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How to Use the Bible as a Situation Specific Tool:

Luke 34 & 35 (with actual example: Transporterer design & equipment).

Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff 1/6/2003.


Bibles and Religions.

Useful faith applied.

Ministry works.

New creations.

Luke verses 34 & 35.


You are with God or you are not. If you always do what God wants, you are with God. If you straddle-the-fence, then you are not with God.

The above is known as fire and brimstone preaching. Such preaching style can be softened by allowing you the attain the impossible, God's perfection, via God's perfect son Jesus Christ.

Such mild teaching (such as for normal adults: high school and college graduates), can be further softened by repetition. Such extreme softening has such redundancy that anyone can learn the repeated basics.

So we find these preaching styles:

A. Fire & brimstone cutting edge accuracy;

B. Mild useful information for the normal population; and

C. Redundancy so that none are lost.

So we find a diversity of Bible styles and interpretations.

A, B, and C each agree with each other and need to be used together.

Benefits are found when these three are united, and problems are found when each is separated. We certainly do not want any loss, so we must include C. Intelligent people do not tolerate excessive redundancy, so B is needed. Intelligent people also need some breathing room for intellectual pursuits, so A is needed.

In other words, an intellectual attending a C sermon may say it's like death (as a friend told me years ago). Therefore, the opposite affect from the intended occurs. Similarly, if an intellectual wants the opposite of loss, mercy needs to be granted to those in need.

Therefore an intellectual will of their own initiative seek to help others as an integral part of what makes them an intellectual. Fire & brimstone, A, is about righteous faith and logic; correspondingly, intellectuals use logic to find faith. Therefore given faith (namesake), logic follows; and given logic (works), faith follows.

Faith without works is incomplete, just as logic without namesake is incomplete. So a person can want to do good, but if they don't have works they're ineffective; or if a person works hard in the wrong direction (such as selfishly) without good faith, they are lost.

So to read the Bible usefully, read it for the benefit of others and read it in order to follow orders and to take action accordingly.

Jesus Christ continually wanted people of their own accord to seek the Father of righteousness, and not leave the other undone, [seeking the Father of forgiveness and] mercy.


If you visit a magazine store and buy a magazine on cars, you expect to find cars discussed within the magazine. If it is not about cars, customers will likely complain to the store owner. So if the magazine and/or store owner tries to trick customers, it can work against them and counteract their long range plans to have happy repeat customers.

Likewise, if you buy a book on everlasting God, you would expect it to have reliable information about God, useful for long range planning.

You would have faith not only in the book, but also in the subject matter according to your personal interpretation. Your interpretation would include your perspective, just as a juror has a perspective of justice, and your interpretation would likely include what others have said about God.

Your reading of the Bible would need to reveal a logical pattern about God related to your personal perspective, since God created you. A kingdom divided by itself cannot stand, as discussed above, therefore your personal faith in God works to your benefit.

Since God created you and also created others, your faith in God helps others according to their faith in God; all working together for good.

The Bible reveals these things, and reveals that Christ came to the world to be an example and a leader toward what God wants. So more than for other people, we read the Bible for the greater glory of Jesus Christ the glory of God.


With guidance, faith, we can use the Bible effectually.

For someone who has read (and/or heard) some of the Bible, they should read the whole Bible so their works are effective in whole, 100%.

For someone who has not read the Bible, or has read very little, found it confusing, and put it aside, they will likely do better reading about Jesus Christ first, since Jesus Christ makes sense of it all, and serves as the example of goodness, mercy, and righteous action. So they could first read the Bible Book of John, then Gospel books Matthew, Mark, and Luke, then the first parts of Genesis and Isaiah, then the middle of First Corinthians, followed by the end of Revelation.

Having read those, then the whole Bible would likely be more easy for them to read, with more relevance to their current life, with respect to the Biblical books' context eras.

Then they could use the Biblical teachings with knowledge, authority, and power. They would know how to look-up ideas and phrases to see how they apply to given particular aspects of their current job. They would begin to understand how helpful the Bible is in daily decision-making.

Those who have read, discussed, know, and understand the Bible, and who have a good personal relationship with Jesus Christ, do works in accord with Jesus Christ's plans.

Having read the Bible does not mean they cease to grow in the Bible and in Christ. There are many deeper richer values revealed to them as they study the Bible and as they practice good Biblical actions.

