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ICCDBB Sermon:

Selfish Sermon

April 5, 2009

They dug in the dirt. Were they better-off?

Then they dug in the dirt together. Were they better-off?

They sweated, they sweated together.

They thought, they exchanged thoughts.

Then they had shelter, more reliable food sources.

Reliable food meant they could save food.

They saved money.

Then they hoarded money.

Were they better-off, or did they just undo what they and all previous had accomplished?

You are a caveman.

You undo what others have done.

Your parents did not work hard just to have you commit suicide nor to undo all they had worked to achieve.

Where is your profit?

Your parents worked hard to stay alive long enough to have you, but you want more. Do you want to take it from them? They already gave you.

Do you want to take from others? Their parents worked hard, together with your ancestors.

What do you seek, a Prophet?, money?, respect?, things civilization built for you? Does it justify your mind and satisfy your cravings to have the heaps of dirt dug by others before you?

If you were satisfied, then why did you consider the idea of not loving the Lord God Almighty?

If you are satisfied, they why did you not give charitably as explained by the servants of God?

Truly to follow God is only part of the equation, and much more than an equation.

Jews followed all the way up to Jesus Christ.

Catholics followed all the way up to the end of the New Testament.

Mormons followed all the way up to the end of that book.

What do you think when you read that no library of books could contain all the blessings prepared in advance for you? Rather think for God.

If you have a big idea, it is normal to bring it to life charitably, to let others become enlightened.

Often as history shows (hence as future would therefore typically be expected to be, so get ready (save higher intervention of the Lord)) the big idea is not new: another already thought of it. Well if it is not new, then why didn't they tell you?

If we are to have a system of proper enlightenment, then information has to be handled properly: not only information handled by law, yet also information handled by a respectfully law abiding standard that is not necessarily called law: a higher success maker, a blesser, one blesser for all. In other words, as appropriate, each and all people shall have reasonable access to the information contained within it. Much properly handled and free to the public, similar to a library, and much requiring permissions, secured from the public with exception, and with lesser security positions in-between.

The Bible is nothing but the Old and New Testaments to most Christians. Most Christians are wrong, therefore, at a certain level of in-between security, in-between higher thinking.

Christians are the best civilization has to offer.

But if Christians fail to live as the Lord wants, then it is important for them to be reminded, though consider the consequences for their sakes. If you were told the same thing over and over, you might naturally want to rebel. Try to help Christians, and they will tend to fight against you: in the bite-the-hand-that-feeds scenario.

Charity is not limited to money. An enlightened person might make far more blessings than a less enlightened, blessings such as to solve the economy, healthcare, and other. Yet an enlightened person with priorities is toward making others enlightened that the team be better empowered together to bless with Lord mindedness, highest priority mindedness.

You do excellent work to enlighten others for Christ. Out of the mouths of babes comes perfect praise. Out of the mouth of a caveman comes the wheel. The Lord could make the wheel alone. Rather the Lord has your undiscovered wheel (or similar) waiting for you to invent it. To invent the wheel, the bow and arrow, the cure for unenlightenment, and so on, are available and waiting for you, beyond human mortal expectations.

To poke a person to wake them in the morning, can have adverse consequences. To poke a person to get them off the bench and back into the game, or back to work, or to rise to sing praises to the Lord, can have adverse consequences. To cause a person to leap for joy, can have adverse consequences according to their being poked, therefore we are to poke with tender loving merciful kindness thinking of their needs, within reasonable time.

Did God make thorns for the follower or for the backslider?

Did God make thorns for the leader or for the follower?

Did God make thorns for the cross for the leader?


Be a leader in Christ, to be poked or pricked less harmfully. Yet be aware that while in the body there are poking concerns.

He is risen, he is alive!

Yet He was alive all along, even from before the beginning of human mortal comprehension. The law is fulfilled in Him, the Lord. The sin is no longer a problem for the perfection maker: all things are clean to the pure minded, all are blessings, all are blessed.

To bless therefore is to poke as little as possible so as to not harm, as much as can be done; while glorifying the self as little as reasonable: glorify for their sakes. To bless is to not be selfish, and then to be perfect is to also be selfish for their sakes a little bit, as little as reasonable.

Selfishness charitably for their sakes, is reward unto them for their hard work(s), their proper work for the Lord.

GodMath talks against selfishness, and it is a necessary step. Yet here unto you is given to know a higher ascension, a higher blessing for you and yours: give them a little selfishness.

