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ICCDBB Sermon On

Beyond The New Testament

October 18, 2009

In the Name Of Jesus Christ, to describe the people of these current times, is to agree with the Lord within the word yes. But saying yes alone hardly enlightens you, therefore in the Name Of Jesus Christ it is hereby said each and all adult people are as clocks repeating day after day, unless they are advancing with Jesus Christ as a calendar and rather far more: brilliantly alive in the Holy Spirit with charity to overcome the body, and with love to overcome the equations properly.

To help you gain such wise faith best, here are some criteria of faith established now so that you may learn within relativity and therefore in relative terms [hence technically noting definition spellings: not merely therefor in logic, yet also therefore in divine enlightenment reason].

So in simple easy delightful terms, Christians are counted as blessings, yet also non-Christians yet to become Christian are also of great future value, and knowing this, investment can be made today. Yet given timing, as the recent Test Sermon explained, why wait [except appropriately for higher purpose]. Also to wait for things uncertain can have luck value, yet greater is appropriate value in the Lord. Therefore learn the plan of Jesus Christ.

That is still too complex, in other words, if to learn quickly, then to learn in a better way offered by the Lord. To learn about a person being saved God offers some learning of the Bible and plan and laws and redemption through Jesus Christ. Yet for your easy learning sake, let's now rather focus on the Lord according to current large groups of people thriving beyond many generations of people. Let us do this according to Biblical writings.

If to be under extreme duress, such as under slavery or under foreign military or sect rule, such as often happens in Africa, then to be toward following, following orders, and such is relatively slightly toward enlightenment as compared to the higher value of free thought and action, if such thoughts and actions are proper and best. So let us rather currently learn easily of the free choice of typical groups symbolizing their respective Biblical points.

There are other major cultural shifts in major entities, such as in China, India, and elsewhere, though while accepting Christians increasingly, much shifting is according to Western Culture [American], so let us rather learn easily of better worldly symbols.

Easy to learn and understand are certain large group patterns as typically often Muslims are associated with being around the Middle East, while Jews are associated with the Middle East (see recent ICCDBB Test Sermon explaining [New York, NY /] paradigm shift), while Europe and Americas are associated with the 2nd Testament, while MidWest US is tied to 3rd Testament, and latter Testaments as stated in ICCDBB. In order to not offend any entity, each group is hereby called blessed (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on each newborn being a blessing as long as they don't choose sin; also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on measures, extents, and limitations).

Hence for easy learning, we have worldly facts of logic, also herein called symbols of groups of people(s) representational of the advancing of the Heavenly Plan.

For instance, if to believe the New Testament, then to typically believe there was an advancement to the Old Testament by a group of people, and then by people of that group a subset group that advanced from the Old to the New Testament, a fact to the New Testament group typically; or in other words it is a fact to the New Testament group largely on the whole, that they the subset were the only ones to graduate from Old to New, Testament wise in Biblical terms, that is, in terms on more advanced and higher Holiness. The fact in the world is the subset believes it is more Holy than the previous, similar to how a child typically learns to crawl, then walk, then run.

To run is more dangerous than to walk, and to walk is more dangerous than to crawl, hence:

Run / Walk / Crawl.

Crawl = Run x Walk.

Christian / Jew / Muslim.

Muslim = Christian x Jew.

Typically in current times of the worldly people now, this likely doesn't make sense to you because of your selfishness, so let me explain. For a person running, if the runner is to choose the most safe given choice option shown above, then the runner is not to fall on the ground at high speed, rather to multiply the running by walking, to slow the pace, then to safely crawl. This is Biblically to be less advanced, such as a Christian Missionary might do. This of Biblical Heavenly Liberty may otherwise be something else, such as to slow the pace for the sake of the runner's over active heart, or strained muscles. So these are logical and Biblical, to do for others, and/or to not leave the other undone of that and those given by God that none and nothing be lost.

Conversely if a person walking wants to go faster or slower, the same principle applies, though an extra formula variable would apply and need to be inserted or attached, topically the second similar to the first, if to so agree formulaically (reference useful though archaic definition of the word formulae, as exemplified in affiliated info). GodMath Testament revealed the extra formula variable parameters for applying more comprehensively yet with appropriate faith (see affiliate info, and see previous ICCDBB Sermons on PCS and also on the paradigm shift from grace to law in current worldly circumstances). Here are 2 attachment example words appropriately added, with 1 appropriate inserted word example:

The above formulae are for a purpose, for an application, for proper traceability to the Lord. Yet there are also other applications and other traceability ways (including personal, positional, and other) to the Lord from the worldly perspective, yet from the Holy perspective there is only One Way.

