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Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff 1/15/2003.


  • The Absolute Soul.
  • The Human Soul.
  • The Benefits of Having a Soul.
  • How to Use Your Soul.
  • Advanced Soul Strategy.
  • Souls.
  • Summary.
  • Current Useful Applications.
  • The Future.

    The Absolute Soul:

    Jesus Christ's soul is one with God.

    Jesus Christ's soul is the spirit of goodness (of good God).

    The spirit of goodness is the Holy Spirit.

    The beginning of the Holy Spirit was one with the Word.

    The alpha and omega [the beginning and the end] is one with the Word, Amen [so be it].

    Many words are used to relatively describe the absolute values of the soul.

    Suffice it to be said: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

    The Human Soul.

    Jesus Christ's soul is a perfect example of divine interaction with humans. Jesus Christ explained about something we now call communion, eating and drinking the body and the blood symbolically with regard to the soul [literal eating and drinking can hardly involve the soul since literal eating and drinking is from the food source {the body} to the body].

    We can choose within each of our souls to charitably spread the Word for other souls, and as such we are of the body of Christ, including Christ's Church.

    Accordingly, when we each have a moment of oneness in seeking God (we are one with seeking Christ and) our souls' spirits attain accord with the Holy Spirit.

    So individually of the body we can speak and/or hear the Word (where two or more are gathered in Christ's name). Likewise, in that state of grace (or individually, prayerfully united with other good spirits/souls: together), of the blood the Holy Spirit is with us.

    The Benefits of Having a Soul.

    Jesus Christ (and others) often discuss the soul, and one clear benefit comes after a very long discussion of how people confused in sin should not have the manifestation of Jesus Christ save by the Holy Ghost (Reference 3 Nephi Chapters 15 & 16, especially 15:23).

    One should not cast pearls before swine which swine would trample them under their feet. New wine must be put into new bottles. Give of your soul and you shall receive good measure pressed down and shaken together: not puffed-up appearing more than it actually is.

    New wine must be put into new bottles. Symbolically the wine agrees with the blood and the soul's spirit. Renew your spirit in Christ and refresh your soul.

    Baptism is a good first step in refreshing your soul, but leave not the other undone.

    How to Use Your Soul.

    Jesus Christ was not resurrected from the cross and then baptized, but Jesus Christ was baptized and then resurrected.

    There is a logical plan of God, a logical progression. When a person is a child, their soul is complete, yet not complete within their body, mind, and spirit; that is they are more reactionary with less strategy, as they have not developed intricate strategies [over a long period of time]. This is because their higher brain functions have not yet fully developed, so they can hardly think with that part of the brain they do not yet have.

    Once they have completed making the fundamental connections comprising their brain, they can start to be considered as being a pre-adult. As such (typically), their brain properly controls their more advanced bodily functions, such as safe driving with respect for the lives of others. Their brain and body begin to properly connect with their soul and interaction on higher levels begins.

    When new situations arise they can more than react, they can plan for other souls, protecting them from new situation dangers, and helping them through those situations joyfully.

    When they see their life progresses in the wrong direction, they don't need some adult to correct them as much as previously. On their own they can repent [Note: because in agreement with Christ: Christ wants them to come].

    With repentance comes Jesus Christ into their soul.

    Advanced Soul Strategy.

    Jesus Christ chose baptism in his adult years, then taught the Word of God. His ministry had unique aspects, such as healings, transfiguration on the mountain, and so on.

    Regarding your soul, you can repent, be baptized and/or be more mature in logical reasoning with respect to prioritizing your life. You can advance in your spirit toward holiness, and by doing so, you can shake-off the dust of the past. That is, you can (not that it be taken from you contrary-wise) dwell less in the body and/or be less subjective to earthly and/or worldly concerns.

    This is not to say you should be unclean, but rather that you become increasingly concerned with higher heavenly values so that there is less room in your essence for that which is less desirable.

    Jesus Christ spoke of this matter of the soul at the Last Supper. Here, some authorities [Reference King James Version] refer to the soul in the blood as the new testament, while other authorities [Reference Revised Standard Version] disclude that part: Luke Chapter 22 verse 20.

    The Revised Standard Version seems more technically accurate, even though relative to this point the Bible does have many new covenant discussions, such as in Isaiah and Jeremiah.

    After conception by the Holy Spirit [after Jesus Christ's soul started in human form within Mother Mary], when Mother Mary carried Jesus Christ she said "My soul magnifies the Lord." and later Jesus Christ grew in spirit (Reference Luke Chapter 1).

