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--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff March 28, 2003

February 11, 2004 update: ICCDBB has mathematically proven the existence of God. Click here to see the formula and supportive logic.

Christ put his mind on things above. Christ put himself to the task of proclaiming the authority of God. Christ worked to keep God's Word accurate and unblemished so it would be a blessing for all followers.

Christ is the glory of God. Christ is the source of love, and life.

Christ dwelt on the earth in such a presence of mind of goodness, that calendars measure time from his birth.

Christ understands the future. Christ knows what is best for you. Christ gives and asks nothing in return but love. Christ wants people to do God's Word because God deserves it, and the first Commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your ability.

Christ takes the mission of God seriously, providing mercy justly. Christ respects God's creation.

Christ went out of his way to bring people to partake at the table with him; even if a traitor. Christ reveres God's work, and works as one with God and the Holy Spirit to cure the sick, not only with treatment but also with forgivness of sins through Christ's redemptive work, holy long-suffering, and righteous blood.

Christ invites people to become Christians so that they might partake of the bread that is Christ's body, and Christ's blood that is shed for many. Christ suffered clearing the righteous path so Christians could easily find heaven.

Christ suffered the little children to come unto him, because their angels in heaven always behold the face of their Father in heaven.

Christ obeyed God, and God said this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased, listen to him.

Christ loves God and is one with God, the great "I am". Christ said before Abraham was, "I am". Christ loves all God created and so Christ loves all people, even if those people think they are unworthy of Christ's love: as none are worthy of Christ's love, no not one, as each person is a sinner, save Christ.

Christ is perfect and the source of perfection. Christ has gone beyond the sting of death to life, and more abundant life.

Christ gave first without asking, Christ gave and gives to his people generously, supplying all of their needs, filling all their desires, quenching all their thirsts. Christ makes the sun to rise and the rain to fall on the just and on the unjust.

Christ has the faith of God, Christ believes God with all his essence. Christ follows God righteously, as a living example unto all who would believe and follow. Christ is the rock of ages. Christ is the way, the truth, and the light.

Christ sheds the light of knowledge for this generation and for generations to come. Christ continues teaching and preaching of God's righteousness in his heavenly life now, as in his human life then, and as in his previous life from the beginning.

Christ is more than a friend, Christ is within you.


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