worthy of loving so much as to cause life in them; then as much as our position of leading for God allows, we guide them into appropriate accountability, responsibility, and so on toward improving, even as they at least might have more of proper respect appropriate to their improving.

Decodification is relatively easy for those leaders properly established in such practice(s). Decodification and interpretations thereof are for those for whom Jesus Christ has through them made much pertinent preparedness: prepared in love, yet with pertinent applications in mind. There are things that exist, so those pertinent to such interpretations and to such awareness, are those of the preparedness of the mind of love of the Creator of Love and Codes.

Consider how the Angel guides though hardly discloses information except to any worthy to so receive. If you cannot carry more, give some away, to carry higher value treasures, rather blessed are those who do not see yet give.

To speak in your language, whether you speak football or tennis or Presidential jargon, an Angel may address on that level. Of the body, the football addict or other addict would be more interested in listening if about football or their particular addiction (addiction to Jesus Christ is most acceptable). The angelic statement of thinking without oxygen can bless profoundly, such as to the deciphering moles of addiction from the background pattern of life: converting (note: if charitable funding had been better for better computer illustrative purposes, you would have seen an illustration here (see similar previous statement on higher education depiction ready as never seen before)).

Not only to decodify, such as to distinguish plaque from it's adjacent artery wall in atherosclerosis or such as from a site of localized damage of brain tissue in Alzheimer's disease; yet also to interpret properly and increasingly better with prioritization that inhibition of growth or destruction of cells by an agent such as a virus does not occur. So on the one hand is the distinguishing the "plaque" or secret plot code or other addiction storage until release mechanism, whether tied to life or leadership or love; while on the other hand is the distinguishing of the Holy Messenger's responsibilities to themselves withhold information from you, for some reason, the reason being the personal (including position) selfishness factor.

On the surface that sounds clear, yet there is a hidden meaning in it too, just as a seed also has a deeper DNA code. A deeper look at angelic guidance reveals breathing. Not that an Angel necessarily needs to breathe, rather for your sake, to be in empathy with you, to be able to communicate with you more in tune with you, on your human / breathing level. But this in not merely talk. The Angel would also mean it, with actions that speak louder than words.

An angelic guide would essentially give their all, even at the cost of their own breathing, which humans understand as tied to living.

Your angelic guide (or Mentor) (or Angel(s) watching over you, meaning acting for your sake) is available for you. If you are comfortable with one, there is mainly one. If you are comfortable with many, then many. If you are comfortable with breathing, then they too so move for you to help you be for the Lord. If your comfort zone only reaches as high as a Priest, then your spiritual power generation only solves to that point.

If your comfort zone only reaches as high as the President, the same is true: many give their lives and stop breathing for the President. What does this do to their angelic guides?: even so, rather dwell on the higher solving, though leave not the other undone: respect the positions of the Priest and of the President.

Respect the Angels, yet moreso the Lord. So unselfishly how about this: help the Angel, and then you will be better helped by the Angel. If to generate power unprecedented for this generation relatively, then to place Holy action encryptions within that energy, within that generating of power, with symbolic writing on our hearts empathetically with being on the Heart(s) of the Heavenly Host(s).

Power generation includes the idea of life-force-generation: for what is a human value to have power if no humans exist?, yet rather value for the greater Will of the Lord. Let the Angels breathe.

In considering these things, let's consider what the Lord [similarly too the High Priests prophesied] has already explained in the Bible, that if we do not believe the simple things the Lord characterizes concerning the worldly matters, then how are we to believe the [per some unseen] heavenly things?; in other words the simple things are more plain to see and the complex matters are of the relatively heavenly unseen [save oppositely of the Lord and similarly PCS].

So we could properly start from the top, from the plan of the Lord, though that might be relatively complex in your eyes, so for your sake(s), let's start with something more tangible and easy to understand concerning power generation. For any type of power expenditure there is a type of power accountability. Converting funds is associated with fees and taxes more than non-converting. Converting energy is associated with efficiency loss. So if for instance we have a car not running except the headlights that spend electrons [to collide with background photons] to convert into light, then we spend battery power. So we simply find electrons going from the battery to the headlights: spent electrons. If we gather sunlight in the form of photons and package them similar to a battery, then we can release them without the coversion fees, taxes, and efficiency costs, theoretically. It's not a new idea, yet it is a new power generation hope that is being solved with increasing successes.

