Chapter Sixteen: Good-byes

~Taylor’s P.O.V.~
~Three days later~

“So how do I explain to Amy that she won’t be living here?” I asked Isaac and Zac after rehearsal. I’d been thinking about it a lot and I just couldn’t think of a way to do it. This house was her home. I couldn’t just rip her from that.

“Geez Tay I don’t know.” Isaac said.

“Maybe just ask her how she’d feel about living with only you and go from there.” Zac suggested coming out from behind his drums. I looked at him and nodded.

“That just might work.” I said quietly thinking about it. “I think I’ll try that. But guys I gotta get going. I have to clean the house before Amy comes home.” I said.

“Y’know Tay, that’s just REALLY weird, you calling somewhere other than here home.” Zac said with a sad look on his face. I kinda felt bad for him. I knew he missed having me around but I needed to do this.

“Yeah I know. But you’ll get used to it.” I said as I grabbed my stuff and left.

~The next morning~
~My P.O.V.~

“So, Amy how do you feel about going home?” My new friend Angela asked as we hung out in my room as I packed.

“I’m so excited and happy to get out of here but also kinda scared y’know?” She nodded. “I’ve missed everyone so much”

“I’m gonna miss you.” She whispered. I turned towards her.

“Oh Ang, I’m gonna miss you too. But I gave you the address you can reach me at and I promise we’ll stay in touch ok?” I said hugging her.

“Yeah.” She choked, closing her eyes.

“Oh, please don’t cry.” I begged. “Just help me pack. Wait to cry when Taylor picks me up in two hours.”

“Ok.” She said as she laughed a bit. “You know you are so lucky to have a boyfriend like Taylor.” I smiled brightly.

“A fiancé dear, I’m marrying that man.” I laughed.

“Oh yeah.” She laughed too.

I looked at her sitting on my bed. “You know you should come see me when you get out of here.” I said as I turned back to my temporary dresser, packing.

“Oh no, I couldn’t possibly.” She said shocked. You see Ang was a big Hanson fan and just the thought of seeing one of them put her in almost a panic attack type state.

“Sure you could. I insist. Just forget about them being Hanson and think of them as my family.” She gave me a doubtful look and nodded. “Good deal. I can’t wait.” I said smiling. “Now come here and help me pack.”

~One hour and 45 minutes later.~

“Amy, Taylor’s here!!” Jake yelled from the lobby. He was another friend. My heart jumped into my throat and I swallowed thickly before opening the game room door. Taylor and I made eye contact and he smiled, rushing to me. He enveloped me in a big hug and spun me around. When he let me down he kissed me passionately. Usually that wasn’t allowed but seeing how Taylor was Taylor the nurses ignored it. “I’ve missed you so much.” He said quietly.

“Me too.” I whispered. “Let’s go get my stuff and go home.” I said as I took his hand and led him to my room.

“Umm…speaking of going home…how…uh…I mean what would you think about living with just me?” He asked unsurely.

“What do you mean?” I asked him. He avoided my gaze. “Tay, what’d you do?”

“I got an apartment. For us. I just needed to get out of that house y’know?” He said quietly.

I sat down next to him. “Yeah I understand. I don’t know…I mean I’d love to be with you but I’d miss everyone.” I said thinking.

“We’d see them often. And…well you don’t HAVE to live with me. I just thought that---“

“No, I love you.” I wrapped my arms around him. “And I would love for just us to live together.” I said as I kissed him softly.

“Ok then let’s go. We’ll stop by mom and dad’s first then we’ll go home.” I looked at him for second letting all of that sink in.

“That’s weird.” Was all I could think of saying. He grinned.

“Yeah I know. But you’ll get used to it.” He said and kissed my forehead gently. “Let’s say bye to everyone ok?” He said as he took my hand and I nodded. My good-byes were teary ones. And not just from my friends, the staff too. And Jake wouldn’t let me see him cry but I knew he would. We really became good friends over these four weeks. I was really going to miss them. It’s like; they can be the best friends because they know exactly what you’re going through. I gave all of them the address they could get a hold of me at. It was no longer the fan mail box, me, Care, and Beth got our own. So we said good-bye, promised to keep in touch and I went “home.”

As I watched the familiar scenery I got a comfortable yet nervous feeling. “Mom, Dad, Care and the kids are gonna be so surprised.” Taylor smiled. I looked over at him.

“Isaac and Zac know?” I asked.

“Well, yeah, I had to ask them advice on how to ask you to live with just me.” He explained. He took my hand. “Was that ok?” He asked worriedly.

“Yeah. I just like surprising people.” I said with a little smile. He grinned.

Oh everyone else will be plenty surprised.” He said as he squeezed my hand I turned my attention back to the window. We pulled into the driveway and Avie and Mac were outside playing.

They didn’t notice me until I closed my door. “AMY!!!!!!!!!!!!” The both screamed at the top of their lungs as they ran towards me. They hugged me so tight I couldn’t breath.

“Guys.” I laughed. “I can’t breathe.” Avie let go but Mac held on.

“I missed you so much.” He said.