You can ask a third grader why they think they are more advanced than a second or first grader, or a kindergarten student or certain others, and they might provide reasonable (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on juror) clues such as being able to recite the alphabet, and their abilities to form complex variable symbols into grand thoughts. Those grand thoughts may in fact simplify the learning process. But if you ask an infant, there is no such discussion, save out of the mouths of babes come perfect praise; in juror terms such is considered leap of faith matters, similar to a legally defined act of God.

Many believe the 2nd Testament but not the 3rd. Dead faith is not the solution.

Jesus Christ is living. Between zero BC and now, Jesus Christ has been and is alive, except 3 days [(see previous ICCDBB Sermons concerning the son of perdition) yet rather than follow death, lead and overcome], and then faithful Christians started writing much more for some years, then virtually no more, as it was time to shift gears: enter the 3rd Testament. To do the things pleasing unto the Lord is akin to proper living, it is akin to doing the Holy Will Of Jesus Christ.

Truly the 3rd, 4th, and more Testaments have already come, though how little the world was willing to accept: selfishness interferes with a person's own advancing in the Lord.

If people do not advance with the Lord, even that which they thought they had will be taken away, see the recent ICCDBB Test Sermon, I didn't want to do it, it was at great cost, yet I did it for your sake(s); and even so, rather for the sake of the Living Lord Advancing. The Test Sermon is a true story, current, and pertinent to the world, as proper faith, power, money, and similar are constantly on the minds of typical people typically. Rather that all people were reasonable, and rather faithful unto the Living Lord Advancing (also see previous ICCDBB Sermons on living Jesus prior to zero BC).

To preach (or teach) as given here is not to do the Holy Will Of Jesus Christ for myself, though it is to do the Holy Will Of Jesus Christ for you; exceptions include that often in preaching properly I too am taught of the Lord, and also an exception is that often students [including myself and typical other students] do not learn unselfishly therefore to not learn properly, therefore flunk and have to go through the process again and not necessarily the preacher's fault though it can be, save the Lord.

The burden of the Lord is light, and here I'll explain my burden: I don't want to try to teach you because when I do prepare to teach you it means I have to stop advancing with the Lord and tear myself away from the Lord in order to teach you what I already know, so it is unfair to me to have to repeat class after I didn't fail, and added to that is the salt in the wound when students fail; yet here I'll explain the far greater blessing: that after having properly preached I feel goodly [faithfully] and understand my legal justification [logically], and also that I have completed that barrier hurdle and can increasingly continue with the Lord advancing properly.

Make no mistake as to the danger and fear of the Lord: when given insight of the Holy Word of the Lord, or similarly talents or other blessings from the Lord, the Lord expects you to share these charitably [traceable to the Lord, in absolute terms] lest you having received fail to further ascend, as if to get stuck yourself in a pit. It is a terrible thing for the Holy Teacher to ask you why you have not written these things [these gifts, as if you take them selfishly, worthy of self destruction, save the loving grace if the Lord so creates for you].

To learn from the Lord is to advance with the Lord, then to so do even better than less learned less advanced other people can do, though it means to without hesitation so teach others: if you have not the love / learn, and if you have not the faith talent / advance, then you as if attempt to waste gifts of the Holy Spirit Of The Lord And One Comforter And Also Counted As Another Comforter, yet the one same Oneness, then the Creator of Heaven and Hell creates a place for you positionally and personally according to that selfish choice of yours. So to desire without thinking of the consequences is to desire luck or chaos. In other words without thinking is faithless.

In the Lord: to preach is that the preacher from the preacher's perspective is to tend to go in reverse whereas in same perspective to act and to do is to tend to go forward with the Lord. Even so, to preach can have value too with the Lord.

Actions speak louder than words, yet the pen is mightier than the sword. Actions without words can be selfish, words without actions can be selfish, yet when words agree with actions, selfishness can be better controlled, not merely by the self, yet also others can be entered into your works to help, including the Lord entering and then none can resist.

Working properly together the word and the action verify each other. If to do missionary work via preaching, then the preacher loses their self accordingly, if to do missionary work such as via digging a ditch, then the preacher also loses their self. If to preach and be paid, then it is no longer merely preaching, it is to do work(s). By receiving no charity the preacher gains wisdom, by receiving charity the preacher gains wisdom and work employment [by receiving wages the preacher might be undone]. Preaching in toward repeating, while doing properly is toward innovation, rather inventing, rather creating, rather leading [hence One with the Lord], hence the Lord Jesus Christ.

