Chapter Seventeen: The Girls

~My P.O.V.~

We drove through the city of Tulsa for a good twenty minutes until we got to, no not an apartment, but more of a downtown condo. It was in the older part of the city but was totally restored and gorgeous. It had all of the original architecture and over looked the busy streets of downtown. I loved it.

“Taylor, it’s beautiful.” I gasped.

“Wait till you see the inside. It’s amazing.” He smiled brightly, quickly got out of the truck, opened the back door, got my stuff and came to my side. “Come on, let’s go.” He said excitedly as he held me close. It was kinda exciting going to a new house but also kinda scary. What was it going to be like only living with Tay? Our apartment/condo was on the eighth floor. There were twelve floors total.

“Oh my God Tay—this is unbelievable. How much is this going to cost?”

“Enough.” He laughed. “Do you want me to show you around?”

“I’d like that.” I said as I took his hand. The living room was huge and complete with a fireplace. We had a couch, recliner, coffee table, end table and entertainment center which was plenty for us. The dining room was changed into a music/writing room. Taylor had his keyboards in there along with my writing stuff. We used the island in the kitchen as our “dining room table”. The kitchen itself was good sized and THANK GOD had a dishwasher. And unlike most apartments we had a place to do our laundry instead of a shared laundry room. Our bathroom was just like the upstairs bathroom at Mom and Dad’s. It had the hot tub, shower, and big vanity mirror and sink. “God Tay this is amazing. And it’s actually clean.” I teased referring to the whole place.

“Yeah well I cleaned yesterday.” He said shyly.

“Aww..hon, I’m proud of you.” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him softly. He leaned further down and kissed me more passionately. I was confused by this so I pulled away. “What happened to all that anger?” I asked as I sat down on the couch.

“I let it go. I couldn’t be mad at you and Zac forever. It’d destroy my life, our life. I can’t FORGET what happened but I CAN forgive and move beyond it.” He said as he sat down next to me.

“Taylor…that means the world to me.” I looked down, took his hand and placed it on my stomach. “To us.” And Taylor wrapped me in his arms. Surprisingly I didn’t cry. I just breathed a sigh of relief. “But I have to go. Care, Beth and I planned a shopping trip today so I have to go get ready.”

“Why?” He pouted.

“Because I have NO clue what to get you for your birthday.” I laughed

He wrapped his arms around my waist as he kissed my neck. “All I want is you.” He whispered.

I giggled. “You’ll get me later I promise. But I have to go make myself beautiful now.” I said as I kissed him then squirmed out of his arms. He sat there and pouted and I couldn’t help but laugh more. I went into my—OUR—room and grabbed my makeup bag then went to the bathroom. I had this thing with vanity mirrors. J It was such a relief to have both Care and Tay forgive me but it just didn’t seem right. It seemed too easy. Then again they had like four weeks to think about it. And my therapist at the hospital told me that if they loved me as much as they said they did they’d forgive me. And if not, that was ok, because I was able to forgive myself and move past it. I learned, while I was there, that I was worthy of their love and forgiveness but maybe it just hasn’t sunk in yet. I hoped it would so I didn’t feel so—no not guilty—but WEIRD when they forgave me.

I called Care when I was almost ready to leave. “I’ll be outta here in five minutes. So I should be there in a half hour depending on traffic.”

“How do you like you’re new place?” She asked. I looked out into the living room to make sure Tay was preoccupied before answering.

“It’s wonderful but I miss home-home y’know?” I knew that if Tay had heard me say that it’d tear him apart. He wanted so badly for me to like it, to want to live with him. He’d hate himself to know I missed “home” so much already.

“I know. But I’ll see you in a bit ok?”

“Yep. Love you.”

“Love you too.” She said before we hung up. I went into the living room.

“Tay, honey? Is my car here? I didn’t see it.” He looked up at me.

“No, it’s at Mom and Dad’s. I know how you don’t’ like anyone driving your car.” He said changing the channel. “Take the Blazer.”

“Thanks hon.” I said as I leaned over the couch and kissed him softly. “I’ll see you later. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

~Care’s P.O.V.~

“Love you too. Bye.” I hung up the phone and went to Beth’s room. “She’ll be here in a half hour or so.”

“Well good. Y’know, how weird is this? I mean not having her here. Not having THEM here.”

“Yeah I know.” I said quietly as I sat down. “I miss her so much already.”

“Me too but I guess they honestly think this is the best thing for them.” She said.

“Well I don’t.” I said stubbornly. Beth laughed. I couldn’t help but smile and laugh a little. “I know pretty selfish eh?” She just nodded. “But I suppose I have to finish getting ready.” I said as I got up and left. “Bye.”

“See you soon!” She laughed. She was so weird, but I think that’s why we loved her.

