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ICCDBB Sermon On

Holy Speedometer

November 14, 2009

Let's see how to measure how close you are to God. God is in you, so more to the point, how close you are to the state of Holiness, it is a measurable thing, similar to how a speedometer measures distance.

Holiness and Heaven are within you, in God Jesus Christ, so let's start with examining what it is we want to examine.

Let's start with something easy.

A speedometer is supposed to measure how fast you're going, but technically it only measures distance.

More technically it doesn't even do that, it only indicates distance, for instance a speedometer can be properly calibrated but measure different distances on different cars such as due to uneven amount of tire inflation. You can tell this to an officer if pulled-over, yet do not lie, do not try to deceive nor be deceptive, rather be mutually helpful. Cite law if appropriate.

The dictionary tells us the speedometer measures distance (and thereby lesser things hinging on that, such as rate of speed). Yet if we are to lead and be top in the field of Jesus Christ for Jesus Christ, then we can hardly wait for others including followers who tell us what to do according to their own consensuses inclusive of the opinions of selfish sinners.

To properly lead in Holiness we need to distinguish truth from consensus.

Truth is lovingly comprehensive, consensus is not necessarily comprehensive. Truth is prioritized, consensus is not necessarily prioritized. Here are relative exceptions: see recent ICCDBB Sermon on Mormon ethics (their consensus initiated literature includes lovingly), see previous ICCDBB Sermons and Affiliates on PCS and on the paradigm shift (controls over the created, controls over relativity), and see GodMath Testament Chart #1 on Holiness increase distinguished from minimum evolutionary increase (hence the whole is greater than the sum of appropriate parts).

More technically, a speedometer does not indicate distance. More important than the dictionary being wrong, is that your leadership can be right, in Jesus Christ.

A tire can spin forward, backward, or sideways, up or down, or can be carried on a truck. A tire can spin as it flies through the air while the world rotates, while a speedometer proffers results to no avail.

There is one truth, and it is not some random speedometer nor some random consensus.


In the beginning people became similar to God, and did stuff such as to wrestle, yet a big change happened with Moses, [of God / the love of God] Moses drew closer to the Heart Of God. So that others would not suffer, Moses risked his own life.

That change is measurable, we can call it a minimum unit of change, from one point to another in distance, in time, and hence in speed. Today we know how to measure a change of minimal decision, tied to brain pulses and electrochemical action very tiny. Such is tied to a unit of measurable Holiness, such as your distance, if any, away from the state of Holiness, in terms of current applications.

In the past, people could hardly so measure. In the future, measuring will be more precise, according to Biblical trend.

Currently we now have our measurement of choice being the difference (or distance) from one evolutionary point to one higher Holy point in juxtaposition. Though currently not necessarily a mole of matter in the traditional sense, we can call it a Transitional-State-Mole [similar to a mole], TS-mole, of pure Love, equal to a TS-mole of pure Faith, equal accordingly to such TS-mole of Jesus Christ, You, We, Charity, Holy Spirit, and so on, all, if each and all pure (reference GodMath Testament page 9).

Consider how a person can think to lift a mole of an element, and then result in that relative matter element having been so lifted an appropriate amount (or unlifted, pushed-down, in the anti-TS-mole sense and not necessarily against Christ, rather for the greater glory of Jesus Christ as we reveal His mysteries for all the world to see, admire, and treasure).

So we are looking-at, we are measuring, the minimum energy and/or matter amount, the minimum energy-matter amount, the minimum energy amount of Holiness necessary to lift, necessary to leverage one mole of matter.

We hereof can now measure the amount of Holiness necessary to lift one mole of matter.

We can have more than a single TS-mole alone, Biblically.

We hereof can now measure the amount of Holiness necessary to lift a pound of coffee one foot, to move a car one mile, and to move a person 40 years.

Warning: remember that a speedometer may be virtually useless when trying to measure distance when measuring in the midst of relative winds and galaxies.

For example, in the Third Testament Book of Mormon Third Nephi Chapter 18 verse 34 Jesus Christ saw sin in the world so [counted as if instead of Grace, Jesus Christ] gave law to the people.

The result was given us in the next verse: 18.35 Jesus Christ went away from them. Jesus Christ gave sinners law to comfort them.

Non-sinners are given grace to enjoy, sinners are given law to within themselves, to each properly utilize at least a TS-mole of energy. Such would move them from under law, to law and rather grace.

