Chapter Nine: Don't Lie To Me

~Care’s P.O.V.~

Zac and I made our way upstairs to our room. I threw down my bags and ran to our bed. I leapt down on it exclaiming, “God, I’m so happy to be home!” I rolled over and looked at Zac who was still standing at the door. He gave me a quizzical look then smiled and the looked turned to one that I liked to call “the tiger look’ as he stalked towards me. It was a lustful look, his eyes full of determination. It was kinda a glare, one that pierced right to your soul. It took me off guard, it melted me. Soon I found him crawling to me on the bed. I smiled and waited until he was right over me before reaching my lips to his. His lips tasted so good I desperately needed more. I reached behind his neck and pulled him to me. He kissed me again passionately as his hand rested on my hip. His kisses then went from my lips to my neck then my collarbone. I sighed as I sensed my body becoming more sensitive to his touch. I was straddled by him and he suddenly got up on his knees. He looked down at me with the same glare as earlier as he took off his shirt before taking off mine.

“Zac,” I whispered. He kissed my neck again as I sighed. “You have to lock the doors.” He got off me again and locked the doors. By the time he got back to me my body was aching for his touch. Again hr crawled to me, his eyes watching me intently as I discarded my bra. He straddled me and sat up on his knees as he undid his pants. I ran my hands down his sides to the top of his pants. I looked up at him and smiles before pulling his pants over his hips. A smiled spread across his face too as his hands slowly made their way to the button of my pants. I lifted my hips towards him and he laughed slightly. He then bent down and kissed my navel as his hand unzipped my pants. My breathing quickened even though we had barely started. My pants were off quickly and his hands slowly pulled my underwear off as he kissed me passionately. He then made a warm moist trail of kisses down my neck, to my collarbone, he took a few minutes to dwell on my breasts—which caused rushes of excitement to go through my body—he then continued his journey down. He kissed my navel and I expected him to stop there like he always had but he didn’t. He continued. He ate me. I had never experienced that and it was…amazing. He licked me gently until my head was rolled back, my breath was shallow and I was moaning his name. Then he let his tongue enter me. I gasped then sighed. “Oh God Zac.” I gasped. I found myself aware of an orgasm building. He started to stop and I couldn’t find my voice so I just arched my back, bringing my hips to his face and holding his head there forcefully, my hands tangled in his long blond hair. His tongue, in turn, went faster and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I screamed his name as I came. “Oh God.” I said shakily. He came back to me and kissed me softly. I could taste traces of myself on his lips and it was surprisingly sweet. “Zac,” I whispered. “Take my virginity.” I didn’t say anything about his, I knew it was gone.

“Are you sure?” He asked looking deeply into my eyes. I nodded.

“I love you.” I said as I slid his boxers off. My hand instantly found it’s way to his erection and I held him in my hand stroking softly. He moaned softly and kissed my neck. I quickened my pace and he got harder. I continued, going faster and holding him harder. He moaned louder and deeper with his eyes closed.

“Hmm….Care…Care stop I can’t take it.” He said desperately. I looked up at him as I stopped. “Come here.” He said as he kissed me. “Are you ready?” I swallowed and nodded as he positioned himself over me. He kissed me gently and then entered me for the first time. I gasped as the pain registered in my mind. “Are you ok?” He asked concerned. I guess he didn’t understand that sex for the first time hurts a girl considering Amy was anything but a virgin when he slept with her. But I was able to push that fact to the back of my head as I nodded and pulled him to me. He entered me further, filling me completely. The pain was starting to be replaced by pleasure. I let myself relax and it felt even better. He started to thrust himself into me quicker and I could barely breath. I threw my head back and he sucked and gently bit my neck. I ran my hands down his sweaty back and hugged him as I felt my second orgasm of the night building up. Zac was moaning deeply and urgently as his thrusting continued to get faster and faster. My moans and whimpers were involuntary in the small amounts of air I was getting. I started to cum.

“Uh…mm…Zac. God Zac,…oh…” He held two long thrusts and then came with me.

“God Care, oh Caroline, Oh God, uh…oh…” I held him close to me as we shared this mutual moment. “I love you so much.”

“I know.” I said quietly. I doubted his words. We climbed under our blankets and continued to hold each other. Our hair wet and sticking to our necks from the sweat of our desire. He softly kissed my neck.

“That was incredible.” He whispered.

“Well considering you have someone to compare me to I’m flattered.” I said calmly. I felt him freeze.


“Zac, I’m not stupid. I know you slept with Amy.” I said, still calm. Even though my anger was burning and about to boil over.

“Where’d you hear that?!” He asked, starting to get angry and nervous.

“THAT doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I know.” I turned to look at him. “Why?” He avoided my eyes.

“Why what!? I didn’t do anything!!!”

My eyes turned icy. “Don’t lie to me!! It’s bad enough you fucked my best friend, don’t lie about it.”

“I’m not lying about anything! Someone lied to you!!” I escaped his arms, got up and got dressed.

“No, Zachary, no one lied to me but you. I honestly thought you loved me!”

“I DO!!!” He yelled desperately.

“BULLSHIT!!” I screamed as he hastily put on his boxers and jeans. ‘I can’t believe you can’t even be honest with me!!” I yelled as I slammed the door and ran. Zac was close behind.

“Caroline!! WAIT!!” I continued to run and I started to cry.

“FUCK YOU!!!” I screamed. “That was supposed to be special. You and me together for the first time!” I said loudly as I let him catch up to me.

“What do you call what just happened then!?” He asked frustrated.

“That was MY first time. With someone that I loved. That I might still love. That was NOT your first time. Oh no, you got your first piece of ass in Minnesota!!” I yelled as I started down the stairs. At first he just stood there in shock but by the time I was to the bottom of the stairs he was behind me again. Calling my name. I didn’t know where I was going but it didn’t matter because I didn’t get a chance to get there.