The concept of deeper values may be understood via the following general deepness value classifications:

  • Surface reading may be found with a childrens' learning to read book, where letters and words are important, and the story line is thin, transparent, and easy to understand.
  • Slightly subsurface moves away from tangible nouns and relativity, toward absolutivity; with some of the words having double meanings, such as "fishers of men".
  • Farther from the surface we find complex principles and philosophies, such as one party's legal writings considerations prior to passage of medical legislation with regard to how such would affect the other partys.
  • Deeper values are more profound with not only how we perceive a multitude of concepts and/or interpretations, but more toward unseen and unproven realms, yet reliable according to guidance wisdom and moreover reliable according to Christ.

    After you have read the Bible, and supportive works to some degree, you become more able to use Biblical references for any given situation in life, such as when you plant a shrub; with you being one or nearly one with Christ you view your planting task with the consideration of how to glorify God, via a wide host of supportive principles. Such Biblical principles that come to mind for you may include an initial prayer of thanks to Christ for the love and life Christ provided for you to do the task, you may pray that the work is good and proper for God, you may pray the shrub lives for the glory of God (such as those who see the shrub praise the Lord), and so on.

    When time is pressing, such as an emergency, you may react automatically with strategic praise and thanking of Christ while tending to the matter at hand, acting as a miracle provider of help in time of dire need.

    Automatic actions for the greater glory of God are a deeply tremendous blessing. Moreover, works in absolutivity are Godly, so works toward absolutivity are more permanent.

    Once a beautiful temple was built with gold used between the bricks as mortar. Jesus Christ said destroy this temple (with more deep value referring to his body...and deeper contexts) and in three days I will raise it up. Later the temple was torn down with not one brick upon another, so the pilagers could extract the gold.

    So permanence is less about the body and it's works, and more about deeper values, or in other words, it is about higher principles.


    Our Father who art in Heaven,

    Hallowed be Thy Name,

    Thy Kingdom come,

    Thy Will be done,

    on earth as it is in Heaven.

    So we should do useful Biblical works on earth. Heaven already provides us with Heavenly principles of how to accomplish these Heavenly works.

    Using the Bible expertly, one no longer has to read an entire Bible Book for each situation for each moment. The Christian Bible expert lives in a multitude of Biblical situations, it is a part of their life.

    It is no longer based merely on memory of Biblical texts, it is intrinsic to their being, or in other words, they can hardly not be part of the Bible. With all the cross references and intertwined supportive information they use daily, they exist within the deeper more valuable Biblical principles: heaven on earth.

    For such Biblical experts, reading the Bible exceeds speed reading, not only by memory, but more toward truth and life everlasting.

    For a non-Biblical reader, when a complex Biblical phrase is heard after their having read it, they might remember they read it, and their understanding of it's complexities might be nearly as difficult for them currently as originally.

    For a Biblical expert, when a complex Biblical phrase is heard after their having read it, they would remember they read it or similar supportive ideas, and their understanding of it's complexities would currently not only be easy, but it would fit into their life and the lives of others, more toward absolute pattern.

    Therefore, for a non-Biblical reader, logical patterns can be recognized, similar to building a puzzle. While on the other hand, for a Biblical expert, the logical patterns are more similar to the Golden Rule; or more similar to a growing tree, whereas when a tree limb is spliced into place, the logical growth pattern is automatic.

    So the Christian Biblical expert finds their logical reasoning and associated patterns automatically increasing by leaps and bounds. This applies not only to Biblical verses, but also to parts of verses and incomplete ideas.

    Therefore when any topic or bit of information is presented, alert Christian Biblical expert would in accordance with their personal good habits, mentally work to find the absolute true values attached to that information for resultant solutions as applicable throughout the continuance toward good process.

    Therefore, devoid of attempting short-cuts, a person can choose to become a Christian Biblical expert resulting in the new ability to look at Chapters, words, or even letters in new more reasonable ways (so other people benefit) for the greater glory of God.

    For instance, people can anagrammatically assign numbers to letters and can use same as in coding, algebra, or other. Yet when a Christian Biblical expert views same, they (being alive in same of God's provisions) can choose to associated same according to goodness values they attach to same.

    By comparison a non-Biblical person would be less likely to be concerned about the alphabetic and/or numeric pattern of the name Jesus, while on the other hand a Christian Biblical expert would be intensely focused same.

