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What if?

--Two Part Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff March 23, 2003

Part 1.

What if it doesn't work?

What if you plan something but are worried that it won't work? Well you could simply plan to fail, and if you don't fail, then you are stuck with success: but that can be pretty foolish. For example, if you build a boat under water on the chance that it might un-sink and be bouyant and be dry inside, the underwater construction would be extremely difficult, especially with regard to electric power.

What if you try to do something and fail and everybody else laughs at you and slights you? How can you know if your plan will work if the success of your plan depends on other people?

How are you going to manage if it succeeds too quickly and out of control? What if events change and you are stuck with obsolete equipment that you have not even completed building? What if your partner takes your money and runs?

More importantly, what would happen if I don't try?

There is a multitude of "what if" questions that overly burden people, such as: what would happen if, how can I do it, how can I succeed, how can my plan succeed, how can I succeed, why is it that way, why does it work that way, I want money, I need money, where can I find answers to my questions, and how can I make it to the top?

Who you gonna call?...Ghostbusters? (no affiliation). Would you run back to your parents for help? Would you ask your friends or the bank for help?

Many people don't realize that discussing your plans with experts prior to your action to start your plans is very important, but not discussing your plans with experts prior to your action is very risky.

Questions (or situations) often stop people before they get started, so they don't even try; even if they have brilliant ideas.

It is not just about your plans that questions can interfere with your success. You wouldn't like it if you were told that you had to go to school for 12 years but were only allowed to learn for 6 years, and the other 6 years you would have to wear ear plugs and eye covers and would get failing grades.

So not just your plans are stopped by questions, but also your opportunities.

For instance, many people read the Bible and learn up to a point, and then because of questions, they stop learning. Questions act as a great barrier to success. Questions can work as a great gulf fixed between you and success. Overcome God's principle of questions (in other words accept God's gift), and then you can use questions to work for you.

Reach agreement quickly (Matthew 5.25), then something as easy as reading the Bible will multiply your blessings. God and Christ agree in the Word, so if God asks Christ a question, how would Christ answer: yes or no? This is the loving principle of reasoning of God and Christ. Accept this principle to always agree with goodness and you will overcome greater things when you look for the goodness that is all and in all.

When you read questions in the Bible, instead of slowing your progress that you ponder those questions excessively to the extent that you might miss the point of the story, you will rather overcome and prosper exceedingly. Difficult questions put to you would become your success safety net.

Part 2.

What would you do with it if you had it?

What do you really want to do? What if you had all the time and money and power and resources and support that you needed and wanted, what would you do then?

Let's look past the immediate pleasures toward the more profound feelings in your personal life.

Let's say you did all those immediate concerns, let's say you bought expensive food, clothing, cars, houses [mansions]. Let's say you gave your family, friends, and strangers tons of money.

Let's say everyone has everything, now what would you do? God made creation and then rested. Would you start with rest? Would you start with rest and leave creation for later? Would you go to a heavenly mountain retreat, or a tropical paradise, or a family reunion or something special to you?

OK, let's say you did that and now you're done and bored with that heavenly entertainment.

Now what? Now it begins, now you finally start to go past questions and use your mind the way Christ God almighty started.

So what would you do with it if you had it...if you had it all? If you had so much you couldn't figure out how to give it all away, or even if you could they couldn't accept it all because they had no room, they had no way to count all the abundance, they had no way to measure all the gifts.

If you give so much would they want your great gifts or would they feel inferior to you. Would they hate you. O how they would hate you.

You gave them no reason but they would hate you and attack you to destroy you and everything you represent.

It's fun to see a great wave crash against a beach, it's fun to see a great waterfall slam into the abyss, it's fun to drop a coin into a chasm. It's fun to waste and destroy, it's fun to have absolute power.

So given all that, now what would you do?

Would you let them wreck havoc on all that you've accomplished, would you let them torture you and take your son? More importantly, why would you let them do that?

What could be more important than your son or daughter: (your answer goes here:______________________).

What could be more important than your best ideas? What could be better than all you know? How can you ponder things greater than you've ever pondered? How can you be more, for you, for your children, for all?

Would you let a stranger kill your child? Would you thank that doctor for finding your child's heart valve was faulty and making your child legally dead and bringing your child back to life again? Would you love that doctor, once a stranger, even more?

What if you had it all, what would you do? What are you doing?


In 2004 the existence of God was mathematically proven, click here to see the formula.


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