Chapter Nineteen: Birthdays

~My P.O.V.~

3 Days later 2:30pm

“Come on! Come on!” I said impatiently pacing in front of the balcony door.

“Honey, who are you waiting for?” Taylor asked from in the kitchen.

“The Federal Express guy. I need Care’s present.” I explained as I continued my pacing. I looked over at Taylor and he had an amused grin on his face.

“Oh? What did you get her?” He asked coming out from behind the kitchen island.

“Ryan mailed me—BY Federal Express—tickets to one of their concerts.” I said still pacing.

“Really?” He said coming closer to me. I stopped and just looked out the window. “Cool. I’m sure the Federal Express guy will get here any time now, don’t worry.” He said as he began rubbing my shoulders. As if on cue someone knocked on the door. I ran full sprint from the balcony window to the door, which trust me, wasn’t that far, and opened the door.

“Hello, I have a package for an Amy Graham.” The young guy said.

“That’d be me.” I said kinda anxiously. Doing a little bit of the impatient dance.

“If you don’t mind me asking…are you THE Amy Graham? That’s dating THE Taylor Hanson?” Ugh…just give me my damn package. I thought annoyed.

“Yep, that’s me.” I said quickly.

“Oh wow.” He said a bit taken back. “Could…could…I have…your autograph?” He asked, then looked down. “Besides on this form?” He asked as he gave me the clipboard.

“Umm…sure. I doubt it’s worth anything though.” I laughed as I signed the clipboard and his little notebook then handed them back.

“Here you go.” He said handing me my package. “Thank you.”

“Thank you.” I said and closed the door. I turned around and looked at Taylor still standing by the window. “How the hell did I get so popular?” I asked as I walked towards him. “That guy just asked me for my autograph.” Taylor met me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

“You’re beautiful, brilliant, and my fiancé. That’s how you got so popular.” He said with a smile.

I looked down. “I won’t be beautiful for long, I’ll be huge!” I exclaimed.

Taylor placed his finger to my lips and looked in my eyes. “You’ll be even more beautiful then because that’s our baby.” He smiled again at me.

“Well I’m glad you feel that way.” I said as I kissed him quickly. “Now, I have to go get ready and I suggest you do the same.” I said as I looked at him standing there only in his jeans.

~Care’s P.O.V.~
3:30 pm

I couldn’t wait for Amy to get here. She was my best friend and my sweet 16 just wouldn’t be the same without her. “Hey!” Amy said excitedly as she walked in. I ran to hug her tightly. “Geez, did you miss me?” She laughed.

“Well if that wasn’t the biggest understatement of the year.” Mom laughed.

“Hey mom.” Amy smiled as she hugged mer. Suddenly I saw Mackie fly through the kitchen and latch onto Amy’s leg. “Well what’s this?” She laughed and smiled at me.

“Amy!!” Mackie said happily. Mom reached down and pryed him off her. Amy then leaned down to his level.

“I’ve missed you.” Amy said as she squeezed him tight.

“I missed you too.” He said. We all missed her and Taylor. During this Taylor just made himself at home by digging in the fridge. He came out with a Dr. Pepper and came over to me.

“Happy birthday hun.” He said as he hugged me.

“Thanks.” I smiled.

“Do you feel any older?” Amy asked as she came over and stole a drink of Taylor’s pop.

“Not really.” I laughed.

“Well happy sweet 16 anyway then.” Amy smiled as she hugged me again. We sat and talked for another fifteen minutes or so until friends started showing up.

~My P.O.V.~

It was great having all of our friends over seeing how Tay and I didn’t see them much anymore. Ashley was doing a lot better, though he missed Leesha terribly. There were about thirty five people there total. And the party lasted almost four hours. Care opened her presents at around 5:30, saving mine for last. “Just don’t scream too loud ok?” I laughed. Taylor smiled knowingly and the rest just kinda looked at me like I was on crack.

Care opened the large envelope and screamed. “Oh my God! I can’t believe it!! How’d you…? Thank you so much!!” She yelled excitedly as she came to hug me. “How’d you get these?” She asked more calmly now.

I smiled. “ICQ is an amazing thing. Oh, and Ryan says happy birthday and he’ll see you June 12th.” I said as she continued to hug me.

“Thank you so much.” She said as she let me go. “You don’t even know how much this means to me.”

“Of course I do. That’s why I got them.” I grinned. The party continued awhile longer. Some of us swimming in the backyard pool, some playing soccer, and still a couple more playing PS with Zac. It was a fun party and it was great being home. I pretty much just hung out with Tay, Care, Beth, Ike, Ashley, Racheal, Matt and Melissa. After the majority of the people left Dad started the BBQ.