To receive from the Lord wisdom, means without hesitation preach, and that preaching verifies proper thinking, hence proper thoughts. Why do and build something if you are not sure of the plans, verily many start to build and later realize they have not sufficient to finish. A gift from God can be a great idea, but if you have not thought it through, you may not have the other ideas and/or things necessary to complete the mission. This is not to say never act on faith alone. Yet to selfishly wrongly imagine it is up to you alone to save the world or to fix a situation, but without proper justification, then to possibly invite risk. Leap in faith, yet learn proper responsibility for the Lord and proper responsibilities unto others. Help others learn properly, lest you leap carelessly and land on them and your works and crush all you have built.

To be stuck in the Old Testament is to not think it through. If to think it through is to be preaching, then if to preach the Old Testament, then to preach of Jesus Christ. Then after that preaching is the greater successful doing, properly advancing with the Lord (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on US Constitution Article VII). Works of the world fail, yet the loving work of the Lord [including through Christian Oneness] endures. Yet it is not merely about students, preachers need to advance properly to accordingly teach properly. Such includes to not give-in to students so to speak, that they have their ways, yet such includes also proper higher love [preaching] and charity [doing for the Lord] by the preacher.

In these ICCDBB Sermons I preach publicly and this is seen publicly, though my actions publicly are not always seen by all. Privately, personally, to help you understand, I for instance knew a person and their situation of little money and certain problems so accordingly I offered them appropriate help with a free book, and $100 if they promised to attempt to read that book, but they refused of their own choice, and the indication on the surface is my preaching should not have failed so I should preach more effectively, though in deeper understanding in the long run that person has improved evidently, so perhaps the mere gesture helped [and that book and money was freed to help again].

Frankly, if to be stuck in the past, aside from the persecutions, to be stuck in the Second Testament is not such a bad place, it is a goodly place, though the Lord would rather not lose you in the tomb, nor on the road afterward, nor in the curses that mean to not wrongly add nor subtract (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on curses repeated in both the Old and New Testaments). Jesus Christ rather wants you to lead now to reduce or even eliminate desires to persecute.

Often evidently people receive a blessing from God, such as wisdom and then retirement funds, then the people selfishly [in other words they stop trusting God, so the people] choose to get stuck in the First, the Second, or the Third Testament. Even the Fourth is history, though for your sakes the paradigm has shifted (see recent "Test" Sermon).

Let's say you want to invent a better mode of transportation. For instance in series: the first Testament spoke Noah's ship bobing in the water, the second spoke of navigation and ship's tackle, and the third Testament spoke of improved land navigation according to focus placed on certain instrumentation. The fourth Testament spoke of submarines, aerospace, and things beyond. There is a pattern. We do read history books and especially from reference books [including the Testaments of the Bible] we gain valuable information useful currently yet we also importantly read current information on applications. In lay terms, in matters of faith, keep your eye on the ball.

Mind reading and mind control is of the living.

Control or be controlled.

Jesus Christ used his mind and privately quietly prayed, so shall we try to read his mind in order to know his thoughts?, rather his thoughts were made public, openly there were words, and also among those of high faith were moans and sounds too deep and perfect to put into a book. You had to be there, is only part of it. Mind control is only part of the equation. Experience is only part of the equation. Telling a story is only part of the actual facts of the case: if you were not the person then you were not aware of the situation from that person's perspective. That person was placed on Earth by God, with valid reason, including the Holy Situation Reason.

To be one with Jesus Christ, to be perfect, to know the thoughts of Jesus Christ, and to take the name of Jesus Christ for yourself for Jesus Christ, is to not forget the fear of being unfaithful previously, yet more importantly is to love Jesus Christ more, more faithfully, and that includes pure love. To love all is part of the Will of Jesus Christ. Therefore to understand the case of a person and their past or future situation perfectly is to love that person, and also of being the name Jesus Christ Creator it is to understand history perfectly and the future as much as is given, in consideration of any choice factors delimiting timing of results.

Often a person is sometimes considered by people, people to be loved by us. A person is then conceived and over time is born. A person learns fear and love increasingly, that to lovingly obey often conquers fear and the results of potential harm. To love properly is to respect proper authority, to safeguard oneself. Then a person increasingly learns unselfishness, learning to teach others, sharing, then charity, then as harm situations fall away, a person can learn the mind of Jesus Christ increasingly, and the minds of all people and all situations increasingly.

In advancing, it is goodly that the unselfish faithful also be aware of other similar conditions that are tied to your own selfishness, though often do not seem so tied, the conditions seem external, worldly, as if problems having nothing to do with you. For instance nature such as hurricanes, and for instance geneology such as whether born a prince. More to the point of proper advancing faith, here are instances of 2 problems that interfere, for you to overcome in Christ: #1 Romans 15.20, and #2 the Mac / Apple computer dictionary definition of faith unfaithfully includes the worldly word "apprehension", as if to contradict itself (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on God not being a god of chaos nor confusion). There is more to life than the 2nd Testament, Jesus is alive (see previous ICCDBB Sermons on distinguishing rather than separation).

