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     The moon’s pale light shone down across the grasslands casting vague shadows over the land. Silence lay heavy over the night, broken only briefly by the sound of the light wind rustling in the grasses. In the silence the tigress stalked her pray.  On padded feet she moved with silent deadliness. Far off still, lost and wondering in the dark, a tall man turned about looking for some sign of which way he should turn. The stars were out but they held no meaning to him.  The moon cast a dim light upon the land but still he turned as if in total darkness.  Still the tigress stalked closer.
      She let out a low growl that rolled in her throat in a way that drew the man towards the sound other than making him run away. Turning towards the sound the man walked towards it, his eyes wide open but as yet still blind. Steadily closer the two approached each other.  The man’s brown eyes were locked on the ground just before his feet as he tried to keep from tripping on some unseen root or dip in the ground.  With shinning eyes the tigress watched the man.  They seemed to pierce him down to the very core of the man’s soul and perceive his every thought.
     Another growl rose from the tigress’s throat.  Deep and warming. Drawing him ever closer.  With each step closer his eyes seemed to perceive more. His eyes now looked towards the stars and as their light shone upon them he smiled as if he suddenly understood something. Now the tigress crouched low as the man moved closer, waiting for her chance.  Her eyes still reflected the starlight in a dazzling display that would have amazed any creature and caught the man’s eye. No longer on the sky his eyes were drawn towards the tigress.  Their eye met and the gaze seemed to hold the man for ages before releasing him. His mind now known to her in every detail. His every thought caught by her eyes. In that instant of release she sprang.  His vision cleared fully and in surprise he fell backward. Her great form passed over head and disappeared into the night, but her image was engraved in his heart forever.


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