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--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff May 14, 2003

Your reading of this message is a tribute to this church, your teachers, your friends, and leadership as a whole. Communication, education, and the Internet involve voluntary effort, even if in decision making only. You have made a good effort and are to be commended. Click here to see pictures of little Billy Gates, Paul Allen, Steve Wozniak, and Steve Jobs (SUNY: no affiliation unless otherwise stated) in their younger years, hard at work to bring you computers and the Internet. When you use the Internet, you do them honor.

When you use the Internet wisely, to advance social, technical, medical and other areas, you do them greater honor. Accomplishments you achieve via the Internet create a living tribute to their hard work toward pure higher reasoning.

God created the heavens and the earth. When you wisely use your resources to help others achieve pure higher reasoning, you honor God (Jesus Christ).

The Internet is very similar to logic, even though systems fail and redirects occur.

Math has been called the pure science. Math is also similar to logic. Yet math, similar to the Internet, has it's share of system failures, such as for instance one symbol having ten different definitions, and math has it's redirects, such as with it's conversion from absolutivity to relativity necessitating reliance on non-math language for perception explainations.

Even though systems fail and redirects occur, you understand that the Internet is very logical, as compared to applicable conditions prior to the Internet. Logically, you are attracted to such higher reasoning.

Those able to overcome popular Internet sex, Internet money enticements, attention redirecting ads, and so forth, are able to gain a glimpse of the greater value of the Internet. Many addicts don't want to give up sex, money, or other stuff.

So addicts focus on the body; so addicts focus their logic on the body. Therefore, their logical reasoning is overwhelmed by the addiction; therefore, their logical reasoning is delimited to lower level reasoning, such as a sex addict not only mentally dwelling on porn, but also reinforcing their own brain's neural patterns and their own belief system in mechanisms. So they come to rely on perceived mechanisms and fail to rely on Christ's higher logical reasoning, such as including prioritization toward wholistic oneness.

As with the Internet, a brain remembers history and learns accordingly, and can more easily find recent important or seemingly important data. There may be so much reliance on seemingly important data on sex, money, violence, or other vices that there is no room in the brain for contrary or other thoughts, such as pure and giving love, charity, help to others, and longsuffering.

So each time an addict trys to think about higher reasoning, it is similar to starting on the topic all over again from the beginning, as if having learned practically nothing to be carried forward to further building on the higher reasoning topic. Some bits and pieces come to rememberance, yet for the overall, they are stuck with random emotional feelings that are more similar to small groups of jigsaw puzzle pieces, and less similar to the big picture. Furthermore, an addict perceives the pieces as all being similar in shape to fit their particular addiction.

My Mother didn't claim to know everything, yet said everyone needs a crutch, so make it the right crutch, Jesus Christ.

The Internet is made of computers. If you seek highest reasoning and use the Internet tool, then instead of seeking to aggrevate an addiction condition, you seek to overcome the Internet tool as it applies to you (and your site visitors), and let it grow freely as it applies to your seeking of higher reasoning, and cultivate it's good fruit according to good faith, not in just anyone: in Christ.

If you have your priorities right with Christ, the Internet becomes more valuable. If an addict can have an urgent need and compulsion for sex, money, violence, drugs and so forth, how much better would it be if you have a fervent, passionate need for highest reasoning.

You have had sufficient education via people to be able to read this, so other than education, to get to highest reasoning, what logically would help you get there fastest; what physical tools in your environment would help you the most? The fastest, highest technological tool is the Internet, in many ways. People physically gathering together in Christ's name, such as at a church building to hear a sermon is good and needful at times. Watching a televised sermon is good and has it's blessings.

Yet when you read a sermon on the Internet, you don't have slow-down to the preacher's pace: you get to advance at your own pace; and you're connected.

Sometimes it's proper to go slowly, such as for rest or sight-seeing (Note: safety is of vital importance, therefore highest priorities need to be thoroughly known and practiced so when called-on to immediately act in good faith, you do not hesitate). Otherwise, to get from point A to point B, we want to move as quickly as possible.

Due to sin, it is normal for people to not move as quickly as possible. When dealing with seeking highest logic (for this example let's say it is for you to post Christian sermons on the Internet), to say "I don't have experience in that field", or to say "I'm not sure what to write", or to say "I can't write a Christian sermon on murder because I'm a murderer"; those are all beside the point, they are just excuses.

The point is, Christ said preach: so preach. The only excuse is if you don't want to be baptized to become a Christian; yet that is not a good excuse.

Do the best you can, and believe Christ has done the rest. Let your sermons be truthful and unbias, for all to read. Build on a solid foundation of trust that is Jesus Christ, and you will build mountains of goodness.

Let the well of living waters spring up from your soul for all to share abundantly, for Christ's greater glory.

Can you do miracles? Christ has already shown the way. You have the Internet, use it. Instead of chasing after miracles, miracles will follow you.

