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--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff March 16, 2003

Updated 11/29/2009


The Word and God are one, amen [so be it]. In the beginning was the Word (John 1.1).

God revered communication so much that God made communication his foundation of the righteousness he was to spread through the Holy Word of God. From God in the beginning as preached by Moses and other preachers of the one true faith prophecying of Jesus Christ, and later as preached by Christ's disciples and other followers of Christ, the Word being communication of highest reasoning has been fundamental to the highest reasoning of God.


Bringing people together according to the plan of God offers people the opportunity to analyze the communication on which the plan of God is (not based, but) raised. This necessary interpretation comes with the fundamental principle of God, that highest reasoning comes from living God above, not from death below.

These words "above" and "below" are representative of absolute values of good and bad, and also have relative values, such as popular thinking according to gravity. Being people, as we are, we are subject to the laws of nature, and therefore the words "above" and "below" can also apply to values other than gravity, especially when such forces can overcome gravity.

With regard to communication, "above" and "below" can apply to computer logic: 0 and 1. So for highest logic we need to include with communication the prioritization of the forces that can overcome temporarily. As shown in this transporter link (no affiliation unless otherwise stated), limits of the application can be as important as the application, just as a cup of wine is generally about the wine or symbolism of the wine and blood, but without the cup or chalice, the wine is spilled.

Similarly, as while discussing with Jim Yurchison of Ryerson Tull the new A Check Exact Agency (for accrediting higher educational schools to handle classified information in more useful ways while halting terrorism), Jim asked if it meant US citizens would have [to work harder] to be better at what they did. Jim demonstrated good logical straight-line progression.

Yet the Agency's communications system was just the opposite, utilizing good logical [right angle] overcoming force. That is, the communications system was established not to make things more difficult on US citizenry to any significant degree, but to make things easier and better, and just more difficult on terrorists.

So instead of straight-line communications, right angle force is used as a filtering system, while adding value in terms of life, liberty, money, security, and so on, to US citizenry.


Linear communication concepts are good and proper to a large extent. Compare how people want heaven everywhere now, without anyone suffering. If that concept was applied to communication data, instead of for example the following string of data {101110111110110101}, we would find {111111111111111111}. In other words, the data would all be significant and would all agree and would all be the same.

Heaven is in greater agreement than a random grouping of data points, such as for instance with angels always beholding the face of our Father in heaven, and such as in New Heaven with the agreement of the Father and the Son as one.

Since recognition of Jesus Christ's Word as having authority is greater than chaos, then with that prioritization established we can construct logically progressive communication values.

The Bible speaks of tongues of fire, and in 3 Nephi 26.14 "he did loose their tongues"..."even greater than he had revealed".

To communicate with great value we need to cling to higher priorities. Then with confidence of higher reasoning purpose we can communicate on higher levels of reasoning, including more complex discussions.

Complexities arise when we for instance want to move up by first moving down, such as to build a mound of soil one may typically first dig down into the earth to raise and gather the soil where desired.

Complexities also involve aspects of language and the communication vehicle that are transient. For instance in presenting this message, this text does not involve spoken octaves.

If you sing the lowest note you can, then the next higher note, then the next, and so on, you might sing about eight notes. With practice you might sing a few octaves. You might be able to speak a sentence with an occassional high inflection and an occassional low inflection. So you may generally deal with one main and two subordinate pitches for nearly all of your communications.

Of course there are other valuable forms of communication, such as body language, but for most precise communication we are currently limited to a spoken pitch or written text. Even pictures or scenes which can tell a lot are not used much due to their slow communication speed relative to effectual purposes.

Similarly, whether studying a picture, watching a movie, hearing a speaker, or listening to a tape: each of these are dependent on the provider speed. On the other hand, documented text is subordinate to the reader's speed, and therefore most effectual, being most user friendly.


Christians are to use the Word to lead. Knowing the difference between good and bad, some Christians may at times take a stand against someone who would "dig down" since such a person would according to good linear thinking be contrary to upward leadership; at least on the surface, and/or at least temporarily.

If it is on the surface, good Christians should first not resist and fight but be willing to discuss and exchange ideas to within reason test for underlying ideas and motivating principles. If it is temporary, good Christians should consider honoring that person's temple of God with fitting respect. In any case, you can learn from any mistakes they make and gain a better personal understanding of their preferred ways.