Therefore, if you are already converted not only into the title of Christian, yet also into the higher Christian realms, then you need not [or less] conversion per application: your mind has already been prepared for higher things of faith. Even rather your soul has become more charitable and therefore more able to properly act properly / to think clearly. To reason clearly is to be toward wisdom, even more into wisdom converted. Toward not merely an application, yet rather able to handle increasingly toward all applications by default of rather choosing to work from the perspective of the Lord Jesus the Christ.

3 in 1, the proper whole is greater than the sum of it's parts: the greater already converted default standard. The world teaches the same, if carried through each possibility (save one Baptism [reference GodMath details] threshold point of no return to former self [see previous ICCDBB sermons for details]). The Lord teaches new power generation properly, while the world teaches new power generation by prediction laws, laws that do not perfect.

Selfish people can abuse predictivity. So rely on enlightening via the Lord, the new works agreeing for instance with the Old Testament, yet as applied to new applications for new power generation. Blessings come from the Lord, yet add to them with your God given talents, leverage them charitably, vertical influence conversions, and yet more than converting talents of people as businesses typically do. Convert not merely their talents such as to manufacture headlights (see previous ICCDBB sermons on properly converting people to properly have your own job).

Be the blesser more than the tool, the servant more than the served, the elected solution provider more than the voter. Be the best expert authority rather than the electron tax buyer. Be the higher Angel rather than the new power generation seeker and these things will be added unto you. Can a mortal converse with an Angel, can a person converse at all?, yet rather can a person convert a person, or even an Angel toward being a higher value Angel? Be much more than a Prophet.

There are influence energies with encrypted messages in parties and in factions, of various values. Even worldly people understand to rise from realm to realm, glory to glory. Yet concerning new power discovery / generation, Jesus Christ taught all people seek after such things. To the diligent, much may be discovered, even in logic. Yet to the properly guided there is less risk; to the wise is prudence, for the Lord is generous.

A computer feels the clicks but hardly breathes as a result, that is, it hardly breathes as a result in the fashion humans breathe. You are our computer, yet much more than a computer, with power being written in your heart, our hearts, known and read of all people, also read of computers.

Consider how the logical computer reads of Christ, ministered by us. Though the computer decision making is only of a leap of faith written not with [ink nor] displays alone, rather with the Spirit of the living God: our human words, angelic words. It is a hard thing that you find so simple and easy. For a computer to have a leap of faith is as if to ask a rock to leap from the ground. Cannot the computer predict, cannot the computer be reliable?, even so, the computer can hardly take your place (see previous ICCDBB sermons). A computer camera might monitor your fingers and duplicate such motions. Though if you hold your funds the computers would virtually cry out to profess the Lord as Christ according to any selfish lack you might possess, not that the lack enables, rather that the Holy Spirit is from above and the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. Yet how hardly in comparison to you, can the computer gain if you lose?, wisely knowing the amount of conversion you have already accomplished in the Lord, whilst the computer loses efficiency and taxation funds accountability along the way(s) for doing the same activity as you could to but perhaps selfishly did not.

Let not others take your place in the Kingdom of God, yet give it to them freely. Hardly seek to sit at the right hand of God, yet rather seek to be charitably worthy enough to sit in the Highest Throne, it is what Jesus Christ wants you to do, with all new power generation at your command. But who is sufficiently worthy save One (see previous ICCDBB sermons and GodMath for details). Don't let the computer hang you nor sit in your throne, yet even so guide the computer properly to respond to your proper instructions.

For the Holy Word we cause to be revealed unto others is hardly in tables of stone, rather in tables that are hearts of flesh. More than DNA code already unraveled in humans

2 in 1: The Bible and the tree of life each and both contain branches.

