Chatper Twenty Three

~3 Days Later~
~My P.O.V.~

The three day stay with the guys was great. We mostly stayed to ourselves at night but during the day we hung out together like always. We went swimming, for walks, into town, fishing just random summer, camping type things. We watched two movies and played board games on the one rainy day we had. Never, and I mean, never again will Zac be the banker during Monopoly. And now, we were on our way to London. “Hey Amy, are you ok? You look kinda pale.” Care said from across the aisle. I shook my head slowly then unbuckled my belt and booked it down the aisle towards the bathroom. I heard everyone follow behind.

~Tay’s P.O.V.~

We all looked at each other then simultaneously got up to follow. About halfway there, in the middle of coach a stewardess asked us if anything was wrong. “No, not at all.” Zac stated with a roll of his eyes. “We just all decided to go to the bathroom at once.” He said sarcastically as he pushed his/our way passed the confused lady.

We found Amy in the bathroom, puking quite a lot. All of us were concerned but only I could fit in the tiny bathroom with her. I grabbed my hair to pull it back and she dropped one of her hands and patted my knee. I tried to help her relax by rubbing her back. But it’s not easy to relax when you’re getting rig of the past day’s food.

“Amy,” Care started after kneeling by the door. “Are you going to be ok?” Amy looked up and nodded.

“Yeah, I’m ok now.” Amy said as she got up from the toilet and rinsed her mouth. I helped her down the aisle and back to her seat.

~My P.O.V.~

I fell asleep shortly after getting back to my seat, Taylor running his fingers lovingly through my hair. We landed about 3 hours later. Everyone else got off first as the rest of us waited. “Is everyone going to be waiting for us?” Care asked.

“They said they were going to.” Zac said.

“Well good. I’ve missed them so much.” I said as I took my carry-on bag and Tay’s hand. We got out to the waiting area and no fans were there, surprise me much. Except of course, the most loyal. Our family. “Mom! Dad!” I said excitedly as they quickly made their way to us.

“Honey! My have you grown!” Mom exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around me.

“Oh don’t I know it” I laughed with my hands on my stomach. “How could you have possibly gone through this SEVEN times?!”

“I don’t know.” She laughed shaking her head.

“AMY!” Mackie yelled. I tired my hardest to kneel down to his level. It wasn’t too comfortable but I managed to receive a monsterous hug from one of the most adorable little boys in the world. “Boy Amy are you fat!”

“Mackenzie!” Taylor yelled in horror.

“It’s ok. I’m not exactly tiny anymore.” I said standing up. We all grabbed our bags and followed mom and dad out of the airport, seeing how we can’t stay long in a public place. Especially in a foreign country. We got to the hotel about a half hour later. Once to our rooms I went out onto mine and Taylor’s balcony. As the fresh air blew through my hair I just stood there and thought. My dreams had completely come true. I’m living with my best friends in the world, not to mention the love of my life I never thought I’d meet. But it was all true. It was great, it was unbelievable, it was perfect.

“Y’know, I love watching you think.” Taylor said as he came outside and wrapped his arms around me. “What were you thinking about?” I turned my head over my shoulder and saw him looking out over the skyline.

“Isn’t this amazing? Who would have ever thought this would happen? I mean us, this, everything.” I paused. “I love you so much. My life is so amazingly perfect.”

“I love you too. But I knew this would happen.”

I turned all the way around and placed my head on his chest. “How?”

“I felt something for you from the first letter I read from you. I knew this would happen. Love always finds a way.” I looked up and deeply into his eyes then hugged him close to me. Well, as close as I could get considering the circumstances.

~Care’s P.O.V.~

Zac and I went to our room and I dropped my bags then threw my arms around him. “I love you.” I said. He laughed slightly as he gave me a tight squeeze.

“I know.” He said. “And I love you too.”

“So how long are we in London?” I asked as I started unpacking my bags.

“Until the seventh. We decided to stay in the European citites longer go Amy can rest.” I smiled at their thoughtfulness.

“Good idea. Anything going on today?”

“Not a thing. We’re free until tomorrow afternoon. We have a radio interview. Then on the 4th a concert and on the 6th is our photo shoot.” I nodded. “Are you gonna come with?” He asked. I turned around and grinned.

“Of course.”

~Beth’s P.O.V.~

“Ugh I am so tired.” I complained as I lugged my bags into our room. Isaac followed behind.

“So lay down.” He urged.

“I don’t want to.” I whined as I climbed into bed.

“Why not?”

“Because I’ve missed you.” I said as I nestled into the blankets.

“So I’ll join you.” Isaac said crawling in behind me.

I smiled to myself. “Well I have a feeling if you do I won’t get any sleep at all.” I laughed as I turned over to face him.

He smiled as he kissed me. “Do you have a problem with that?” He asked as he kissed me again.

“None at all.” I said as I pulled him close to me.

~My P.O.V.~
July 24th

The stay in London was great. Taylor, Isaac, Zac, Beth, Care and I went sight seeing and only got mauled by fans four times. When we went sight seeing yesterday in the Netherlands I found the most beautiful flower garden. “Care, this is where I want to get married.” I said, still in awe of it’s beauty. The paths were winding and perfectly framed by flowers of every type and color.

“It’s perfect Amy, absolutely you.” She smiled. I nodded and smiled again, the picture of my wedding perfect sketched into my mind.

Later that night

“Hey hun?” I asked as I laid in Taylor’s arms.


