People used to ask "Does God exist?"; now we have the definite answer: yes. Click here to see the mathematical formula proving the existence of God!

Life Throughout The Universe.

--by Dr. Bob Benchoff May 12, 2003

--Updated 7/11/2004. Proof revealed by scientists, see bottom of page.

--Updated December 2, 2004. Current understanding of scientists, see bottom of page.

--Updated May 25, 2008. International Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence, SETI, guidance, see bottom of page.

There's life out there. They've just been looking in the wrong places to find it.

Better stated, if our scientists' theories are true, then where our telescopes and listening devices focus their attention is hardly the tip of the iceburg.

Let's consider some facts:

  • Mathematically, life is a moment of inertial spin intrinsically, as life spins one way, non-life the other, at the molecular level.
  • Theologically, life is a realm of the glorious spirit of God emanating from Jesus Christ, the timeless light source focus (Reference Isaiah 9.6-8 and Matthew 18.10).
  • Scientifically, life is a collection of vital physical variables, including movement, growth, consuming, reproduction, survival, and other qualities.

    Summarizing the key factors, we have moment of force + light source + vital variables = life.

    So, should we look for life on a planet similar to Earth? No.

    That is not logical according to the above formula. Looking for life on a planet similar to Earth would only likely find life similar to the life found on Earth, and would be less apt to find other types of life.

    Compare how if we only look for carbon based life on Earth, how we might overlook the vast amounts of other life, such as Earth's silicon based life.

    Granted, Earth has life and therefore can be used as a starting point, yet according to the process of elimination, the best and most accurate starting point for finding life in the Universe is to look for a planet similar to life; and more to the point, look for that which is life, whether on a planet or not.

    The cosmos is full of the seeds of life, not only in the form of genetic code carrying material, but also in the form of mathematical energy (and/or matter) envelopes. Non-life that would enter such non-life energy pockets would conform to the mathematical physics of life: it would become life.

    Hence, it logically follows that the process of overwhelming force and improvement for the life entity and/or entities exists, and after finding the planet similar to life, vicariously that which is life, then we can hope to find life having advanced intelligence.

    Using our key factors, we have moment of force + light source + vital variables = life. Stated another way we have moment of force + light source = life - vital variables.

    According to Recurrence Theory our pertinent light source is the Big Bang.

    As energy flows, concurrently the Right Hand Rule or the Left Hand Rule applies. So as energy progressed from the Big Bang, immediately and simultaneously the pertinent moment of force began occurring.

    Therefore, aside from vital variables, this is the best and most accurate starting point for finding life in the Universe.

    Vital variables include that which is observable, so, not being of moment of force or light source, it can be said that vital variables are of the body.

    Being of the body, we would look to energized matter and/or the initial bodies of matter to seek the relatively higher life forms, as compared to the newer bodies of matter not yet formed. [Note: Factors associated with spiritual, time travel, and/or similar, not of the body and beyond typical human proving can be factual, yet are not entered in this logical proof pattern since that would be to include random logic gaps from a pertinent relative perspective].

    Since as described above ("become life") life is tough, overcomes, and endures (particularly in consideration of higher life forms), life, or at least traces, would be found among the first created bodies after the start of the Big Bang.

    So we find that life would start as soon as possible and would grow and evolve, unless stopped by a more powerful force. When we include vital variables, we find life at least in part can be overcome by greater forces. In other words, the living body can be overcome by relatively extreme forces of nature.

    Conditions (or vital variables) for life in a body generally include such things as not being too hot, not being too cold, not being overwhelmed by gamma radiation, and so on. Yet being of the body, experiments can be accomplished to see to what extent the body containing it's life endures.

    Various experiments have concluded that bodies of life can exist without oxygen (such as seeds or silicon based), without heat (such as via chemical consumption and/or photosynthetically), and so on. Bodies of life can exist miles under the Earth under great heat and pressure. Bodies of life even exist within nuclear fuel pools.

    Consider how your whole body is warm (not absolute zero) due to our atmosphere on all sides of you. Yet in space there is no atmosphere or relatively speaking not much atmosphere.

    So even with the Big Bang, as terrifically hot as the one side of a body of exploding matter must have been, the other side interfaced with absolute zero or something similar.

    Such an interface can reasonably be deduced as having been extremely small, on the order of perhaps a layer of molecules, and this layer was interactive and was reasonably molten. So we find a zone of temperate conditions developing.

    Some elements would be more viscous than others, so some would remain explosively hot and yet be stars, while other bodies would develop a crust.

    I have discovered many spheropheres (as have many other people). Spheropheres are among the earliest life forms found because they are among the first to have hard parts. Their shells allowed more time for the geological chemicals to replicate their shells to become more permanent evidence of life.

    Spheropheres are 400 million years old. [Note: Dinosaurs are around 65 million years old]. Earlier life is said to be much older.

    Yet, even if bodily life on Earth as we best understand it started a billion years ago (after molten Earth, including failed initial attempts), that's only a drop in the bucket compared to the Big Bang and that multitude of possibilities.

    Some entities moving away from the Big Bang meet with other entities and cause explosions. But for the most part, as entities move away from the Big Bang, they lose energy and cool.

    Therefore, those hot entities with temperate surfaces cooled to become frozen balls, such as our planets Neptune and Pluto.

    So it is likely that such frozen bodies may have had life.

    So we are not simply talking about the nearly countless planets in the Universe similar to Earth (as many astronomers have postulated), we are talking about a multitude times that number!