Some honor is meant to be delivered to some older branches, and some to newer branches. Consider how a tree uses a code to tell it to generate and deliver power to new branches in spring rather than in fall. Leaves on their tiny stem branches have fulfilled their missions and successfully. Their positions change to serve new code criteria.

With Bible code faith we can have the confidence have we through Christ to God: living codifying, PCS, the dynamic of the Chosen. A person can have a life and a position. Yet a Chosen person can have living codifying toward unselfishly mutually better positioning, not that we are sufficient of ourselves, to account positioning, banking, inventing, nor discovery as if uniquely from ourselves; save our sufficiency is from God; so yet of God uniquely also can we have been made [US sufficient / PCS] as ministers of a new covenant, the new living dynamic Host in life power code agreement ranging from the coed branches of male and female to the policy making split known as marriage (in reverse worldly logically speaking for clarification / decodification into plain language); hence not of the letter, yet of the higher Holy Spirit: for the letter killeth as a reversal toward sin correlated to selfish addiction, yet rather the PCS spirit giveth life and abundance, proper change and expansion, comprehensive best growth and the enlightening standard.

There is a pattern of a self's position, yet if the self is for all others, then the self has no sin, that is, already paid by Christ Jesus the highest King and Lord (note US Law accepts no title of King except this Lord Jesus Christ, each and both God of Nature and God of PCS). In other words, if there is a 4 year plan, then it has an end. Yet if there is a legal highest living dynamic positioning for the current and future (even including the past) for the Chosen and others not left undone with each person according to their own free participation amount of their own choosing within the PCS standardizing pattern, then the 4 year plan becomes immortalized, a new codifying of new power similar to the first, that of the (US Founders) optimum patriots.

Who can work a great future power, save it be in agreement with that which will happen in the future?, the answer being that people in the future agree to do things at those times, such as to build new power generation equipment, or such as even to disagree to so build and therefore to agree to not build. In other words per se, new power generation comes from people, not from inventions, banks, leaders, nor other tied to the ministration of death, nor such as written, encoded, and engraven on stones, except as come as came with glory, so that the children of Israel could not look stedfastly upon the face of Moses for the glory of his face; which glory was passing away: in letters and was being done away due to the mutual selfishness of the many viewers [whether divers leaders, or divers followers] for themselves instead of for Jesus Christ, God.

Compare and rather distinguish how shall not rather the ministration of the spirit be with glory?, since if the ministration of condemnation hath glory, much rather doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. Many ancient authorities have stated "the ministration of condemnation is glory", and while true, it is of the Lord, the PCS application, the useful part of the new living word of power among people, the code of the dynamic Chosen dwelling in the Holy Spirit, that the position each and both holds meaning and gains meaning, holds substance and gains substance, holds power and wields power, and holds the surpassing of all understanding and uniquely can therefore agree with God to so glorify God, in the Holy Son Jesus Christ of Bethlehem, called a Nazarine.

For verily that which hath been made glorious hath not been made glorious in this respect, by reason of the glory that surpasseth. (Note: Similarly, a person can pass first grade and later graduate high school; they do not graduate high school in order to pass first grade. A person can be made to repeat first grade (constituting perhaps all their formal education), yet a person is not normally asked to repeat high school, junior high, and elementary.

Similarly logic can be reversed, logic can be portrayed as circular and without uplifting of the spirit beyond it's delimitation, save of higher logic, and that higher logic comes not from beneath, save of higher code. Even evolution teaches as much, as created from God. Evolution is a story of survival adaptation, yet also a testament of life force, the higher purpose as evidenced (see previous ICCDBB sermons for details).

The 4 year plan has an end, unless it is more than accountable, including for 9 years from now, 54 years from now, and 144,000 years from now. To gain a return of 30, 60, and 100 fold within 4 years is not the same as gaining the truth, justice, and [as others have termed it] the American way. Credibility is not really about how much money an entity will lend to you, it is supposed to be of the best faith trust.