“I missed you to.” I said as I gave him another squeeze then went inside with Taylor.

“What were you guys..------AMY!!” Mom exclaimed as she turned around from the sink. She came quickly to wrap me in a hug. “Oh honey, it’s so good to see you. I’ve missed you so much.” She then let me go and smiled. “Taylor go get your father, he’s in our room.” Taylor left and mom motioned for me to sit down. “So did Taylor talk to you about moving?”

“Yep.” I said casually.


“And I’m moving in with him. But that doesn’t mean I’m not going to miss you.” I assured her as I took her hand. Her eyes were misty.

“Oh I know. I’m sure it’s the best thing to do—for now anyway.” She the smiled brightly and asked, “How’s the baby?”

“She’s kicking.” I smiled.

“Amy dear!” Dad said excitedly as he came into the kitchen. “How are you?” He asked as he hugged me.

“I’m fine. A lot better now that I’m out in the real world.” I laughed.

“Well this is kinda a bummer.” He said. I looked at him confused.


“Jess was just asking when you were coming home and she just left like ten minutes ago.” He explained.

“I’m sure I’ll see her soon. Say, where’s my best friend?” I asked.

“Which one?” Tay joked.

“Care you silly boy.” I said as I ruffled his hair.

“She’s upstairs playing on her computer.” Mom said.

“Like usual.” I laughed as I got up. “I’ll be back.” I got upstairs and he door was closed so I knocked lightly.


“Hey stranger.” I said as I walked in. Care leapt out of her chair and ran towards me. We hugged for a good two minutes not saying anything. When we broke apart I noticed that both of our eyes were welled with tears. “I’ve missed you.”

“I missed you more.” She whispered and she hugged me again. “Don’t EVER scare me like that again!”

“I’m sorry.” I said as I pulled away.

“It’s ok.”

“No, about everything.” I said as I sat down.

She looked at me. “I know what you meant and I said it was ok.” Care was always like that. Even if I said something totally different from what I meant she always knew.

“Oh God, you can’t be serious.” I whispered, shocked.

“I am. You are my best friend and Zac is the love of my life. Sure you both fucked up but I can’t lose you. I don’t think I could live with myself if I didn’t forgive you. Losing you both just cuz you slept together just isn’t worth it y’know?”

“Yeah I understand. I felt the same way. I didn’t want to lose you or Taylor.” I said on the verge of tears. She hugged me and the tears fell.

“You’d never lose me. And I know you’d never lose Taylor either. I’m always here. Nothing will ever keep us apart. Ok?” I nodded. “I love you Amy.”

“I love you too. Say—“ I said as I sat down. “What do you want for your birthday? It’s in three days you know.”

She smiled brightly. “Yeah I know. And I’m not sure what I want. I have everything I could ever want or need.”

“Oh! I know what I’ll get you.” I smiled slyly.

“What!?” She asked excitedly as she grabbed my arm.

“Nope, you’ll just have to wait.” I laughed. “Oh my God, what should I get Taylor?”

”Geez, I don’t know. I have to get him something too.” We sat there thinking for awhile. “Anything?” she asked.

“Fuck no.” I pouted. “This calls for a shopping trip!” I said excitedly. “Let’s go get Beth.”

“Beth…” Care called quietly as we knocked on the door. We hear a muffled “Huh.” And we opened the door as I ran in. “I’M HERE!!!!!!!!” I yelled as I jumped on her bed.

“Ouch! Christ Amy, I AM here.” Isaac said annoyed. I stopped jumping and sat down. “But it’s GREAT to have you back.” He said as he tickled me relentlessly. Then he stopped and leaned back. “Even if you won’t really be here.”

“I’ll visit often I promise.” I said as I gave him a big hug.

“Amy Lee!” Beth exclaimed as she came in the door. “I’m so happy to see you! How are you?” She asked as she hugged me tightly.

“I’m good but stumped on what to get Taylor for his birthday so…”

“We’re going SHOPPING!” Beth, Care, and I exclaimed. “Well let me get ready and we’ll go.” Beth said.

“Well I have to go home and unpack a little and whatnot then I’ll come pick you up ok?” I said.

“That just doesn’t seem right. You should still live here.” Care said.

“With us.” Beth added.

“I know but this is the best thing for Taylor now and I have to be with him.” I explained.

“Yeah we know.”

“I’ll call before I leave.” I said.

“Ok, we’ll see you in awhile.” Care said as I left. Taylor was in the kitchen talking to mom when I got downstairs.

“Hey hun, ready to go home?” He asked as he got up and wrapped his arms around me. I looked around at what I had grown to call home.

“Yeah I suppose.”

“Bye mom.” Taylor said as he kissed her cheek.

“Bye mom.” I called over my shoulder. The kids were still outside. “Bye guys.”

“Where ya goin?” Mackie asked.

“Ya comin back?” Avie asked.

I smiled at them. “I’m going home and yes I’ll be back.” I said as I knelt down and gave them another hug. “I have to go. I’ll see you later. Be good.” And I got in the truck to go “home”. ~How weird was that?~

Chapter Seventeen: The Girls