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ICCDBB Sermon:

The Secret Of Eternal Life

September 27, 2009

Eternal Life = Love x Making All Accordingly Aware.

You'll notice the words "Jesus Christ" do not appear in the above equation. That is what GodMath taught us. It is what Jesus Christ taught us (John 13.34-36). Instead of bragging on himself, Jesus Christ taught on the will of the Father, God, your Father, the Father beyond worldly imaginings.

God the Father is so far above worldly ideas, it is as a dove flying above, even though that dove came from a tiny seed, even before becoming an egg, that seed was great, not in size, yet in spirit beyond previous parameters of the former self.

How will you read the mind of the history of that dove? Will you do a forensics study of the dove zygote? If you were there then you interfered and so changed the results in worldly bias. If you were not there then how would you know for sure what happened to a mere tiny seed even counted as to insignificant to see with your eyes? So with all your scientific awareness and skills, if you cannot see even a tiny past event then how much more unable are you to read a small or major future event? How will you know that you will live forever?

I confess, in the world when I was an undergrad student in college I was made the Representative of that state institution and our Distinguished Faculty Awards Committee screened top Professors so accordingly on that team I helped decide which Professors would be greatly honored and supported in the causes they presented. Concerning eternal life there was a Professor that was studying seeds to unravel the mystery of life they held, that people might gain such longevity.

In more recent times some of my family members were discussing many senior citizens requiring much of their time, care, and resources, to keep them surviving. A big concern was, what good is a body if the mind is gone due to medications for the body. We knew longevity was not just about seed code, nor merely about a healthy body.

The Word of God is also the Living Will of the Mind of God, with power, fully functional. When you gain this Holy Spirit you gain living mental power with full functionality including health including mental health including eternal mind spirit thinking, even eternal living.

As is written in John 13.21 through the end of that Chapter, you are given eternal life already, though you are not forced by Jesus Christ to use it. Jesus Christ also gives you free choice.

If to live eternally according to the above formula, then you are to write your personal new law that you have positional authority hence: power / authority. Your new law, in agreement with Jesus Christ, in agreement with the new commandment Jesus Christ authored, is not Jesus Christ alone, rather it becomes you / choice. It becomes: you in agreement with Jesus Christ. It becomes your word, from your perspective.

When you write your word, then thereafter you can view it and witness to it to see if it measures-up-to the standard, the word of Jesus Christ. If you merely repeat, then you follow. Yet if to lead with Jesus Christ, such as a Christian Missionary or such as a Christian Priest is supposed to do evangelically and over their flock, then it is no longer only repeating what the Teacher stated. It is building on it, even growing mind, body, spirit, words, and wisdom.

Consider how you learned the letter "A". Yet you did not stop there, you found greater value in learning other letters and forming words. Consider how the dove seed did not stop, rather transformed itself and even ate other seeds properly. Jesus Christ gave you a gift of a small number of words, and while sufficient, also rather choose to grow lest your eternity be of mindless repeating of a grade. This was stated plainly for your sake (John 13.21).

Charity is not merely a tool used by crooks. Charity is hardly even about crooks. Charity can even transform crooks into goodly people. The charity barrier keeps the worldly self from graduating, in terms of the mind of Jesus Christ, hence in terms of faith, joy, love, and even in terms of specific applications such as proper mind reading, and longevity.

For eons scientists have had the codes right there in front of them, but they did not understand nor have the powers of those codes because of such faith matters. And the opposite is true, the lights in the sky guided people to the baby Jesus Christ. Who uses sky lights today?, you?

Proper charity is not merely about today. If your enemy too lives forever, where will you be?

Eternal life lasts forever, but worldly choice does not last forever among sinners. Truly even followers can have difficulty (Luke 16.27).

Rather quickly now choose to properly lead, as Jesus Christ has set the proper example. The above eternal life formula does not state "Jesus Christ" in the formula, yet if to love all people, then to love Jesus Christ. It is to love Jesus Christ by default, and therefore to love the source of love by default. Though this is not to say to love a person is the same as to protect a person from their own choices if they choose sin.

There is a firmament as partly explained here in part of Luke 16.26: "between us and you a great chasm has been fixed, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us."

Yet in leading with Jesus Christ you can learn to rise above laws and firmaments. As you proclaim the Gospel your love can reach across the firmament in new ways unto them on the other side. You can breathe life into dust anew. You can raise the dead in ways not done previously, and you can do so properly, in a loving way, and not in scary means save for higher cause toward glorifying for Jesus Christ.

With all their might in Moses' day they did not have much electricity control, yet today you may flick a switch and bring light to a dark place, even to read the living word of God! How much more can you do?, write as a new leader for Jesus Christ, write of new love.

Given you now is this new parable: if a person have appreciation of Jesus Christ, even so much as to consider Jesus Christ as a sword, then how much stronger is the sword of any one of the the Angels, and how much stronger are they in the way defending completely the way to the path of life?, and yet rather more gloriously there is none able to overcome, save One. In Luke 20.44 Jesus Christ said "The Lord said to my Lord". If then so, how can the armed Angels of Holy God defend against, lest you be in Jesus Christ agreement hence authority similar to a husband and wife in holy marriage toward mutual gain, or lest they otherwise overpower if you sin?, rather therefore consider the following:

let the goodly spirits be discerned according to their goodly works, yet be wise [love x knowledge (GodMath page 100)] in that works by the bodies do not gain entry into the Heaven of Eternal Life.

Love = Blessing x Charity (GodMath page 98), therefore in this world the solution, the solved, is that no person on or about Earth today will live forever according to this as stated in this sentence: the missing link.

The logic is here. The awareness is here. It's all right here even in this single site page, in as plain a language precise and concise as is even spoken by logical scientists, mathematicians, lawmakers, accountants, and other experts and lay people. But none evidently meets this lesser second physical criterion, as far as ICCDBB has found in 7 years since the start of ICCDBB, much less the greater being the love equal unto or nearly so of the supreme love of Jesus Christ, the first and true love, even the Creator of love within the name God.

Yes we can write, but the parable is your overcoming of sin by your own unselfish choosing rather for the glory of your first love. Jesus Christ is how you were first able to love, personally: to conquer a sin addiction is to rather do this.

Genesis 3:24 "After he sent the man out, God placed angels and a flaming sword that turned in all directions east of the Garden of Eden. He placed them there to guard the way to the tree of life." To conquer this sword is to first conquer love and not by your selfish works.

Even these Angels are so posted and do not leave their post. Yet of higher rank, the non-sinner loving Christian can become aware to unselfishly come and go as they please.

To the sinner it is another parable. In worldly patterns it typically means they can come and go as they please. But that's not what was said. In this simple parable are hardly strangers, there are characters, you, many people you know in the world, and Jesus Christ whom of the faith of Jesus Christ you have met even if you thought naught, and what was said was that those so coming and going unselfishly can unselfishly do such marvelous works of properly blessing others.

To unselfishly do such is to make others properly aware. This is key unto you. The coming and going in lay language is not key, that is, it is an important key too yet more important in this case is the higher key of properly making others aware.

To come to Heaven or to go from Heaven on a mission is hardly to lazily admire awesome Heaven selfishly [even so, of Grace, yet even so], it is to do One Joyous Work Freely, Holy unselfish love.

Therefore to get to Heaven and the Tree Of Life, is to pass through the straight and narrow and the Holy Angels with the Sword of Jesus Christ and then of such unselfishness charitably to enter Heaven, hence to get to the tree of life first for others, rather even to do so first for Jesus Christ.


The above Secret Of Eternal Life ICCDBB Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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