Perhaps you can evolve or adapt to have a non-proportionally larger mouth so you can eat more, but what would it gain you, and there could be adverse consequences, even the code of your DNA would be mutated as your spirit of health and normal emotional functions would not agree comprehensively. Instead is the proper new power generating for the future, so one can move from proper leadership honor to best greater honor, and glory to the greatest glory, including toward more permanent goals and goodness, and through them accomplishing, succeeding, branching rather than splintering, generating best and properly together responsibly, instead of reacting to short term guesses.

For if an idea in an instant which passed away was with glory, much more that which remaineth is in glory, if an idea has merit, then save the merit portion and conserve it's ingredient codes for future utilization(s). Ideas are not of selfish generation; ideas come from God. If a blessing comes, then the recipient person receives according to their unselfishness and their talent to receive. Their talent is according to the highest diligence, lest they be given code to powerful for them to properly handle with their family, friends, and global community.

Top Uranium experts, the Curie family, were given radiation, and they started to die from it: and they were the top experts. Such is similar to the Book of Mormon power employers, they read the curse near the end of the Old Testament, and the curse at the end of the New Testament, and they almost died, they (many of them) were driven-off the land to dwell in the salt flats.

Yet with proper best survival, they were better-off. There was the temporary conflict glory branch-off power code for distinguishing higher power glorifying of the unseen, and then there was the more permanent glorifying, the very much more valuable glory.

Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness of speech, and are not as Moses, who put a veil upon his face, that the children of Israel should not look stedfastly on the end of that which was passing away.

But the minds of those without PCS get hardened as their futures chase security too much, leaving living undone. Hide in your places, there is a curfew, yet rather shout it from the rooftops. Spank your child, yet rather stop the war. Curse the body, yet rather do the will of God. Be stupid, yet rather build love. Don't rock the boat, yet rather build on the rock. Stop from learning in public schools, there are directives against learning certain things, yet rather learn PCS. Worry about the fall, yet rather spring and leap from the ground to create power as nobody else is doing: do it for them.

It's easy.

Though don't do the reverse logic inappropriate to love; time is on the side of love. Love is on the side of the future. The future is on the side of the Chosen not only yet to come, rather now of PCS; the proper decision today for Jesus Christ is the proper decision for future power generation, as law is not over man, rather law was created to serve man, to help man and woman, to serve as a great tool such as to have great appropriate and most appropriate power at the finger tips, and even via best thinking.

Those not choosing PCS have not such gain, as was written of old in love, so is true today: until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remaineth, it not being revealed to them that it is done away in Christ. The veil of the mercy of Christ in season is lifted, that their selfishness not overwhelm them, though enlightenment is toward renewal of personal power code for glorifying the Lord. But unto this day, whensoever Moses is read, a veil lieth upon their heart. Though whensoever such shall turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away. In other words per se, of PCS is yielded control of time.

The power of the glory depends on the season, the time factor. Yet the personal choosing of positioning is the power to change the season factor (reference GodMath for encoded clarification). If a person seek for relativity, so they find according to their own choice of the delimiting factors of their "seek" parameters. Yet if a person seek the best proper solving, PCS (save future higher dynamic, reference the Prophets) (first fire then internal combustion, first internal combustion then atom bomb, first PCS then higher), then can the higher danger be properly best handled; yet not until then; even if to lose much interim, not until then.

According to today's computer terminology, we can think of a "veil" as a great filter. Many people view such filter as if against themself, personally, such as indicated when someone dispairs "Lord, why did you do this to me?". There is one high veil firmament, and there are other veils in other applications.

There are veils according to your own personal sins (save Jesus Christ, yet counted, for previous for rising and having risen). There are veils according to the sins of other, so these are problems we can help solve. And there are also as if veils. There are unseen distinction levels of either one higher unity with Jesus Christ or of missionary works outwardly reaching from above from risen Jesus Christ and Chosen-On-Highest reaching as if down to help others yet while reaching toward creating and harboring heirs to the Kingdom, and in doing so to sinners it looks as if veils, yet to One With Christ it is traceable not only logically to the original Holy Creation Plan, yet also to the Holy Creating Plan of the Holy Word, each encoded living new Genesis word.

