Chapter Twenty-Two

~My P.O.V.~
June 29th

“Hey guys…” I started as I semi-waddled into the living room from the kitchen. They both mumbled for me to continue as the continued to stare at the tv, it was Dawson’s Creek afterall. “Do you think Tay will still find me pretty?” Ok, sue me. But having them coming to see us tomorrow had me a little self conscious.

“Amy, hun, what do you mean?” Care asked, pulling her gaze from the TV to look at me.

I looked down at myself then back at her. “Well look at me.” I said. “I’m huge, I don’t wear make-up anymore…I’m huge.” Ok, so maybe I we dwelling on my weight a little too much.

“Of course he’ll still think you’re pretty. He always will. You’re pregnant Amy and we all understand, even Tay, that you can’t stay 110lbs forever.” Beth said.

I sighed and nestled between Care and Beth on the couch, temporarily forgetting my current, self-crisis and focusing on Joey’s, Dawson’s, Pacey’s and Andies’ lives. They were so much easier to deal with than my own.

~The next day~

We got to the airport about 15 minutes early. “Guys, how long has it been?” I asked, looking out the window for any landing plane.

“Only about two minutes. We now have 13 minutes till they land.” Care smiled.

~Taylor’s P.O.V.~

“Ugh…how much longer could this flight possibly take?” Zac complained, anxiously moving around in his seat. Not being able to contain himself.

“Well, considering the stewardest just told you it’d be about ten minutes. I’m assuming it’s gonna be about ten more minutes.” I remarked. Ok, so I was a little anxious. But come on, I hadn’t seen my pregnant fiancé in over three months. Zac crossed his arms and sat back with a huff. Hating the fact I burst his bubble.

~My P.O.V.~

I sensed that the butterflies in the pit of my stomach were winning the battle of my trying to remain moderately calm. “Flight 475 has now landed at gate 29.” Of course we were already there, waiting anxiously. Now all we had to do was wait for them to come out of that little hallway.

“Do you think they’ll be one of the first or last ones off the plane?” Care asked.

“First. First class is at the front.” I said peering through the milling people to the little doorway.

~Taylor’s P.O.V.~

We were like, the third ones off. We spotted Amy Lee, Care, and Beth right away. I noticed all of us had the biggest grins spread across our faces. Zac obviously ran ahead, Ike walked at a fast pace and Amy and I waited patiently for each other.

“CAROLINE! Oh Baby. God, you wouldn’t even BELIEVE how much I’ve missed you!” Zac got out in one breath and he hugged her tight and met her in a sensuous kiss.

Isaac didn’t yell and neither did Beth. He just picked her up, spun her around and whispered, “I love you.” Before kissing her softly.

Amy Lee definitely grew while we were gone. “Don’t EVEN try to spin me.” She said smiling as I came up to her.

“God, you are so beautiful.” I whispered as my hands slid around her not-so-tiny waist and her arms wrapped around my neck. I kissed her neck and I heard her sigh. “I’ve missed you so much.” I said before I kissed her softly, running my tongue along her bottom lip before entering her mouth.

I pulled away and she kept her eyes shut as she choked out a soft “Me too.” And then a tear fell from her still tightly closed eyes.

I hugged her tightly. “Baby, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” She said with a smile while wiping her tear away. “I’m just a LITTLE pregnant.” My concern melted away and I hugged her tighter.

“I know, and I love both of you.” I said before kissing her again, running my hand down her side to the swell of her stomach.

“Ok guys, we have plenty of time for that later,” Ike started. “But right now-“

“People are watching.” Zac interrupted.

“Ok, we get your point.” I said letting Amy go and just taking her hand.

~My P.O.V.~
2 ½ hours later

“Wow, it’s absolutely gorgeous out here.” Ike commented while looking out the window.

“I know. That’s why I suggested coming out here.” Care said. Beth pulled the SUV into the cabin driveway not five minutes later.

“Holy shit!” Zac yelled. “That’s like, the biggest cabin I’ve ever seen!” I just laughed.

“Well come on. The inside is great too.” Taylor helped me out and took my hand. I almost felt…no, not complete. I’ve been a firm believer that you’re complete without a man. And that’s no different for Taylor and I. I guess I just felt…loved again. And taken care of. Because I knew that’s what he was there for. No matter what he was always gonna be there.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you more.” I teased. But I knew I didn’t. There was no way I could. We followed Isaac and Beth into the house, them behind Zac and Care.

As we headed up the steps we heard Zac exclaim in awe, “This is outrageous! How’d you find this place?” He asked spinning in little circles around the living room.

