Chapter 34: Making It Through The Day

(Thanks to Alicia for her help)

The next morning (11:15am)
I woke up not really knowing where i was. Then I remembered-- last night. Taylor. Zac. Sarah. And I just wanted to go back to bed. But I knew I had to get up. I heard Tay downstairs so I knew it was safe to grab an outfit from our room and my bathroom stuff. I took a shower. Not in our bathroom, but in the bathroom next to the rec room. As I did my make up, Care came in.
"Hey Amy." She said quietly.
"Hi." I said, barely audible.
"Beth and I figured you didn't want to stay here, so we were wondering if you wanted to go shopping."
"Care, honey, even shopping coultn'y help me now. But thanks anyway." I said, as I picked up my towels and dirty clothes. "Actually, I think I'm going to call my friend Alicia. See if she will come down and help me figure this out."
"Okay. Did you want the phone?"
"No, I'll just call from my room." Care looked at me, a little shocked. "It's still my room too y'know."
"Yeah, I know. We'll be downstairs."
"Hey, will you ask if Alicia can stay for a few days?"
"Yeah, sure." And she turned and made her way downstairs. And I made my way to my room. Mom and Dad said that was fine. I called Alicia trying my hardest not to cry, but failing. She promised she'd be on the next flight down. I hung up and sat in my bay window thinking ~I still don't understand how Tay could betray me like that. I mean, I thought he loved me. And the kiss Zac & I shared. To think I felt guilty! That kiss seem so innocent compared to what I walked in on." And I went for a walk.

Zac's P.O.V. -meanwhile-

"Do you guys think Tay and Amy will work this out?" I asked.
"They have to." Care said, simply.
"I don't know. What Tay did to her was pretty harsh." Beth said.
"Yeah, I agree with Beth." Isaac said as he sat down next to her. Taylor then walked into the kitchen looking for something to eat. "Hey Taylor. How are things?" Ike asked.
"Do you really have to ask?" Taylor yelled. We all just stared at Tay, astonished with his recent attitude with everyone. And Taylor went back into the living-room.
"Bye guys." Amy said as she again grabbed Romeo's leash. "I'll be back for supper." She said and she was gone.

Tay's P.O.V.

I sat in the living-room not paying attenting to what was on TV. Then I saw Amy take Romeo out of his kennel and I couldn't help but thing about last night again. ~I still can't believe I did that to her. She is the love of my life and I ruined it. I lost a lifetime of happiness for a few minutes of worthless pleasure. I was getting PLENTY of sexual pleasure with Amy. Why did I have to leave her?~ That was the question I had been beating into my head since the night it happened. ~I'm just so stupid. What am I going to do without her?~

My P.O.V.

I walked along the river for awhile trying to clear my head. I was spending a lot of my time by the river lately. What else was I going to do? Not to mention I was late. Just my luck. How was I going to deal with this now too? The biggest problem was to try and tell Taylor. We hadn't talked since I'd had Beth give him back my ring. I had come to the conclusion that the Rec Room couch was going to be my bed for awhile. The thought of sharing a bed with Taylor made me nauseous. ~What am I going to do??~

Care's P.O.V.

"Hey Beth, don't you think Amy's been acting kinda weird lately?" I whispered.
"Yeah, even before all this happened she was acting strange." Beth said quietly.
"She's gotten so moody." Isaac butted in. Beth and I shared glances. Glanced that said "Do you think she could be....?"

Later that day, At the park... My P.O.V.

"Amy can we talk?" Zac asked as he approached me. ~Just who I need here.~ I thought.
"Sure. I guess." I said, as I moved over on the swing.
"What is bothering you, lately? I mean, besides the obvious." Zac asked, his eyes challenged mine.
"Nothing. I guess I'm just still upset about Taylor cheating on me." I whispered.
"But you cheated on him, too." Zac said. Just what I needed. Another guilt trip.
"Zac. That was the purpose of the game. We were supposed to kiss. But they went further. A LOT further. Let's think about this for a minute. One kiss versus a fucking blowjob. That's a no-brainer, Zac." I persisted.
"You have a point." Zac frowned.
"I suppose we should get going, eh?" I said as I got up. Zac joined me.
"Yeah, I suppose," he said. "But Amy. You look like you need a hug." And he wrapped his strong arms around me. "I Love you." I pulled away.
"No you don't.--" Before I could finish, I again found Zac's soft lips against mine. I tried to pull away but he help me there. After a couple of seconds I began to relax and kiss him back. I placed my arms around his neck and our tongues began to mingle. ~How can I be doing this?~ "What about Care?" I asked as I got out of his grasp.
"Amy, you know I still Love her." He said as he walked next to me. I decided not to even bother with trying to explain to him that you can't love two people romantically, and we walked home.

Late that next night (10:30 pm)

Leesha (Alicia) was going to be here the next morning. ~God, I hope she'll be able to help me out.~ I thought as I sat in the Rec Room with Care and Beth.
"Well. I finally get to meet Alicia." Care said happily. "I just wish it were under different circumstances."
"Yeah well she almost always had advice for me on this kind of thing." I said as I climbed under my blanket.
"It's been so long since we've seen her." Beth chimmed in. "I can't wait, I'm so excited."
"I know what you mean," I said, with a slight smile.
"Wow Amy. That's like, the first smile I've seen in a long time." Beth said and both she & Care hugged me.

Chapter 35: "I Need To Tell You Something"