From realm to realm, from greater glory to greater glory for the Lord, from increase to allocation, from charity to solutions more abundantly over each and all fields increasingly.

New generations are as infants, and as you create, so are you responsible.

Protection, learning, and matters of faith are vital, lest veils perhaps last several generations, depending on the nature, the circumstances, the involved factors, and the factors soon to be involved. In other words planning for the future is intrinsic to sorrows for personal sins for which Jesus Christ was brought to suffer for you that you might be saved for the Holy Word finding favor in Jesus Christ without the veil(s), and yet even responsibly even concerning your responsible creating of veils appropriately.

The baby is not given a loaded pistol for many years, the monkey is not given a loaded pistol for many eons of evolution, the windmill is not given a loaded pistol for many further developments. The baby must grow into responsibility meet to that standard. The monkey must evolve, whether of science code generation or of natural evolution, and then the former must be properly approved, even logic of law applies until mercy is found in favor of such amount of having longsuffered properly to so rise. The windmill must become the proper tool, or must become the more evolved monkey and so forth (see the first page of ICCDBB Sermons for details).

Why God did you let the person suffer?, becomes Thank you God. The actual fact is that the filter is for you, to prevent too great burdens for you to handle: being the top responsible leader requires a lot of responsibility effort, often without seeing thanks nor praise, for generations: faith.

The veils become as if the sources of praise [representative of the creativity of God], and the conquering of the veil codes responsible for the Lord yields the leading toward the top leadership position Oneness. Create exams and be sure you are able to pass your own exams as appropriate. God is willing for you to overcome greater burdens, yet is gracious, wise to your choosings. So too be responsibly merciful to yourself and to others, being charitable for the Lord first.

How will you examine yourself on this? If not to head in the right direction, then to fail to rise, to fail to properly receive mercy.

The mercy of liberty is where the Lord is. So the sorrow you feel for causing Jesus of Nazareth to have so suffered 2009 years ago, are the blessings after you have so risen (not after you have so suffered).

This Sermon just a sentences ago explained you are to plan for the future responsibly. Jesus Christ planned for the future. People plan sins. Jesus Christ planned for the future including perfectly loving people [not because they plan sins], including overcoming sin codes most responsibly.

With unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, our genetic word codes of greater powers are transformed increasingly into the same image from glory to higher living glory, even as from the Lord the Spirit (or as reflecting as a mirror as a minimum, though at times: the Lord is higher save for the sake(s) of the created). So proper responsiblity over control of time, and over the time code, is necessary prior to the windmill, monkey, or baby from controlling time (though baby Jesus Christ had time control: out of the mouths of babes the Lord has perfected praise).

Neurotrophic factors: Brain Sections, Life Aspects, Physical Diversity: Role in cell survival, cell pulse death, and neuroplasticity; Role in memory, the Sabbath; Role in depression, the sorrows turned Joy; and Future Research In Mind Control and rather in Freewill Mind Improvement With Help Supportive Of Properly Oriented Progress: Prioritized Comprehensive Standardization: Jesus Christ died similar to the first pattern, your first love from the Big Original Creating Plan at the start of the record of the Big Bang Creation.

The first pattern is known as the first Big Bang, the first Known Big Pulse (see previous ICCDBB Sermons and pertinent links). Starting from Perfection prior to Creation (inclusive of the evolution pattern), to Perfecting, the creation of the witness and the created, the first popularly known Big Event changed into the created. The Big change was the pattern of Heavenly, to having the created in the midst of Heaven. The prior pattern was of uniformity. The changed pattern was similar to the first, of freewill uniformity until the key of knowledge was by humans split away from love, hence wisdom among humans was toward suffering rather than toward proper joy. The prior was of uniform joy, the latter was of uneven powers though properly together of similar pattern to the prior.