“Y’know that garden we were at earlier today?”

“Mmmhmm.” He replied with his eyes still closed. I sat up to look at him.

“That’s where I want us to get married.” A smile spread across his face as he opened his eyes.

He sat up and pulled me to his chest, with his arms tracing patterns on my sides. “Well if that’s what you want, then that’s where we’ll get married.”

I contemplated on whether or not to ask the next question but I figured I should to get it out in the open. “Hey hun? Are you still happy about me being pregnant?” I asked unsurely. I mean, I was only 18 and Tay was 17. Could we handle it? I knew money wasn’t an issue, but the emotional aspect of it. Were we ready?

“Of course I’m still happy about it. Why are you asking?” He asked looking lovingly down at me.

”I’m just worried. I mean, we’re still so young. I’m afraid we won’t be able to handle it.”

Taylor hugged me closer to him and kissed the top of my head. “We’ll be fine. Don’t worry about it.”

“I’m glad you’re so sure. And strong. What would I do without you?”

“You’d never be without me so that’s not even a relevant question.” He smiled.

“I love you.” I said as I snuggled back into the warm comforter. Tay followed, his arms still wrapped around me, and kissed me softly.

“I love you too.”

~Care’s P.O.V.~

We were now in Cologne, Germany. The guys had a TV interview and we girls decided to stay at the hotel with Mom and the kids. “Amy, how are you doing?” Mom asked. She’d been somewhat concerned about Amy traveling while she was pregnant.

Amy looked up from cooking Mackie’s lunch. “I’m fine.” She smiled. “Why?”

“Well, you know, you’re close to just having a month left.”

“Oh I know, isn’t it just…amazing?” Amy asked, grinning like the dork she is.

“Do you have names picked out yet?” Jessica asked.

“Actually we have for awhile. For a girl it’d be Amaya Lee Hanson and if it’s a boy it’d be Aidan James Hanson.” She said proudly with a smile. Mom thought for a second then smiled as well.

“I like them.” Mom said.

“Especially the girl’s…it’s so…unique.” Jessica said putting her plate in the sink.

“Well so is the boy’s.” Avie argued. I grinned and chuckled a bit.

“They’re both great names. But I hope it’s a girl.” I said.

“Oh definitely. Me too.” Amy said. She turned and leaned against the counter by the stove. “And I’m pretty sure it is.”

“Well, don’t get too excited.” Mom laughed. “We still have over a month left.”

~August 2nd~
~My P.O.V.~

The guys had an interview for a Paris radio station at 4pm. "Are you going to come with us this time?" Taylor asked. I looked over at the girls from my place on the couch. They gave shrugs and nods.

"I guess, sure." I said uneasily.

"Amy, what's wrong? Don't you want to go?" Beth asked eyeing me worriedly.

"I'm just unsure about going out in public with the guys. Y'know, with being so far along. Does that make sense?"

"Of course." Care said with a sympathetic smile.

"But we don't mind." Zac said with a grin.

"We love you. We want people to see that. And that's my baby in there. I want to show him off." Taylor said wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

I looked over at him. "Her." I said calmly.


"We think it's a girl." Avery said catching the last part of the conversation as she came from her room and to the kitchen.

Taylor looked over at me quickly with a smile. "Amaya? You think it's her?" He asked excitedly.

"Yep." I said just quick enough before Taylor enveloped me in a hug. "But don't you think I'll be somewhat of an embarrassment?" He let go of me quickly and looked at me in shock.

"God no." Care exclaimed.

"Of course not. Now go get ready we have to leave in twenty minutes." Tay said with a little kiss.

The girls played with my hair and picked out different outfits until we were satisfied. We walked out into the main part of the suite and everyone looked up. "Amy you look great." Taylor said coming over and kissing my cheek. I looked at him doubtfully. I smoothed down my babydoll dress and bit my lip.

"Are you sure?" I asked looking up at him again.

"Positive. You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. Ready to go?" I nodded and we snuck out the back way to the van and drove to a mall about 15 minutes away.

"Just like old times." Beth grinned.

"Eh, well kinda." I said still self conscious about going out. "If we take Jason can we go shopping?" I asked as we entered the back entrance to the mall.

"You'll have to ask him but it's fine with me." Dad said. Jason must have been listening in.

"Well let's go if we're going." He said. Y'know, to anyone else Jason might seem scary and WAY too stern but really he's just a big teddy bear. But he had to keep that "serious" image. We smiled brightly, gave the guys hugs and headed off in our own direction. Jason hung back enough so that it wasn't obvious but close enough to keep an eye on us.

"Ok, where do we want to go?" Care asked.

"Ooh! How 'bout there?" Beth asked pointing to a baby store I smiled and nodded and Care took my hand. I used to go in these kinds of stores when I was younger, thinking about what it would be like if I had a baby. And now I WAS having a baby. The clothes were just too cute and the shoes were so little. And I had never felt stuffed animals so soft.

"Hey Jason!" I yelled sticking my head out the entrance to the store. Jason looked up quite shocked that I addressed him in public. "You HAVE to see this stuff. It's so CUTE!" He reluctantly got off his bench and came into the store. He let his guard down, looked at some things, SMILED and helped me pick some stuff out. As we walked out of the store I wrapped my arm through his. "You're great." He smiled down at me.

"You are too. I can't, and wouldn't want to picture Taylor with anyone else."