Care got quite a few calls from Canada too. Each call bringing her closer to tears. When she got of the phone with her parents she lost it. “I just miss them so much.” She cried. I sat down next to her and hugged her tight.

“Oh honey I know.” I said quietly. “If you want we could go up there for like two weeks before we go camping.” I suggested. “That is, if it’s ok with Beth.” I said looking over at Beth.

“Of course.” Beth said understandingly. After the rest of the friends left the six of us; Tay, me, Care, Zac, Beth and Ike, just hung out in the Rec room and watched a movie. It felt so perfect. I was at home and it felt great.

4 Days Later
~Tay’s P.O.V.~

The party was starting at 5 and it was now 2. We were having it at Planet Hollywood in Oklahoma City so it was only family and close friends. It wasn’t that long of a party but it was nice. We even went and played Laser Tag down the street. My presents were great but my favorite by far was from Amy Lee.

At around 6:30 Amy handed me a small box, her eyes full of love. I opened it and found a perfect ID bracelet. It was sterling silver and had beautiful engravings. On the top it said “Jordan Taylor Hanson” Amy always did prefer Jordan. And on the back it said “I’ll <3 you till the end of forever and a day—Love, Amy Lee.” I looked up slowly and met her eyes. She smiled and I pulled her into a loving hug.

“Do you like it?” She asked as it was passed around.

“It’s perfect, absolutely perfect. I love it.” I pulled away and looked into her deep blue eyes. “And I love you.” I whispered then kissed her, intensely. We stayed like that for at least three minutes, our tongues thrusted deeply in each other’s mouths, tasting and searching. I could sense everyone else getting uncomfortable and I’m sure Amy could too because she started to pull away but I held her there. She relaxed again and I could tell our attraction was getting stronger. So I ended the kiss. We both wanted more and my hand on her upper thigh and her hand over mine proved it. We smiled knowingly at each other.

“It’s absolutely beautiful.” Mom smiled.

“That’s why I got it.” Amy said smiling back.

“Not that he needs and ID bracelet.” Ashley commented. “Everyone already knows who he is.”

“That wasn’t the point.” Amy said sternly. Obviously upset at his comment and the slight laughing of some of the others.

“I know that.” I said kissing her cheek. We left at around eight and Amy and I got home at around midnight or so.

~My P.O.V.~

“Y’know you’re leaving in a month.” I said as I laid down on the couch and Taylor sat at the end with my feet in his lap. He was running his strong hands up and down my legs.

“Yeah I know. Actually a little earlier. We’re going to do a few interviews before starting the actual tour.” He said kinda distractedly looking at our fish tank.

“Oh.” I said quietly, thinking maybe staying back wasn’t such a good idea.

“But that just means we’re going to have to use our time wisely.” He said with a smirk as he moved my legs and crawled up my body and slyly positioned himself over me.

“Oh you think?” I asked laughing. He nodded happily as he leaned down and kissed me. “You’re dumb.” I laughed again and sitting up. He reluctantly moved. “I’m going to bed.”

“Why?” He whined. I couldn’t help but smiled at him looking so pathetic. I guess it was partially my fault, y’know with that whole scene at Planet Hollywood.

“Because I’m tired. And you, little boy, have practice tomorrow morning.” I said making my way to our room. Tay wasn’t far behind. He climbed into bed and wrapped his strong, secure arms around me.

He kissed the side of my neck and whispered softly in my ear, “I love you.” I smiled and he continued. “And I can’t wait to spend forever and a day with you. The mother of our child, the person that gives me strength and meaning to my life. The woman that captured my heart with the first words she wrote to me. The woman that makes me feel safe, happy, loved and understood no matter what. You are my world Amy Lee and I will always love you.”

I felt tears well up as I thought about how to respond to such romantic words. “Taylor…” I said quietly. “I don’t know what to say. I’ve waited forever to hear such words from someone.” I started to cry. “You mean everything to me. I couldn’t go on without you and the last month has proved that. Nobody has ever loved me as much as you do and I never ever thought someone could. I’m thankful for that and I love you. The way you look at me can make me smile no matter what. The way you fit so perfectly with me is surreal. Forever and a day can’t possibly be long enough. My life is only complete with you in it. You make me complete.” And I turned to kiss him as my tears continued to fall.

He hushed me and kissed my forehead. “I’m here baby, I’m here. It’s ok.” I cried a little more into his strong shoulder before we fell asleep.