Prepare your sermons rightly, and look-up references in the Bible. Search the scriptures and act accordingly, and all these things will be added to you, good measure and overflowing. Use the Internet to broadcast to others of Christ's good and logical works: give and it will be given unto you, pressed down and shaken together, without gaps in logic and without logic voids.

If you can give logical words of encouragement to strangers, how much more can you encourage friends if they will accept the logic you provide? Read Luke Chapter 12 verse 4 to see that Christ calls you His friend. Your friends ride in cars with you, your friends walk the same path with you. Your friends share meals with you. Your friends share thoughts with you: you're on the same page: you are united in logic.


We share rules, such as to rest on the Holy Sabboth, and this we must do.

Yet we also have Holy Priorities: the Sabboth was made for man, not man for the Sabboth. Similarly, the Internet, sex, money, and stuff were made for man, not the other way around. Higher reasoning to understand what abuse means, was also made for man.

Yet having our priorities right with Christ means that just because we have power and control over something, that doesn't mean we have to change it. We have the power to change definitions, but Christian prioritization means we should not, for instance, change the definition of abuse simply to serve our own conscience regarding our lusts.

The Internet is a powerful tool of great force. How you use it may affect the lives of millions for many generations.

Christian prioritization in higher reasoning also means paying attention constantly. For instance, typing something nasty and later deleting it doesn't necessarily mean it is gone. Aside from redundant systems, consider how archaeologists know more about how cave dwellers should have built their fires, than their best fire builders at the time.

Yet Christ is already ahead of archaeologists and our best fire builders of this current time. Christ dwells in the logic of the Holy Word.

Where two or [more] people are gathered in Christ's name, Christ is there in the midst of them (Matthew 18.20).

Here, on the Internet, you can gather in Christ's name.

Some people may ask "What is Christ's mailing address?" Yet, why should they mail something when the recipient, Christ, would be right there with them? They just need to ask and not be double minded, and they will receive (James 1.5-8).

Some Internet sites have advertisement links to generate business. You may want your Internet sites to have links to generate Christians.

Your Internet site building tools can make Christ's valuable information available to people in distant places, to civilization leaders, and to the family next door. And your Internet site building tools allow you to present Christ's Holy Word interestingly, within current applicable context.

You can work to make Christ's Holy Word more easily understood to your site visitors, as being pertinent in today's society, without altering Christ's Holy Word. You can show current Biblical applications, tell personal Biblically related stories, and describe the mathematical and/or Internet logic and prioritizationing of Christ's Holy Word.

You can be baptized as a Christian and be the means of working to spread the Holy Word of Christ, and such unselfishness, so to speak, looks pretty good on your resume when trying to get into heaven.

Years ago I wanted to have printing presses to spread Christ's Holy Word. Look at us now, what do we need with paper when you and I can spread Christ's Holy Word on the Internet? Granted, there are many people not on the Internet, and many do not see the Internet as being able to be personal, yet nonetheless, we can reach many for Christ's greater glory.

You have a talent I don't have. You have a personal experience I don't have. I ask that you use these to tell your own story in your own words to personally relate to others how Christ has blessed you.

Or at least tell what you think of Christ. The reason I can say that is because often I start a sermon because the Bible (that I respect as having many or all of Christ's principles) tells me to spread Christ's Holy Word. So as I try to figure-out what to say, I select a topic that I think my audience will find interesting, investigate facts and Biblical pertinence, and before I'm done I find that I have gained a lot of expertise in that area. I have gained some higher reasoning.

I used to play chess because it was shown to increase IQ. Today I work at sermons; I believe it does much more.

Internet logic not only comes from within, it comes among, interactively. Today, many Universities to a large extent continue to have so-called ivory towers, lacking intradepartmental interactions to a significant degree. Businesses don't tell their competition proprietary information, and government has it's secrets.

The Internet is a breath of fresh air. It is an open door to adventure, opportunity, and enlightenment. The Internet is an exciting place where the truth can be told with great force and vitality.

The Internet is a fountain of logic when Christian faith is applied.

To a mighty extent, you hold the key to the future as it pertains to you with relation to Christ. You hold great knowledge and a vast wealth of information: about cause and effect, about mental health and fitness, about great events in peoples' lives, and about the principles of humanity.

A candle has great power if used properly. It can show people the way out of darkness. Your Internet work can be an important part of Christ's blessings to others.

Your feelings and emotions can be very valuable when you properly rely on Christ. Yet, don't let them distract you from higher logical prioritization: Christ wants you to conquer your brain and have life more abundantly. Embarrassment is not just cause to not be a conqueror for Christ.

Your work for Christ is important and precious. Even if only a little bit seems to get achieved, every little bit counts. And when you try to do good and logical works, Christ uses your efforts for many fold greater purposes not dreamed or imagined possible, faithfully.

You can start to make a difference in people's perception of logic, and you can improve people's reasoning abilities.

If you are not double-minded, and you properly try, I believe Christ will be there for you; to help you help others along the straight and narrow path.

Jesus said "I will show you" (Luke 6.47).

Let your light shine (Luke 8.16), use the Internet to let others view the glory of God in new ways never before revealed.


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