Wesley's Notes has this to say about Romans 15.20:

There is much value to a fresh start, there is joy in the morning. Though in these current times multitudes of people have already heard preaching of Jesus Christ, on which preaching we are to properly build that they advance in Holy Spirit best.

Since people reject or similarly choose to learn unevenly of Christian preaching, the fresh start of grace has shifted from grace to law unto them,

as very young baby chickens that do not come on their own grace when called, so the mother hen flaps it's law wings over them to pull the little chicks under protection. We find that in the 2nd Testament. Yet if we advance in Testaments and hence in the Lord, we find the chicks don't have to be under that mother hen's wings, they can be under another's care if proper care, and likely the farmer would have far better care beyond the mother hen's dreams, yet according to what the farmer is doing, not according to the hen nor chick, lest per chance the farmer happen to trample them.

Since there is grace or law according to Romans 15.20 [including wrong history as if facts and wrong laws such as per wrong definitions], we are therefore to advance and allow those not under grace to be under law. Some are under law due to being too young, for instance. Yet an important key to learn higher faith is that some adults choose the result of being themselves under law. We are to work to free prisoners, yet considering this, we are to do so wisely, hardly with opening lock with key, rather to first free their minds and spirits in the Lord properly: with advanced wisdom.

This means such includes advanced wisdom techniques. This includes practical useful applications, hand tools, and works of the hands, not as in former times, yet from on high including complete proper higher traceability to and for the Living Advancing Lord Jesus Christ, living beyond locks and keys and personal selfish addresses where people rest their heads.

If you are advanced, then you can understand that another obsolete problem the 2nd Testament has is found in 1 Timothy 6.3. There are curses in the 1st and 2nd Testaments, including 1 Timothy 6.3. Yet the dead has virtually no hold on the living [(see above comment on 3 days, and previous ICCDBB Sermons on food storage) yet rather properly advance]. So to those less advanced, hence under laws, the Bible is not to be edited nor elaborated.

Actually in the more advanced sense of grace, there is to be no misrepresentation. Even under law preachers extract excerpts from the Bible and add many words to those phrases. In other words in less advanced faith terms, preachers typically remove themselves from the Book Of Life, and add plagues to themselves. In grace, praise the Lord, preachers are learning to properly come when called.

The Old Testament gave laws, yet Jesus Christ rather fulfilled, overcame and conquered, so law became none effect unto him. Jesus Christ cut through the red tape. Jesus Christ had his priorities right.

Jesus Christ had his priorities so right that he even saw clearly to add new laws properly and better than civilization had ever realized. Jesus Christ also said [or asked] why you had not written (see ICCDBB Sermons on PCS and the paradigm shift).

To properly write is even beyond the 3rd Testament, 3 Nephi 18.25 utilizes a scare tactic: "temptation". Rather seek God, lest we call preachers and former Testaments terrorists and terrorists' secret plans.

Beyond terrorists' laws, rather 3rd Testament, 3 Nephi 18.25 explains more advanced grace, it is the more important part of the verse. The verse for instance explains how to properly "feel".

It explains the unselfishness aspect of higher feelings, and rather giving love properly. Also to see properly.

Tied to this 3rd Testament 3 Nephi 18.25 verse are verses thereafter on proper communion. This is in the same Holy GodMath Trend Pattern as the 2nd Testament 1 Timothy 6.3 verse preceded by 1 Timothy 4.4 verse on food, also tied to 4.3 verse on marriage. So here is the Pattern line when done properly:

Communion / Feel / Food / Marriage

Proper Marriage is to properly Feel Food. Proper Food is to properly Commune Feelings.

In application for instance, some people wonder what food is such as relative to what drugs are, saying drugs do things to you, but food enables you to grow, and they want to know more clearly what growing means. In the above Pattern we applicably find [seed] food is that which properly communes with the Lord per se. Yet be wise to understand that there are higher details of each: of food and of drugs (see GodMath, and see above discussion of proper formulae added info and/or properly inserted info).

Life more abundantly, is an addition to the formulae and also an insert: more abundantly even now, if done properly.

In pattern, an even more excellent way, is an addition to the formulae and also an insert: more excellent even now, if done properly.

If to act as if 2nd Testament is the end of anything said by Jesus Christ, then per such worldly pattern is to commune with [as if the dead, or rather] the less advanced.

Rather listen and see, hear the Word of God, live the Word and that means advance in the Word, advance in Jesus Christ.

Faith / Hearing / God.


The above Wise Faith ICCDBB Sermon is listed on Page 12 of the ICCDBB Sermons.

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