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Welcome to the book of Elemar. Elemar was once the great city of the elves in the Northern world. Hidden from the eyes of the enemy and built at the peak of elven lore it was the greatest city that ever was. Filled with the beauty and spledor of the elves. Stronger than the ancient mountains. For countless years it seemed the great city would live forever. Coruption of some unseen nature though took it and the city fell into disaster. It has been lost for many ages. Only recently it was rediscovered. Few pieces from the great library remained in tact. With gret care he elves have begun an attempt to restore as much as they could. These few pieces are all that has so far been restored. Many of them originally written in he first elven toung and so their translations are very rough. To most the grammer is poor. Spelling worse. Do to the rush to save what can be saved it has simply been the task to rewrite as much as possible. When more time and people can be spared these tales will be corrected and put into proper format of today.


After Battle







The Escape

The Hunt

Calm after the Storm

Tropical landscape

The Fall of Glitheron
