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Jesus Christ and his saints rose.

by Dr. Bob Benchoff 11/18/02.


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A crowd of people had gathered at a house where they said a young girl had died, but Jesus Christ said she is not dead but asleep.

The crowd laughed at Jesus Christ and he had them leave.

Jesus with his faithful followers were with the girl and Jesus told the girl to rise. She opened her eyes and ate some food.

Jesus Christ is about life, more abundant life, rising to the occassion in leadership and deeds.

At the original time for which Easter is annually celebrated, Jesus Christ rose from the dead and continued to live as what humans perceive as being a new creature.

At the resurrection of Jesus Christ, many people witnessed Jesus Christ's followers also rising.

The winds blew and the ground quaked, and the graves of the saints were uncovered and the saints rose appearing unto many.

In consideration of the human body, this is a point at which government and science run out of authority and analysis, and only faith in living Jesus Christ remains.

For instance, government does not have a census to count how many people have risen. Yet the saints know it is Jesus Christ that made them rise.

Scientists understand how with the water cycle, for instance, the water evaporates and rises, becomes a cloud and rains.

Faith in Jesus Christ is not about a cyclical system, it is about an absolute truth of perfect life glorifying God almighty forever. Faith in Jesus Christ is about permanently rising and not falling.

Faith in Jesus Christ involves permanent glory for God and therefore permanent glory for you as a devout Christian.

Your faith is about you getting on the right path if you are not, and staying on that right path. It means staying away from anger and hurtful activities and ideas. It means not straying from your spouse, if married. It means praying to thank God not only in general, but also for specific benefits provided to you by Jesus Christ, such as the benefit of the offer that if you are willing, you can rise as the saints have done.

Help people so they might rise and glorify your Holy Father in Heaven.

Offer help to others charitably, yes, and moreover offer yourself a living sacrifice to God the creator of life, by doing the works of God to the best of your ability.

Offer yourself to rise unselfishly for the greater glory of God.

Surround yourself with absolute truths and abide in eternal life above so you may soar with angels in heaven, magnifying the love of God. Rise quickly, as light, without hesitation, rise as vapor, rise in purity, rise as authority, rise to be with Christ.

For suggested reading in Absolute Reasoning, click here,


for Ghosts!, click here


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