What was the sin in this case?, well it was not necessarily sin tied to any worldly law per se, rather we see in 18.1 a matter of grace as people failed to voluntarily of their own accord bring forth charitably bread and wine unto Jesus Christ.

So the unit of TS-mole extends beyond legal limits and includes matters of grace, hence it is deeper, higher, broader, and beyond Relative worldly limitations of laws, and extends therefore into GodMath, and comprehensively therefore into the Absolute (reference GodMath Testament details).

So now we learned there are warning limitations in relative laws, and there are Absolute hence unseen energies tied to the TS-mole unit.

Giving such in mind(s), for Jesus Christ, let us now multiply TS-moles in an orderly arrangement, multiplying TS-moles together in fundamental and harmonic timed frequencies, strengths, wavelengths, and similar as applicable and appropriate, to the best of the current state-of-the-art as far as reasonably known at this point of this Sermon.

If to bring together TS-moles properly, then let's consider 3 Nephi 20.10:

Jesus Christ said, ..."the Father hath commanded me concerning this people, who are a remnant of the house of Israel." Jesus Christ said THIS PEOPLE ARE A REMNANT.

This is hereof interpreted as meaning this advanced people, and this advancing people, are a remnant, even thee Remnant (though not to exclude others, rather to call). This is therefore rather the advancing part, the faction of Holiness, the TS-mole compounding exponentially.

Historically relatively Sabra was the true blood line, the lineage of the Chosen (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on marriage mixing and other changes), and such is hardly done away by the world, though as much as above (in TS-mole per se) their part is not lost, and on the goodness portion of their part we might build them greater for mutual benefit.

So now we can look at a simple decision, or a more complex [for simplification and clarity of meaning help in this Sermon the more complex refers only to more advanced] decision. The simple decision is a TS-mole.

To the un-advanced, the more complex is as if many TS-moles. Yet to the most advanced, the more complex is merely a TS-mole. While the advanced in Holiness only has to give a thought, the less advanced has to make many wise choices to catch-up and to then properly figure-out that one thought. The exception is a proper leap of faith, but then that proper leap is only one decision, one TS-mole.

GodMath explained the circular, helical, linear concept, the matter toward spirit concept; it is not explained again here in this Sermon.

Great applications have been advanced since the initiation of the periodic table families in 1913 which changed the world much in such a brief time since then, and subatomic models of 1917 did the same in short time; and those were involved with energies though more involved with matter. Biblically, hence, far much more value can be added to properly so chart and model energy properly.

Since the TS-mole is higher order [helical toward linear], the opposite in verification is that matter is toward circular, meaning for instance dead thorns are circular largely except the tip, though closer inspection finds it too curved/circular. On the other hand for instance, light tends to be straight, also fire rises (Revelation 14.11, see previous ICCDBB Sermons on applications) unless it receives interference.

Thorns selfishly protect themselves too much, even when wrongly physically in the Lord. This is counted as evil unto the Lord in terms of a crown of thorns. Yet unto the blessed advanced Chosen, in Christ all things are counted as good.

So with this goodness in mind, we can re-examine more perfectly, in other words let's see what is outwardly lovingly and charitable about those thorns, in order to at least measure one positive [not negative] unit of TS-mole. To selfishly protect itself (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on selfishness, and on not leaving the other undone) is hardly an advancing redeeming feature, as [with exceptions] selfishness often constructs helical toward circular firmament toward the sin direction. The main point being more toward outflowing love rather than negativity, more toward enlightening others and calling inviting rather than attacking, piercing, or otherwise destroying.

Thorny plants are typically non-poisonous, thorny plants grow and live and thrive, and can be farmed such as for certain bioflavinoids values for human health. Thorny plants can be grafted, and improved plants can be developed: leaps of nature above and beyond the evolutionary pattern. Also in general thorny plants are eaten by more highly evolved creatures, therefore there is an association with the TS-mole, a value positive, though conditional. Humans are not to mingle with other life forms improperly. So while a thorn plant can have value, it is not the type of TS-mole idea we have been discussing, so to speak (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on humans or non-humans, and on measuring similar via distinguishing).

A thorn plant can pierce or can protect itself, and in a patch of thorn plants can together improve protection for each other (rising from circular toward helical). Yet vertical Jesus Christ was hardly circular and rather vertical, teaching higher advanced helical people the Way of vertical higher faith.