~My P.O.V.~

I pulled up to the house about a half hour later. I wasn’t sure if I should knock or what do I knocked softly as I walked in. “AMY!” Zac yelled happily. “You don’t have to knock you silly girl.” He laughed as he hugged me. “Sorry I didn’t see you earlier, I was downstairs playing on the keyboards”

I pulled away. “That’s ok. How are you?” I asked.

“I’m good. You look so much better.”

“Thanks.” I smiled. “I feel a whole hell of a lot better. Where’s your woman?” I asked. He smiled brightly.

“She’s upstairs. Y’know we’re really lucky to have Tay and Care. It took a lot to forgive us. But I’m happy they did.”

“Yeah me too. And I know we’re very lucky. We’re loved very much.” He nodded. “But I have to go get the girls to go shopping. I’ll talk to you again later.” I said and I hugged him again. “CAROLINE!! BETHANY!!” I yelled as I walked up the stairs. Soon I heard their doors fly open and them running down the hall.

“AMY!!” They yelled as they both enveloped me in a hug at the top of the stairs.

“Ready to go?” I asked.

“Yep.” They both answered as we ran downstairs. “BYE!” They called as we flew out the door.


“So what does your apartment look like? I haven’t been there yet.” Beth asked as we walked around the mall.

“Fuck! It’s not even an apartment.” I said.

“That small!?” She asked, shocked.

“No!” I laughed. “That big! It’s more of a condo. But it’s just gorgeous. And Tay did a really good job, y’know with the moving everything in and all.”

“Well you know…if he wasn’t THE Taylor Hanson he wanted to be a decorator.” Care said a-matter-of-factly but with a smile.

“Yeah, Hun, I know.” I laughed. “So what do you think I should get him?” I asked as we looked around in Ragstock.

“I don’t know. Did you ask him what he wanted?” Beth asked.

I smiled thinking back. “Of course.”

“What’d he say?” Care asked. My smile grew and I laughed a little.

“He said all he wanted was me.”

“So…Hehehe…why are we here?” Beth asked.

“Because I have to get him SOMETHING!” I laughed. “Besides, do you know what you’re gonna get him?”


“See? And neither does Care, right?”

“Right. Y’know there’s nothing here. Let’s go.” Care decided. So we followed her out of Ragstock and into Hot Topic.

“Hey, have you guys heard anything about the tour?” I asked.

“I think they were talking about starting mid-April.” Beth replied looking at t-shirts.

“Well…umm…have you thought about us? Y’know…what we’re gonna do?” I asked shyly.

“Not…really…” Care replied.

“Why?” Beth asked. “I mean, usually we go with.” I stopped looking at pants, turned and looked at them.

“Because…I don’t think I wanna go.” I said softly. They looked at me in shock. “Maybe later on tour but not yet y’know?” They nodded but slowly. “Do you think they’d understand?”

“I don’t know. Maybe. I mean Tay just got you back y’know? I bet he wants you to go but I think he’d understand that it’d be weird.” Care said.

“We’d have to talk to them about it.” Beth said. “So, what’d you want to do instead?”

“Spend time with you guys. I don’t know how yet but I feel like I’ve lost touch with you.” I took Care’s hand. “Especially you.” She squeezed my hand. “We need to bond again.”

“I know what you mean.” Care said. “Hey! Let’s go camping!” She said excitedly.

I looked down at my slowly growing stomach. “I CANNOT sleep on the ground.” I said frowning as we walked around some more.

“We’ll get a cabin.” Beth said just as excitedly.

I smiled. “Ok….sounds good.” I said. “So where should we go?”

“God, who knows.” Care said. “Well you know, Jefferson, NH is really pretty. We should go up there.”

“Now all we have to do is talk to the guys.” Beth said. I nodded.

“Hey, this is really nice. And I think we have room for it at home. What do ya think?” I asked as I ran my hands over the most beautiful cherry wood pool table.

“Wow, it’s gorgeous.” Care said.

“Maybe I should look around some more.” I said unsurely.

“Sure. Besides, it’s nice spending this time with you. Let’s go here.” Beth said pulling us into a jewelry store. After awhile I was stuck between the pool table and a sterling silver ID bracelet. I decided on the bracelet. I got “Jordan Taylor Hanson” engraved on the top and “I’ll (heart) you till the end of forever and a day—Amy Lee” on the back.

“It’s perfect.” Care said softly.

“I hope he’ll like it.” I said.

“He’ll love it. Don’t worry.” Beth assured.

“Well good.” I smiled. “Should we get something to eat?” I asked as we started walking again. We found our way to the food court and ate lunch. We talked more about tour, camping and just stuff. Both of their relationships were going a lot better. And I was quite happy for them about that, I just hoped that mine would go as well. Of course they assured me it would. “Y’know, I wonder what the guys are up to…” I said.

Chapter Eighteen: Tour Planning