Protect them.

Protect sinners?: even for awhile, as much as reasonable, as indicated and detailed in the Gathering / GodMath / Mormon / New / Old.

For We with Christ are no longer at the starting point.

Jesus Christ is risen.

Be no longer a child only, in faith.

Now also use a little security, lest another come and secure and poke you against your interests. Use higher power according to higher responsibility. Work better. Gain people lest another gain them away from you.

Give people your wealth and security and protect them and prosper them, yet consider that if today you were given 10 trillion dollars, quick answer: What would you do with it?: if you have no single quick answer, then there is hardly reason to give it to you. Plan, and that hardly means plan for yourself.

Plan security and wealth selfishly, to properly protect those God can then be willing to place into your hand.

Protect them against evil that might befall them in many forms: they, your team, might be attacked by a stub of a toe against their furniture or a pebble: selfishly prepare their minds and cause them to be enlightened so as that they might selfishly protect themselves and others against such disasters.

Learn a new way, a more excellent way, the One Way.

Perform better, perform your best, teach them how much joy, comfort, and [as if hedonistic] satisfaction you have in the Lord. Let them count you as gifted, yet rather help them be so counted forever.

Think: 10 trillion people can hardly contain all the overflowing joy your team can have. Live forever: plan selfishly for the Lord, for them, for the Lord.

Protect your team from You. The Lord let Us form government, to protect Us from the friendly scary power of the Lord, severe power to cut asunder.

If the Lord gave such mercy to those against the Lord (sinners, us), then can you give less mercy to your own team?, even so plan better, plan best, save your team from Our awesome power and that means teach them properly that they be fortified in love of the Lord. Nurture them until they are ready to receive power from on high, then reward them accordingly as they conquer each step along the Way.

Do not cast pearls before swine, not only would they step on them, but also swine can perhaps choke on strings of pearls, per se.

Give good measure, at the proper season.

Give authorization, at the proper qualification.

Give something to men, something else to women. Be fair, even if others claim it is unfair.

The math of the sexes is not limited to below the belt nor below the neck nor to the hair. The Lord given brain and the Lord given mind of a person also increasingly are being revealed as telling what sex the person is. Above is shown a sample of male minds on math, with variance far across the spectrum, the important (mindful for instance Einstein didn't do well in early school (of pattern due to boredom / stagnation)) part being less the extreme low scorers on the far left, and rather the extreme high scoring males. Females within the other curved line tended to not score as high (nor as low in reverse logic).

How To Plan:

If you are going to plan to have many people enlightening each other, others, and even perhaps yourself, then properly plan for it first.

Set your goal(s). Set your goal for the Lord, and your goals for them, your team members.

How do you want to organize your team?: with many small rewards, or with few bigger rewards, or just a big reward at the end: which will secure the best success. For the Lord is not the same as for selfishness, yet leave not their rewards undone.

Reward the Lord. Reward success leaders for the Lord. Be open about it, that others may see and have hope in the Lord (and in your and the Lord's Plan, yet rather the Plan of the Lord). Be not distant and out of touch if your plan needs you to be available if there is an emergency or otherwise. Your personal plan is according to the talents provided to you of the Lord.

Plan to maintain your plan. Don't just reward the first of your best students, as such a thing is toward illegal (Ponzi Scheme).

Your team is important, but don't let it get out of hand. An unruly house provides little prosperity, so plan to add zest, excitement, thrills, and joy, all in an orderly fashion. Consider how an amusement park is scary and dangerous; sometimes some people may need that. Consider how some people may need the thrills and enlightenment of working at boring jobs, until they are able to be raised: properly plan for each person, each type of personality, or each group easy for you to consider (or tough for you to consider if you prefer).

You have talents from the Lord, so your plans may be various. People are various.

It would likely help to name your plan(s), goal(s), and so forth, so when asked about 10 trillion, you have your quick answer ready, and as right an answer as you can reasonably achieve.

Update your plan, plan to keep your plan current.

Plan for changes that will come. If you gain resources, or if you gain popularity, or if you gain other unevenly, plan for being ready, since it is typically better to plan to protect, than to react to an emergency in which team members are being lost.

Plan to have leaders in certain roles. In the above chart there is evidence that males can have an edge over females to some amount, and there is evidence females are more normal. Consider what part of your plan is to have normal leadership, and what part is to be extraordinary.


The above Power Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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