    Dormant life frozen for eons; seeds carried through space; timeless ages of biosystems limited by their resources to closed cycles; and similar are not all we're talking about.

    We are talking about the possibility and the reasonable likelihood that that life did exist, evolved, and became advanced in thinking. So, with the onset of cold, such advanced thinkers planned and protected themselves, not only tapping underground sources of fuel, but also reaching-out to other planets.

    Continuing logically, as colonies developed on distant planets, we find fragmented cultures, and sometimes perhapes societies even becoming alien unto themselves.

    For the greater part we find advancing civilizations coming to control their planet's core temperature, their plate techtonics, their weather, and the space around them.

    I provided technical information as the head consultant for Griffin Gear, the makers of the world's largest gear for the world's largest telescope (located in SW USA), to their New York, NY Sales Office, and their Greenville, SC Headquarters.

    Civilizations as advanced as ours have not been heard or otherwise observed by our devices. Since the Universe is 143 billion years old, the logical expectance that another civilization now exists within two-way communication distance (aside from ideas such as parallel universe or other not repeatably noteable by our devices) extremely similar to our capabilities is so slight a chance as to be absurd since such coincidence for the given likely number of suitable planets relative to their situations does not provide sufficient grounds for such expectation given space capable humans have only been here a about 50 years (first orbit October 4, 1957)( Click here for further information and UFO discussion ).

    Besides the sun, the nearest star is over four light years away, so using probability we mathematically only find 256 stars within 64 lightyears, or about 200 stars within significant distance* relative to maximum light speed, 186,282.397 miles per second.

    That is twice the communication range maximum average if we are to send (32 years) and receive (32 years) a message within 64 years. Faster than light cosmic rays are not currently a significant part of our space communication system as far as I know; but if so, then our time range would also be correspondingly reduced to disclude any space flight time that does not include cosmic ray usage for space communications time.

    So we find no significant likelihood of interacting with another civilization similar to ours, according to our current state of technology. Yet we can study less or more advanced lifeforms not of earthly origin, if any, within the limits of our technology.

    More advanced lifeform(s) would know details of the stars and planets of our Universe. Hence they would have practiced much peace to accomplish so much, and their societal variances would appear significant to them, yet insignificant to us, as we would be overwhelmed by their cleverness and love.

    They would study lesser life forms and seek greater, as do we. Rather than interact with us on our level (such as flying saucers), they would seek to have us rise to their thinking.

    Yet great care and caution is needed even when we progress logically. Just because you can step on the gas pedal, that doesn't mean you should drive into a crowd of people. Care must be given to not hesitate given the opportunity to advance, while not forgetting the severity of the situation.

    For instance, people have taught nonhuman lifeforms to perform. Many years ago I taught a fly to perform and land where I pointed, encouraged by an occassional sugar reward. The next day I found two disgusting maggots on the carpet, and it broke my heart that I had transgressed the laws of nature to such as degree so as to endanger humans with having invited creatures possibly carrying diseases, contrary to good sanitation laws.

    From a human perspective, it was an abomination; from a fly perspective, it was toward fulfillment of logic. The fly failed to understand my criteria, and I failed to control the experiment properly, giving unreasonable freedom to variables.

    A governing body can overcome controls, hence controls are less for the governing body (click here for proposed Marijuana control), and more for the governed.

    We can expect to find a multitude of lower life-forms on cold and distant worlds.

    Higher life-forms are another matter, as they are spiritually with us already, and in our searching and probing we need to be aware of higher logic lest we offend. Not that we should resist, but that we should be more considerate and prayerfully thankful than we have ever been, lest we be smitten and bedraggled by our own greed and avarice.

    We might not see a fence or property line, yet we should only follow the straight and narrow course openly and without pretense and hidden agenda.

    Just as you can oversee a newborn baby, you are overseen spiritually. Even before the baby is born [the fetus], spirit of the law applies; plus grace applies including added protection, special dietary considerations, verbal encouragement, and so on.

    A more advanced civilization would be aware of our doings and would encourage us along the right path for our own good, also being for the good overall.

    Life has been looking for us, and finding us. We can't hide from God, unless God chooses to not look if we continue to sin and not seek Christ, then we are cast adrift and lost, nonetheless God does not waste time trying to help you: God helps you conquer sin. If we fight good and necessary help so much that perfectly loving God sees no good in us, then how much less attention would strangers give to us being alien.

    If we don't try and/or if we sin against goodness, how hardly can we harm a more advanced civilization, therefore we would only be hurting ourselves.

    So let's strive to be perfect.



    This ICCDBB Bible Sermon was in very technical jargon proven true by scientists at Washington University in Saint Louis, as according to Today's Chemist at Work magazine, May 2004 page 12 stated, "In a paper published in February (Science 2004, 303 (5662), 1355-1358" "Organic" results were "consistent with the" "observed"; and "older" than this "solar system". Click here for the A News Center "World News" item.


    *Current scientific information as of December 2, 2004, supports this analysis. New instrumentation has revealed 30 ["sunlike"] stars within 50 lightyears, possibly having planets, and of those, possibly having ones similar to earth, and of those, possibly having life. Of the few most likely planets found so far, conditions for similar life have not been found to match completely, such as some with gravity 14 times that of Earth (source: National Geographic magazine December 2004 pages 85 & 86), a fraction of which crushing power causes people to black-out; in comparison imagine 14 people standing on you (source: ANC).


    Update May 25, 2008: Dr. Bob Benchoff gave some guidance to the SETI Project with respect to where the most likely predictably known places are in the Universe to find life, starting with our own living, click here for the story.


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