    For instance, Biblical text letters have been arranged for two dimensional reading. With current computer capabilities, this can be made three dimensional (it may have already been done), and texts may be placed in circular and spherical patterns.

    For a non-Biblical person, such letter positioning would likely result in little value to them personally, while for a Christian Biblical expert, applicable findings would be more easily recognized along with personal and applicable group benefits [applicable group such as the group with whom the Christian Biblical expert interacts, plus indirect interactions].

    LUKE VERSES 34 & 35.

    As revealed above, the Christian Biblical expert is no longer confined to limited learning as they were when they were a novice Biblical reader. They don't have to read every word (unless for that purpose) every time a subject arises, they have already learned it and furthermore they have an absolute growth pattern toward goodness intrinsic to their lives.

    Therefore while a non-Christian Biblical reader would typlically have to read as taught in grade school, the Christian Biblical expert could read the Bible text some unusual new way, such as for instance sideways, if they choose.

    A non-Christian Biblical reader studying sideways, could find strong delusion (as stated in the Bible) if they attempt what they perceive as possible shortcuts (relative to novice studies per sideways, anagram, or similar methodology) about the Bible, as stated herein (see shortcut discussion above).

    The rest of this Internet Site Page shows an example of sideways Biblical study. After having completed your reading of this sermon, you may likely see that you have increased abilities to handle information in new and different ways (not previously the norm for you); then you may find you have new greater value in life as you develop new pattern recongition powers (such as this methodology serving as an additional cross-reference check system).

    You may find and develop new abilities for handling abstract, random, chaotic, or otherwise previously confusing bits of information.

    Similar reasoning abounds, such as regarding search technologies. Here are some examples: boolean is quantity related, clustering is similarity related, linguistic is root related, natural is category related, ontology is subject related, probabilistic is concept related, taxonomy is hierarchy related, and vector is proximity related.

    You are free to use these principles and this example of sideways Biblical text cross-referencing to apply to your own situations, concerns, or other of your own personal beliefs.

    As a demonstration for you, I used this sideways example (Luke verses 34 & 35) to apply to the following Internet site (Note: the site reveals equipment for collective intelligence, a new step in human evolution, overcoming mortality, and instantaneous transportering; and the site uses root word "transporter" with various extensions as seen in the following).

    Example of "sideways" Biblical study used for previous link site:

    Luke 34 & 35: Chapter 1. A human, Mary Mother of the Son of God, talking with an angel, with the angel explaining the future with the Holy Spirt and God.

    I use the Bible in this instance to represent not only new birth, but a new creation relative to my newly created transporter site plan as linked above.

    Luke 34 & 35: Chapter 2. "fall and rising" & "pierce through your own soul also" relates to and matches the transporter's receiver.

    Luke 34 & 35: Chapter 3. Geneology correlates to the Collective Inteligence.

    Chapter 4. Some choose to dwell on destruction (the Receiver) while Christ chooses "come" and "no harm": unity of peace (the Collective) and proper preparation prior to Transportering.

    Chapter 5. Christ acknowledges the wedding (Collective Intelligence), including beneficial and delimited aspects.

    Chapter 6. Collective Intelligence can only work via unity, in peace, one person with another.

    Chapter 7. Some people want more selfishly; some people want more for [God, all and] other people. Authority is given to reliable people of expertise who might serve on the Selection Board.

    Chapter 8. A person's soul is never lost to God. Just as externally a person's body can be lost in the woods, internally a person can sin and be at discord within their own soul, therefore people interested in being transportered should first be in their right mind with Jesus Christ.

    Chapter 9. Do it right the first time via listening to Jesus Christ; and fear Jesus Christ so you live your life in joy. If a person's thoughts are to be digitized, help them prepare. Although a person always has a choice to do good, give them a good example and good expertise so they are less likely to seek a wrong path.

    Chapter 10. Peace is more than calmness, such as rest at the end of a busy day. Peace with one another involves action to help one another, especially in their time of need. Peace within the Collective Intelligence should be normal (through Christ) to a person prior to their entering the Collective.

    Chapter 11. The Transporterer is about fast relocation, but moreover it is about unity of purpose. Also, specific to the Detector Array, completeness of it's ability to detect is vital to saving people and other specimens from disintegration. The point is not to detect (and filter-out) sin, but rather the point is to detect good.

