Forever and Maybe Two Days

Thank you for coming to Forever and Maybe Two Days. :) And thank you so much for your patience.

OH YEAH the disclaimer...let's think....I don't know Hanson, do you think if I did I'd waste my time writing this? Not likely. I'm not signed on Mercury or anything like that either. So yeah, this is totally FICTIONAL!!

This is the last part of the Forever and a Day Saga. Unless I get great demand for more.

The story picks up a day or two after the end of the first story...... Enjoy.

Chapter 18 added Feb 26th...

Chapter One: Telling Someone
Chapter Two: Talking to Zac
Chapter Three: I'd Die
Chapter Four: Mass Confusion
Chapter Five: Can We Talk
Chapter Six: New York
Chapter Seven: Confrontation
Chapter Eight: I Love Her Too
Chapter Nine: Don't Lie To Me
Chapter Ten: The Secret's Out
Chapter Eleven: Blood's Thicker Than Water
Chapter Twelve: Sarah: Part Two
Chapter Thirteen: Visiting
Chapter Fourteen: My Best Friend
Chapter Fifteen: I've Missed That
Chapter Sixteen: Good-byes
Chapter Seventeen: The Girls
Chapter Eighteen: Tour Planning
Chapter Nineteen: Birthdays
Chapter Twenty: Leaving
Chapter Twenty-One: Bonding again
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three NEW! November 28, 2001