“My family and I went camping here a couple years ago. We rented one of the smaller cabins, about five miles down.” Care said smiling at how impressed Zac was with the whole place. I dug around in the fridge as Ike, Beth, Care and Zac looked around. Not too long after I heard Care screaming, “Zachary! Damn you! Put me DOWN!” Zac came out of the hallway, Care over his shoulder—beating his back with angry fists. Ok, maybe not quite so angry, she was also laughing hysterically. We’ve definitely missed these guys.

“Nope, not until I find your room.” He said determinedly but with a huge grin.

“Upstairs, first door on the left.” I hollered over the commotion. Ike and Beth went for a walk and I was left alone with the love of my life. “Have you been having fun?” I asked.

“Yeah, we have.” He said as he sat down on the couch.

“So everyone’s getting along?” I asked cautiously. I didn’t want to upset him. God knows that was the last thing we needed.

“You mean me and Zac.” He said slowly. It wasn’t a question, he knew me too well. I looked down as I nodded. Taylor took my hand. “Yeah, we’re fine. The time together, alone, really helped. How about you guys? How have things been since we left?”

“Pretty good. Except sometimes my hormones go on a ‘let’s freak out’ spree. But we’ve handled it pretty well.” I said smiling.

“That’s good. I’m glad. So…the pregnancy is going ok?” He asked concerned. And I could tell he was upset about missing more of it.

“Fine hun, it’s going just fine.” I smiled then yawned. Taylor looked over and brushed a stray hair from my face.

“Tired baby?” He asked while pulling me to his chest. I nodded. “Let’s take a nap. Which room is ours?” He asked. I pointed to the room across the hall from the dining room.

“But don’t dare try and carry me. I’d hate to be responsible for the paralyzation of Taylor Hanson.” I laughed. Tay just smiled as he shook his had and stood up. He held out his hands and I grasped them and he helped me up.

When we got to our room Tay pulled the covers of the bed back and I slowly climbed in. He came in behind me and wrapped his strong, comforting arms around my petruding stomach. I found that stomach somewhat repulsive. But Taylor loved it. “Y’know Tay, I’ve missed this.” I said sleepily.


“Just, your arms around me, falling asleep with you. Being so close to you it’s like we’re one.”

“Oh but we are.” He whispered as he kissed the nape of my neck softly. I smiled to myself. I wondered if he knew how much I loved that.

~Zac’s P.O.V.~

I carried Care up the stairs and to her room. I quickly kicked the door closed with my foot then playfully dropped her on the bed. She laughed then looked up at me with that look in her eye that reflected the need I felt for her at that moment. Three months was just too long to be without her touch, her taste, her scent. Just…way too long.

I stripped my shirt over my head and toed off my shoes. She bit her lip in anticipation as she undid her top button of her shorts. I leaned down from standing in front of her and pulled her shorts from her tan legs. I ran my hands up her sides, pushing her shirt up over her stomach. I kissed every new inch of skin as I crawled on top of her. She wrapped her arms tightly around my neck and shoulders, her desperation so apparent it drove my desire even higher. I pulled her shirt over her head and kissed her shoulders. I felt her hot breath against my ear and I shuddered.

Her hands snaked down my chest to the hem of my pants. She expertly undid my top button and zipper. I helped her push them past my hips and down my thighs. As soon as both my boxers and my pants were thrown to the floor I ran my hands up her thighs as she wrapped them around my waist. My fingers hooked along the g-string of her panties and slid them down her thighs. She threw her head back and thrust her hips towards me.

I teased her clit with my fingers, sliding them over her but never entering her. She whimpered. I knew she wanted it. And God, so did I. But…the anticipation just made it better. But the pleading look in her eye that I saw once she opened them was too much for me. I grabbed her hips as I entered her quickly. “Oh fuck.” I growled. And she let out a high pitched moan. She once again grasped the back my neck and brought me to her. She kissed me with as much heat that was formed between our union.

I felt the familiar burning in my belly soon after I first entered her and I couldn’t bare the thought of this ending so quickly. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and breathed deeply, trying to hold out. She was desperate for satisfaction and I growled as I entered her harder. She cried out and reached her climax, which in turn sent me over the edge. “Oh God baby.” She murmered.

I kissed her shoulder, her neck, and softly finished my trail by meeting her lips as I slowly slid out of her still shaking body. I lifted the sheets over us and stayed snuggled next to her. She ran her fingers through my hair and smiled. “I’ve missed you.” She said.

“I’ve missed you too.” I whispered as I fell asleep.