    Chapter 12. While the above link is to the an example dealing with a Transporterer, and the link includes financial aspects, the optimum treasure value comes from the good unity of purpose; and from such Collective perspective, a person's heart will be examined for goodness.

    Chapter 13. Christ is blessed, so to righteously gather people together collectively in unity is to gather people together in the Lord (Reference United States Constitution Article 7); for "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!".

    Chapter 14. As stated above for Chapter 11, the Transporterer purpose is not to filter-out (except for special cases, such as medical as with tumor removal). Reasonably, various viewpoints are important for hearing and learning the Holy Word and for growth.

    Chapter 15. In this Chapter there are no verses 34 & 35. Christ died on the cross and for the most part we did not perceive the greater part of his life until he rose. We can hardly perceive the greater part of the Collective (except via Jesus Christ) until it is accomplished via construction of the Transporterer. As with Christ, Transporterer users could be here, then unseen by us, then here again.

    Chapter 16. Again there are no verses 34 & 35. That does not mean give up hope or throw away what we've learned. It gives us comfort in the knowledge that we have ability to continue as we've been taught. We can expound future Transporterer absolute theories (while making equipment related capability projections).

    Chapter 17. Exceeding lie detector capabilities, Transporterer Detectors could examine and/or prescreen people wanting to be Transportered, taking one, leaving the other, such as per Selection Board criteria.

    Chapter 18. As though blind, we do not yet understand the fullness of the benefits the unity of Collective Intelligence will bring; and as actually blind, using the standardized database (of those who see well) those blind can be made to see.

    Chapter 19. "The Lord has need of it." and the Lord has need of you. Would you like to make a device Christ might use? Yes. Would you like to share thoughts with Jesus Christ in new exciting ways? Yes. Via Christ's example, we should leave bodily (relativity) concerns to follow Jesus Christ.

    Chapter 20. Following Christ, as we move toward the absolute way, the Transporterer's Collective Intelligence will transcend current thinking relative to sex and marriage, with resurrection from relativity to a large degree toward even greater unified bliss. In other words, in my case my body is perfected in honoring my wife; and so I should consult with my wife prior to either or both of us transportering; with the understanding that transportering would likely increase life expectancy (although as with riding in a car, for instance, there are risks) and greater things might thereby be achieved. The Transporterer might be viewed as a helpful prepratory step toward enlightenment to the resurrection.

    Chapter 21. We need to understand that usage of tools alone, can hardly deliver us to Christ, but via Christ's acceptance of us, it is our choosing to follow Christ that matters. One can have their heart Transportered, but it is how they use their heart that matters.

    Chapter 22. I fail due to my personal sin, the evidence being my Transporterer invention is not perfect. Christ supplies all of our needs, the Transporterer only supplies part of our needs.

    Chapter 23. As individuals, prior to Transportering, we must each choose Christ so that we each lose nothing worthy of keeping throughout eternity. We must choose to forgive others to establish and keep eternal friendships. We must help others without thinking selfishly, if we are to live forever. Instead of worrying about saving ourselves, we must think about saving others. The Transporterer must be advanced for others. While many people have freedom of thought concerns (likely many could be against Transporterer filtering), it is clearly tremendously better to not need any filtering via pre-transportered people choosing to think and practice good will toward others (as discussed above).

    Chapter 24. These verses show that rising can be accomplished, and furthermore shows bodily (and computer) maintence is needed, such as food. Also, aside from Collective Intelligence, raw data should be preserved for individuals, so they can be recognized for the benefit of individuals and the whole.

    So we can find good and consistent Biblical principles, even in the midst of chaotic patterns of Biblical study.

    A Biblical phrase or other phrase, can be used by Biblical experts and put into proper Biblical context with full meaning and with specific application to the current topic being discussed.

    We also find that our deep questions of morality, purpose, and similar can be discussed in specific detail with proper Biblical answers and cross-references. Bias relative to cloning, elections, debates, economics, the future, and much more can be discussed in Biblical terms with specific results.

    As shown above, the Bible is not just a general guideline for living; the Bible can and should be used routinely as a practical situation specific tool.


    To visit the Main Site of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.

    To visit the second page of sermons of the Internet Church of Christ founded by Dr. Bob Benchoff, click here.