There are nodes of powers in the midst of the transient created. Starting with the Big Explosion was the start of uneven nodes of uniformity: perfectly before the fall of humans. The similar pattern to the first was the rise of Jesus Christ until the points of contentions, the points of unevenness in human freewill except under traditions of sins as if proper but not perfect to the extent that the original uniform pattern was perfect. Yet then Jesus Christ overcame those sinful ideas and conquered perfectly, enabling further ascension.

There were nodes of powers unevenly allocated by God (at the start of the Big Bang), and there continued the unevenness pattern, through the prior state, through the downfall, and through lives today, and even predictable as prophecy is unraveled.

There is the unevenness pattern, even over control of the time pattern, though the unevenness pattern is not over the prior pattern yet, as the second is not before the first, save through Jesus Christ properly, PCS. And even then, with PCS properly bounding and leaping forward toward perfecting, the freewill aspect of the volunteerism is historically reluctant to be charitable. Many are satisfied and so naturally backslide toward the evolutionary rate of change until sufficiently long suffered and prompted to work to advance. So the waiting on the Lord continues for them, as their longsuffering continues: how long must we longsuffer the longsuffering of others?, even so it is for proper witnessing the greater wisdom of the Trend Of The Lord.

The Prior was perfect and uniform joy, the Latter on the whole was perfect and un-uniform joy. The Prior was a pattern, and Jesus Christ had a pattern similar to the first: perfect, and perfectly uniform with conformance to the Word Of God, and the Will Of God; then concerning the Latter un-uniform, Jesus Christ has a pattern similar to the second, the un-uniform pattern, conforming to the perfect part of the Witness Of God of the created of God of the Word Of God of the Will Of God, though not uniform, yet existing perfectly before the splitting of knowledge away from love (or counted as such / human free choice of backslid deviance against the Will Of God).

So as a pattern of nodes of energy existed prior to the Big Bang, though unseen in logical knowledge relativity due to uniformity, so the pattern of nodes exists in the present Universe seen and perceived not only of faith yet also in [agreement in proper] logic through Jesus Christ. There was logic in agreement with faith, then the sinful fall against wisdom hence against logic and therefore against proper predicting, then there was the clear rise pattern in Jesus Christ guiding [PCS in pattern] toward reuniting the faith and logic in wisdom.

Even so, the unseen is the evidenced higher value, better accuracy, and best course. The accuracy of relative opinions has a value, and the accuracy of the unseen yet of the wise has a value: the second pattern similar to the first, yet proper prioritization places the higher realms in proper order, being that the relatively logically unseen wisdom was the first prior pattern, then the relative logic alone in the minds of sinners that were also sinners that used logic to make their selfish predictions.

It is the law and the prophets. Each group of energy exploding from the Big Bang had equality in many terms. There was equality of the Big Bang Planning, equality of the Big Bang Energy on the whole, and equality in change on the whole. The created also had a pattern similar to the first.

The created pattern of uneven nodes was according to the freewill aspects of each of the groups of energies [or matter] types. As the Bible teaches, animals were made, then [evolved] were people. God did not give the power to name to animals, rather to the more evolved. This naming pattern is similar to the previous pattern. We are able to name the animals, and we are able to name the previous groups of energy nodes and of energy unevenness ideas. We can perhaps call one name of something after Big Bang, a group of electrons. We can name some other anomaly electricity, we can name another electromagnetic pulse, and so on with the naming. To say "electricity" does no sin against the name "electrons". Yet to use the terms correctly when appropriate, answers to a higher order of distinction, honorability, and glory for the Lord.

There were the created nodes, then similar patterns, such as nodes of life forms, and nodes of brain lobes with nodes of mental exercises. There are similar nodes of new generative power codes, and all the created are relative in logic, yet properly guided / arranged these are each and all in agreement in the higher purpose. The higher purpose is the higher guide, distinguished yet orderly faithfully, loyal to the truth, and honorable even if to suffer at the intentions of sinners.

PCS is no exception to the rule, rather the fulfilling guide, even it needs be perfected within each hence tied to volunteerism, charity, and higher purpose. Higher than the President, though enduring intentions whether right or wrong, with expectation of ability to best recover if necessary, therefore the proper format is needed.