    So we see the soul can reproduce and grow. A person's soul can be as small as a cell. Also therefore, a person's soul can be larger, likely as large as the person; the exception being that if a person chooses contrary to God, then those cells involved in that decision may be contrary or anti-soul.

    Therefore if we recognize that as such, then we use that to glorify God in that we know not to go there (to wrong decisions) anymore. We also gain significant valuable knowledge from having suffered that. We learn logic. We also learn boundless soul power unless we choose without respect to God.


    Jesus Christ did not exclusively appear (the way an angel appeared with authority) and dictate. Instead Jesus Christ chose to be among other souls. Jesus Christ knows that the works of good communications can magnify the soul, so the soul is not only of the body, but also of the good works of good communications for the greater glory of good God.

    So we now see that a person's soul can also be beyond their body (bigger than their body).

    This is known by the fruits of their labors.

    Just as a person learning to add 1+1 can have trouble understanding the difference between calculus and trigonometry, a person new to Christianity can have trouble cashing-in on the more profound values of the greater soul (the proper constant interaction with God).

    Examples include, the difference between evangelism and tending the flock, the difference between charity and investment, and/or the difference between cannon law and terrorist cults.

    When Jesus Christ gave up his soul to God on the cross, he retained it and dwelt among his disciples and continued ministering.

    While Chirst's body died to the world, his soul slept in the soul of God...his eyes closed to the sins of the world (for he had taken them), and three days later people awakened to his ongoing life.

    The hope of good Christians endured through good faith when their usage of logic failed (and/or when it was incomplete). Christ's soul is the substance of that which they didn't see. But in retrospect, they knew it was there.

    God's loving soul abounds everywhere, and if we search appropriately, we find it, or in other words our soul finds it. Therefore a body, the holder of a soul, is important for this purpose.

    Nonetheless, God can find a person's soul even if the person's body perishes in worldly terms. Therefore, rely-on God if you need to find your soul (Reference: Matthew Chapter 10 verse 28).


    Jesus Christ, without forcing us, wants us to choose to be [like Jesus Christ] together with God. Jesus Christ has provided us with a soul to accomplish this through good communications for the greater glory of God.

    We understand that a person's soul is within them (and cannot be lost except to the person's extent of choosing to be contrary to God) and can also be beyond their body according to their good communications for the greater glory of God.

    Current Useful Applications.

    You can do the same job as your boss, yet your boss is your boss and you are not your boss (the boss of the self-employed is the customer, IRS, and so on). You should respect your boss.

    Likewise, you can work on the same job that Jesus Christ is doing, yet you are you and Jesus Christ should be respected as being Jesus Christ. Even with the bringing together of souls in marriage and the sharing of family names, individual names (and/or identities) are retained.

    Your expanded soul does not grant you the right to take Christ's glory for your own.

    Current issues of better life for all should not leave the other undone: such as work against abortion and death sentencing. If we would cut away a finger to save a hand, we must first (pray God always) determine to the best of our ability if we can save the finger. To do this, we must faithfully determine the cause to the best of our ability.

    For instance, the finger may be good if a tourniquet is removed, therefore that tourniquet is the sin operative with shared guilt of improper tourniquet usage.

    The greater importance here is: will it cause further sin? Also, if a finger is lost, it doesn't mean the otherwise good doctor has to have a finger removed (aside from intentional malpractice, not discussed here), the good doctor can learn from experience, and can be a better doctor with all fingers.

    We should completely refrain from vengance, and we should do good for souls: an eye and an eye is better than an eye for an eye.

    We should want to save souls, yet to interrupt a concert, a sports event, or a good traffic flow, just to quote some Bible passages, may seem perfect yet may be wrong, since it may likely be more about the quoter's personal ego, than about each listener's personal soul (Reference Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 verse 7).

    The Future.

    With cloning, biocybernetics, and other advancements, we can expect to find additional morality questions, such as perhaps using an insect's brain and/or ideas in a person or in a helicopter's computer.

    We will also expectedly find questions of the soul with regard to new creatures that science may declare are better than humans.

    Moreover, we may find that new interpretations of the Bible are proffered that can dramatically alter the course of good communications and the rate of soul magnification and growth.

    Throughout these events our souls yearn for righteousness. Therefore, always rely-on and believe Jesus Christ.

    This way you will not come into judgement and you will have truth and you will pass from death to everlasting life (Reference John Chapter 5 verse 24).


    Recommended reading: Ghosts!


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