Chapter Fifteen: I've Missed That

~Beth’s P.O.V.~

~Three weeks later~

“So you’re coming home!?” I asked excitedly as I talked to Amy on the phone.

“Yep, in four days. Beth I’m so happy I get to come home. How are things there anyway?” It was so nice hearing her voice as happy as it used to be.

“Oh so much better. Taylor and Zac have been talking more. Still not as close as they used to be but…it’s better. I still can’t believe Leesha moved out though.”

“Well she was having a hard time adjusting. And I’m sure all this shit didn’t help.” She said referring to her and Zac, the ever too familiar tone of voice coming across again.

“Yeah I guess.” I said, not sure of what else I should say.

“We’ll see her again I’m sure.” Amy laughed a little.

“Yeah we will.” I laughed. “So who else knows you’re coming home?” It was hard saying that she was coming home cuz she really wasn’t. Taylor had moved out about two weeks ago but he came back to visit and for the guys to practice.

“Only Tay, he’s picking me up.” She said. “Oh Beth, I can’t wait to see everyone again.”

“Us either. We’ve missed you so much.”

“Don’t cry.” She warned as she laughed a little. She knew me too well. “So how are things going with you and Ike?” I groaned. “Not good eh?” She always was quite perceptive.

“Well I mean we talk but there’s no…”

“Sex?” She asked bluntly.

“Well no.” I said. “He barely even cuddles with me anymore. God, Amy I feel so like, rejected.”

“Oh Beth Honey.” She said quietly. “You should really talk to him. Don’t pressure him for the actual sex. Just ask him why you haven’t been as intimate. Tell him you miss it y’know?”

“Yeah I know. I’ll talk to him tonight. Thanks Amy.”

“No problem that’s what I’m here for. But I suppose I should go it’s almost time for group…I’ll see you in four days.”

“Yep. Love you.”

“Love you too.” I hung up and sat there thinking.

I waited until after supper to talk to Ike. “Hey hon?”

“Oh hey babe.” He said happily.

“What are you so happy about?” I asked. He hasn’t been this happy in a long time. He’s usually not this happy unless he’d gotten some….hmmm…

“Well I’m happy because we’re getting along again. Me, Tay, and Zac I mean.”

“Oh yeah.” Well at least he wasn’t happy cuz he cheated on me or something.

“What’s wrong?” He asked concerned as he sat down next to me.

“I just needed to talk to you.”

His eyes searched mine. “About what?”

“Us.” I said as I looked up at him. “I mean what happened to us?” He looked at me blankly so I continued. “Sure we talk or whatever but we aren’t close anymore. We don’t go out anymore and God knows we aren’t intimate. We hardly even cuddle.” I looked into his eyes and took his hand. “I’ve missed that.” He placed his hand over mine.

“I’ve missed it too. And I am so sorry.” He said pulling me into a hug. “It’s just been so weird lately. I’ve had a lot on my mind.”

“Yeah I know.” I said softly. Then I looked at him. “Isaac, do you still love me?” He pulled away and took my chin in his hand gently.

“Of course I still love you. I’ve never stopped and I never will.” And he kissed me softly. He started to pull away and my lips begged to be touched again. He grabbed a bit of air and then kissed me passionately. I melted into his arms as he held me close. “Is that what you’ve missed?” He whispered softly into my ear.

I nodded, then added, “And more.” I smiled mischievously. He smiled back and kissed me as he laid me back on our bed. I sighed. THIS is what I missed. He kissed down my neck as I held him close. His hands began roam up my shirt but why bother? I quickly slipped my shirt over my head and easily undid my bra. Isaac smiled brightly as he discarded his shirt along side mine. I ran my hands down his toned chest as I leaned forward and licked his nipples quickly. He leaned down, kissed my lips tenderly, then my neck, and down to my chest and navel. He stopped and slipped my pants and panties down over my hips, legs and ankles. My body was so alive, my senses heightened, my heart was beating out of my chest and my breathing was quick. I closed my eyes and waited. Seconds later I felt his feather soft kisses floating up my claves, thighs and then…I felt him eating me—his tongue moving quickly over me then inside of me. I gasped and moaned.

“More?” He teased with his sly smile.

“God yes!” I practically screamed. He laughed a little and came up to me and kissed me so perfectly as his first finger entered me.

“More?” He teased again as he kissed my neck. I could only manage to nod, arch my back and moan in response. He entered two more fingers and it didn’t take me long to cum. I hugged him close to me as I arched my back then laid back, gasping for air. It’d been so long since we’d had ANY intimacy that this would have satisfied me. But I could tell already that it wouldn’t satisfy him. I tried to catch my breath as I laid back with my eyes closed. Isaac was kissing my neck as I felt him spread my legs and enter me. I moaned quietly in pleasure. “I love you so much.” He whispered.

“I love you too.” I said in shallow breaths. That night seemed to last forever. I came not once, not twice, no not even three times but FOUR before he came once. I almost died when he finally released. I didn’t think I could handle much more. I could barely breath and my words came in almost inaudible whispers. “Oh God…honey…that was…that…was…the best ever.” I sighed. He smiled and laid next to me.

“Is THAT what you’ve missed?” He laughed tiredly.

“Oh yeah.” I laughed. We fell asleep minutes later. I hoped that our relationship would stay as great as it was. This whole Amy Lee thing had me worried.

Chapter Sixteen: Good-byes