Chapter Fourteen: My Best Friend

~Taylor’s P.O.V~

I got home and Isaac and Beth were waiting for me. I walked into the living room and sat down at the Grand piano. I started playing Unchained Melody as I cried to myself. “Taylor? What’s wrong?” Beth asked. I continued to play. She turned to Isaac and shrugged her shoulders. Isaac came and sat down next to me on the piano bench.

“Come on Tay.”

“Nothing’s wrong really. I just love her so much. And I am so happy because I honestly think that me and her are going to make it through this.” I said as I continued to play. Isaac placed his hand over mine to stop the playing. I looked over at him. His eyes bore into mine.

“What about us Tay? What about Hanson, are we going to make it through this?” He asked.

I looked away. “I don’t know Ike, I mean, I want us to but I don’t know.”

“Taylor, we have a tour to go on.” He said sternly.

“I don’t think so.” I said getting up.

“What!?” He asked shocked as I walked upstairs. “Taylor! Come here!!” I continued to make my way to my room.

~Isaac’s P.O.V.~

“I can’t believe he just left me.” I said to Beth who was watching us from the kitchen.

“He’s upset.” She said walking up to me. She wrapped her arms around my waist and rested her head on my chest. “Just let him go.”

“No, I can’t. We have to talk. The band is at stake here.” I said as I got out of her arms and made my way up the stairs, contemplating on whether or not to knock once I got there.

~Taylor’s P.O.V.~

I really didn’t want to think about what Isaac said. I didn’t have the strength to. All I could think about was my conversation with Amy Lee. I really needed to talk to Zac but I didn’t know if I was strong enough yet. As I sat there on my bed thinking about this someone, whom I assumed was Isaac knocked on my door. I was right because before I even had the chance to say anything he walked in. “Excuse me, don’t you know how to wait until—“

“We have to talk.” He interrupted.

“I really don’t want to.” I said laying back down on my bed.

“I don’t care.” He said stubbornly. “We’re supposed to start our tour in like a month or two.”

“I don’t think we’ll be able to.” I said calmly.

“Why?” He asked sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

“Because in case you forgot Zac and Amy slept together!! I can’t even stand to look at the asshole now, let alone play with him.”


“How would you feel if I slept with Beth? Would you be able to deal with it and go on with your life like nothing ever happened? I don’t think so. Maybe if I work it out with Zac we’ll be able to but…I don’t think so.” He thought about that silently for a while.

Then before he left he said, “Ok, just tell me if you talk to Zac. I’ll tell Dad to put the tour on hold for now, ok?”

“That’s fine. I’ll try to talk to him. I don’t know when, and please don’t rush me.”

He looked back at me from my door. “Sure.” And he left me to think again. I knew I had to talk to him—Zac I mean. But how? Was I ready to face him? I knew if I did he’d expect me to forgive him and I KNEW I wasn’t ready to do that. But what was I supposed to do? There was so much at stake here. The band, our friendships, the whole family bond. We needed to talk desperately. And it couldn’t wait forever. Hell it couldn’t wait much longer.

~A week and a half later~

I didn’t want to think about what I was going to say to him. I just got the courage to face him. I then went in search of the brother that betrayed me in the worst possible way.

I found Zac in the basement playing around at the keyboards. I just stood there at the bottom of the stairs watching him for a bit. He still looked so young and so innocent. But I knew that wasn’t the case at all. He also looked…depressed, and stressed out. He almost looked ready to go off the edge. “Hey.” I said unsurely. He looked up startled.

“Tay, what are you doing here?” I pulled up a chair opposite him.

“We have to talk.” I said calmly, though I was anything but calm at that point in time.

“Tay….” He said worried, scared even.

“No really we do.” I said. “I’ve been thinking about this and we have a lot to talk about.”

He swallowed thickly and lowered his gaze. “Like what?”

“Like how you slept with my fiancé.” I saw him physically wince as I said the words. “The band, and touring.”

He never looked up. “I’m so sorry. I really am Tay.” He said sincerely.

“I know. But Zac, how can you expect me to just forget about it?”

“I don’t expect you to. I just wish you would forgive me though. But I understand that you won’t.” He said sadly.

“It’s not that I WON’T” His eyes shone with hope. “Just not for a while. Even though Amy wants me to. Along with everyone else. They all think I should just be able to get over it. But I can’t y’know? It’s just too hard to forget. And Ike, he’s mad that I don’t want to tour. But I guess I understand, I mean I’m disappointed too. I want to go but I know we couldn’t. And that’s what disappoints me.” He nodded. I paused and thought for a minute. “Do you honestly think we could make it through this?”

“I think we have to. I mean look at what’s happened to all of us.” I nodded. “There’s so much tension between everyone. And everyone’s like ignoring each other.” I couldn’t help but smile and stifle a laugh. “What?”

“Well….last week it didn’t seem like you and Care were ignoring each other. And there wasn’t any tension either. Maybe a little friction.” I winked.

“Taylor!!” He exclaimed. “How’d you know?”

“Zac,” I grinned. “You know as well as anyone that the walls aren’t sound proof. And you DEFINITELY aren’t quiet.” He smiled. “You know, I’ve missed this. Just talking to you—my best friend. I don’t want to lose our friendship.” I got up and sat next to him on the piano bench. “That is” I took his hand. “If I haven’t already.” His eyes welled up with tears.

He shook his head. “No, you haven’t. I thought you hated me Tay. I love you so much. I never wanted to hurt you.” And he cried on my shoulder as I hugged him.

“I don’t hate you. I could never hate you.”

“Does this mean we can go on tour?” He asked as he pulled away and wiped away his tears.

“No. I’m not ready for that. I don’t think any of us are yet. We’ll go this year though. I promise.” I said.

“Ok.” We sat in silence for a few minutes. “Hey Tay?”

“Hmm?” I asked looking at him.

“Are you still going to move out?” I hadn’t thought about that in a while.

“I’m not sure. I haven’t had much time to think about it with Amy in the hospital and all. I think that for now it’d be the best thing. Y’know so both of our wounds can heal faster and we can get on the road sooner. I mean, don’t you think it’s hard seeing me everyday because I know it’s hard as hell for me to see you everyday.”

“Yeah Tay, I understand. Will I be able to visit?”

I smiled. “Sure. And we’ll have to start practicing more.” He smiled brightly and nodded. Just then someone started calling for Zac from the top of the stairs. It was Ashley.

“What!?” Zac called.

“Have you seen Taylor?” Ashley asked.

“Umm..yeah he’s down here.”

“Don’t toy with me Zac, he wouldn’t be down there with you.” Ashley said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“Why not?” Zac asked confused.

“Because he can’t stand you. He probably hates you as far as I can tell.”

“No I don’t!!” I yelled.

“Holy shit!!” Ashley exclaimed as he ran down the stairs. “I can’t believe it!” Zac and I shared confused looks. “Anyway, Tay I have to talk to you. It’s about Alicia.”

“Ok, let’s go to my room. Zac, I’ll talk to you later.” I said as I got up. Zac just nodded. Ashley and I went up to my room to talk about what was going on with Alicia. It seemed that she wasn’t doing too well in school and their relationship wasn’t going to great either. “I’m sorry.” I said.

“Me too.” He said sadly. “I don’t know what to do.”

“I’ll have a talk with her.” I offered.

“Thanks. She’s not listening to me. Anyway I suppose I should get going.” And he left just as quickly as he came.

Chapter 15