Such love Jesus Christ had is exemplified in His crucifixion.

When Jesus Christ asked why His Father had forsaken Him, Jesus Christ did not ask for Himself, that was not His Way, to be selfish, He asked for you. And that's just part of it. He also asked not as an end (nor repeat, circular), rather Jesus Christ asked as a new beginning. Consider how an umbilical cord, properly cut, typically does not end a person's life, rather starts a new person, a new life form. When severed from the body Jesus Christ was starting a new life for many.

My God, look upon me: why hast thou forsaken me? Far from my salvation are the words of my sins. The circular sins of the world were cut in the crucifixion.

This interpretation is from the Douay-Rheims Bible. This has been esteemed as the only (so far, see previous ICCDBB Sermons on the living Bible) verse quoted by Jesus Christ (unaffiliated link) blog.

Also for your sake and our sake(s) Jesus uses all of the Bible, so it is most fitting in Mark 15.34 ("forsaken" though in another South American tribal language it was interpreted much differently, nicely) that Jesus cite Psalm 22.1.

This, counted as the lowest point (circular), does much to give us the minimum TS-mole definition.

Understanding the size of the smallest TS-mole helps enable us to be able to understand the [helical adding, rather the vertical] multiplying of TS-moles together. It is helpful in the more functional applications approach.

Similar to the E=MxCsquared equation (reference GodMath triads, and GodMath page 9) we can focus on properly giving E=ExEsquared leverage. That is, to use the smallest amount of energy (such as tied to a word or symbol) to properly control and leverage much energy for many, sans matter [sans: without; also in origin terms: sine converting to linear measure].

What can equate to perfection. As previous ICCDBB Sermons found, perfection includes the act of perfecting. Hence a TS-mole of perfection is equivalent or roughly equivalent to a TS-mole of perfecting. This is similar to how perfect faith is similar to perfect outward loving, even yielding a more excellent way, hence vertically augmenting perfect love.

Proper energy formula, evidently:

Perfect = Perfecting x [appropriate variable, squared].

So for instance in lay terms when people claim life is a journey more than a destination, they are partly right.

Of this evidence, let's examine proper and improper applications of this.

An improper [so called, rather proper conditionally] application in worldly human terms is found in Genesis 19.24: the Lord rained brimstone and fire (circular and linear: helical = circular x linear, though see GodMath qualifiers). Deuteronomy 32:35 explains Vengeance is Mine, sayeth the Lord. The improper part comes with the moot mingling of circular with higher.

Proper TS-mole is found within Third Testament Third Nephi Chapter 17 verse 24: And as they looked to behold they cast their eyes towards heaven, and they saw the heavens open, and they saw angels descending out of heaven as it were in the midst of fire; and they came down and encircled those little ones about, and they were encircled about with fire; and the angels did minister unto them.

Perfection fiery heaven = Perfecting [blessed (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on newborn child)] children x variable catalyst squared [vertical angels x encircling the children, hence of outpouring love mission being helical for the children's sake(s), hence] helical angels from heaven raining [upward] vertical fire sans matter.

Perfecting = Perfecting x variable\2.

Fire = You x Helical Controlled Fire Descending.

Similarly Fire = You x Baptism.

"Controlled" is a big variable factor (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on PCS, and paradigm shift).

Angels vertically descend at times: Transitional State: TS-mole. A proper amount of control is administered, allocated, yielded [from vertical to high order advanced helical], as a gift from above charitably, matching charity and blessing.

Charity x blessing, or blessing x blessing, is as blessing squared or as TS-mole squared. Being a blessing and then blessing others is similar, blessed x bless.

So of the Will of God, when done properly you can choose to be pure and then you can choose to use the Word of God to Helically Control Fire Descending.

In the past, fire rose. Today we control fiery plasma. Gas torches and fiery plasma torches often point fire downward, often to strike rotating material as the torches index, in other words, helically.

Yet sans material, we hereof further learn to control fire with fire, that is, fire with helical fire.

As we further learn to use energy to properly control energy, we learn to better learn, respectfully.

As evidenced, such energy design includes leadership, control, energy applications, matter applications, leverage, money, Holy Spirit, and so on.

May God bless you, and have a nice day in the Lord.


The above Holy Speedometer ICCDBB Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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