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    A sleepiness lay about the room.  A feeling of something pulling you down, pulling your eyelids closed.  Drawing your head closer to the pillow, which you rest your elbow on.  The song of sleep sings in your head but you fight it, block it from your mind, try to ignore it any way possible.  Your mind wanders uncontrollably moving drifting from one thought to the next as if on a boat in the fog being blown by unseen winds that carry you to unseen destinations.  At first you think your mind just moving in no order as you fight sleep, but as you gain the power to concentrate again for a second you notice a pattern.  You don’t know what, your moment of clarity is gone, leaving you with only the impression of a thought.  More flashes of clear thinking follow as your mind wanders and slowly you piece together the puzzle.
     The thoughts which still continually float through you head are all based around the memories of that which you regret.  Things you have said or not said.  Actions you should have taken or not take.  People you wished you had talked to.  For each person it’s different but for you all thoughts center around that girl you had always wished you had said different things to.  You try and control what you are thinking about to block out the memories that you had worked to repress, to forget, but as you do you realize that the walls you once had been so proud you had built.  The ones that allowed you to be so care free of what others thought, or to be so cold and emotionless are gone.  Torn down by your own destructive hand.  All that remains is emptiness, self-doubt, depression, regret.  Those provide you no comfort, no buffer against that which the walls you once had would have.
     The song still sings to you as you fight to gain control of your thoughts.  It has grown ever stronger through you battle with yourself.  It pulls at you and you realize how much you wish to embrace it but you fear the dreams, which wait for you, or the darkness.  You retreat deeper into yourself, trying desperately to hide from those horrid thoughts.  Those regrets which will plague you forever.  You seek a refuge to hide from them but with your walls gone, there is nothing left to you to hide behind.  You are forced to face that which you have for so long hidden from.  Denied in every way possible.
     The song grows in your head but you are too afraid of the dreams that wait for you.  You fight with a renewed vigor that you did not have before, but in your struggle with sleep you stop your running and the regret and sorrow catch up to you.  You stare the reality of your life in the face, fell the cold hard bite of the truth.  Depression rushes in like a flood as you truly realize how tiny, how pointless your life really will be.  You look at the truth, the reality of your life and you are overwhelmed. You can’t decide whether to cry or puke or scream in pain, but you can’t do any for this struggle is all in your mind. You have left you physical body behind eyes still blinking with sleep.
     Left bared to this onslaught by your own hand you can do little but watch and hope it ends soon.  It seems like an eternity but in truth the whole struggle has taken place with in the blink of an eye.  You feel exhausted by this latest trial you have faced, like you had just come through the hardest test of your life and you do not yet know, or care how you did.   The song buzzes incessantly and, tired as you are you can no longer fight it.  To step off that cliff between sleep and conciseness into the swirling clouds and let sleep overwhelm you hoping that the terrible memories of what you have just witnessed will be erased.  The regretful memories, which brought on the test in the first place, follow you.
 The eye blinks then closes again as sleep closes in.

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