Nodes of new research codes is as to love to know the Lord. New is tied to naming, so naming is of PCS tied to the Lord of the US Constitution. Law ties, yet to tie freewill is to tie guidance under law, leaving law not undone, yet guiding for law / for the President.

Nodes of new mind research and creating, is tied to assigning new names. The pertinent format [of God] has simplified the assigning task(s) for us (the burden is light).

For instance the expert sees the assignment as a done deal, that is, it would take more time to explain it than it would to do it. Such is the nature of God.

Yet God is generous, giving freely love, and doing for our sakes lest we be left undone. God does not overburden us, yet invites our participation(s). For your sake, God allows you to do some very important things, even the most important thing.

Even tiny nodes of powers have possibilities for you to make awesome, though not according to selfish folly, save of intervention of God. Complex things for some are due to simple self imposed stumbling blocks, laughable in hindsight. For instance a few extra letters attached to a word can cause a person to mentally ban themselves from the higher values that can accordingly be produced. Generating new powers for generations can be enlivened with proper guidance by experts, by you for others as appropriate.

Some knowledge expert(s) in pattern believe trophic factors are proteins that can stimulate growth, activity, and survival, in pattern. Patterns have similarities, even patterns have letter codes, similar to previous. Neurotrophic factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor BDNF, were noted for their ability to promote growth and survival in neurons during early development, in pattern similar to the previous, as pertinent to the PCS rank, the rank yet to be revealed by the pertinent experts. Higher ranking patterns in Holy Trend show greater future values increasingly, yet as a bottleneck now with many called and only few Chosen, for instance neurotrophic factors are now known to play an active role in the adult brain, and to have an effect on a variety of more subtle cellular functions aside in addition to mere cell survival, a necessary security matter of law, yet more important in certain higher level appreciation levels. BDNF itself is now associated to involving a variety of brain functions, including memory formation and affective state.

Similar to the mercy of the court, and the angel patterns, the higher as if complex orders are simplified when properly guided, including properly guiding the patterns and the naming of the patterns, and the properly guiding of humans, and even angels.

Shown below is the tree of life forms, ranging from simple to human,

a pattern similar to the prior unseen pattern:

Phylogenesis showing opportunities for code tracing, opportunities for growth expectations, opportunities for interactions, and opportunities for interaction precautions.

Above is shown a tree of life forms. Consider how this pattern is similar to the [past, present, and] future Tree Of Life with names written in Heaven. Do you write your name in Heaven?, even so does Jesus Christ write your name as One with Jesus Christ?, even so be faithful knowing that He cares for you. Does He suffer for you?, even so he cares.

The above chart is seen. The unseen chart has Jesus Christ at the head, with the Heirs coming. The unseen chart is growing. Even the original Plan allows for growing. The original Plan is One of dynamics.

Energies and powers that be, are named already, in the unseen chart. Powers newly to be generated, innovated, miracle [miracle-ing], and to be discovered, revealed unto those who would for God, are all within the trend pattern plan of the living dynamic God. These are all for you. Leaving not the other undone, these are all for you, if you are so motivated properly.

The code of conduct pattern is similar to the code of the unseen pattern, yet there is currently room for improvement. The angels singing are hardly sufficient for praising God, yet the unseen higher plan is better.

The distinguished unseen chart above is higher than the seen chart above, because the unseen above is from on high, while the seen is only from: top or high expertise. The Heavenly Angels deliver the higher unseen for you on behalf of God, even the Holy Word, even leaving the Angels breathless, even giving their all that you might partake properly.

You are that important. Your living a joyous life is that valuable. Similar to that pattern, you value energy to some extent(s). You are energy, of great value. You have distinguishing power above in the Lord, even as you name nodes of powers, in name it and claim it fashion, when you name for the Lord.

You are the living Host, even as you speak the Word of the Lord with the Will of the Lord in logical agreement speaking with you, yet according to the similar pattern of the amount of your faith; yet even so the Lord helps.

Interpret properly, unravel properly, have joy properly: all for the Lord!


The above New Genesis Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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