You can use words to immediately resist undesirable traits, or you can use mercy to raise them into better ways. You can stop an angry mob, or you can redirect their energies to enhance their position and yours, righteously.

This precept is not simply about shifting blame from an accused innocent person to a guilty person, it is about much more. It is about not losing anyone, for the greater glory of Christ.

Leadership communicates to answer the needs of all followers, plus all those non-followers who would follow, given the proper motivation. If a terrorist wants to follow you, would you tell them to not follow you? Of course depending on the circumstances, such as if you were entering an otherwise secure area you would not allow them entrance so they could wreck havoc. But even if they do not (yet) have a repentant heart it is important for a Christian leader to reach-out to them and invite them to follow Christian teachings of mercy and not sacrafice.

Then according to the time frame, meaning within the bounds of logical faith, a Christian leader may within themself determine an end of their reaching-out to a particular person, such as if a terrorist continues to cling to terrorism; and since wasting time is not effectual.

To dig deep to lay a firm foundation is acceptable, but to dig randomly with mixed priorities makes it hard for people to follow.


All faith in Jesus Christ is logical in Christianity, but not all faith in Jesus Christ is logical according to others.

It is logical faith to pray, worship, and dig deep in religious studies for the greater glory of Christ. Illogical faith is to go beyond relative logic and to entertain absolute logic.

Proof of logical faith and it's applicable logical communications is easy to delimit. Government continues to perform this delimitation process as new discoveries are made.

The more difficult part is the communicative standardization quantification of illogic areas. More importantly, the proper communication of higher priority areas is viewed by government as beyond the separation of chruch and state.

Therefore, even if per absence of certain specific formal government communication statements decreeing same, the Christian has the advantage over government (although being subject to same per governmental laws) in the field of logic. Whether individual Christians choose to reap and use these powers is another matter.

While some religions focus on people, icons, church buildings, and other important values according to circumstances not to be left undone, Christians focused on faith in Christ have chosen that good portion which will not be taken from them (Luke 10 verses 41 & 42).

Faith is a motivational factor among many religions because faith is about the top priority. Since historically government, business, and science have trouble proving and managing faith, faith is left to religion. In other words, those pieces of logic are left to Christians.

If you are to communicate effectively, it is often important to communicate on the level of the listener. Therefore you may find many ministers preaching mostly in terms of logical faith, with only occassional interjections of illogical faith. So often a minister talks about what their flock understands, and only occassionally mentions things such as love your enemy.

Boundless mercy involves more than communication. It involves new creations and new communications. It involves allowing your enemy to destroy you and your communications within relative reasoning. The test of faith is whether you would allow your enemy to censure you so they may be heard.

But generally speaking no one wants to talk about that. No man wants to admit that at times they censure their wife. No Christian enjoys telling of the dirty deeds they do to dig deep contrary to what seems to be the right way even for the greater good lest they boast of themself.

Christians of faith do not like to admit they took a chance. Christians of faith do not like to admit they took a pill because they didn't believe God would simply raise his mighty hand to miraculously cure them.

Christians are the best we have, and look at all of our sins.

Because of our sins we do not communicate as effectively as we could, as Christ.

Instead of proclaiming the Word of God from the house tops, we measure every word and every sense of every word we speak.


While writing this sermon in the past hour my wife, busy about many things, interrupted me three times, and some children came to the door to sell pictures they had drawn. In consideration of the greater good, did they help me? Yes. I know my house is cleaner and in better order, I now know that our back door leaks when it rains, and I now have a lovely original painting.

We can use logic to predict the future based on knowns and givens. But only through the logic of Christ and Christ's followers can we prophecy.

We logically strive to learn of the Holy Word. And as far as we can tell, the timeless and infinite Holy Word has little to do with knowns and givens. Generally speaking, out of the past million years, it was only a few decades that Christ was known by government as the entity Jesus of Nazareth.

For most of the past billion years there seemed to be little time involving prophets and their communications. Yet when faced with logic we tend to know, appreciate, and understand it's inherent value.

Generally speaking, when faced with a lack of indicators, a Christian can continue to make the right choices.

So great are the words of Jesus Christ that when all else fails, faith in Jesus Christ carries us through, logically, mercifully, and completely.


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