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Time Control

--Sermon by Dr. Bob Benchoff March 26, 2003

You have been given a valuable tool: time.

It is a blessing to get it right the first time. But until your final time in your current living and/or until Christ's final judgement on you, you are given another chance to get it right.

So you are under less pressure than Christ to get it right the first time, but you are still under pressure to become a perfect and holy blessing to God.

So being relatively able to have another chance, you could relatively say time is on your side.

In an absolute perspective, God has already achieved perfection and therefore always gets it right every time, therefore you could absolutely say time is on God's side (including relatively).


As taught on television's EWTN Catholic Ministry Station (I get it on channel 77 in Charlotte, NC, no affiliation save Christ) Threshold of Hope show, Christ knows all, from the beginning through to the end of time, so for Christ all time is in the present.


You know you yourself have the future, present, and past, therefore time impacts you.

From the beginning it was prepared that Christ be given human form and a human time frame, but to help us by showing us the way, Christ chose eternal life and timelessness.

You can deal with time in the present, therefore you have the opportunity to deal with matters as Christ deals with matters. This involves righteous planning through Christ's mercy and blood and Holy Spirit.

Using your current thinking, that is, using your thinking in current time, what if you knew what would be thought in the future?

People generally think of the future in two ways: absolute prophecy, or relative prediction.

Let's work to move toward Christ through consideration of a third option. We as relative people can be good Christians and seek absolute perfection, therefore let's create a new catergory that includes only that part of relativity that approaches perfect love. So war, confusion, and other chaos would not fit into this new catergory of logical reasoning we'll call enlightening.

Enlightening would range from the better part of human involvement (such as Christian life and love, through increasingly more abundant life and love with growing confidence in same) to Holy Christian perfection.

Let's use a cross-section of absolute and relative time to illustrate the boundaries of enlightening.

You relatively know the present with regard to the past, for instance today people remember Iraq. Therefore you can relatively predict with great accuracy that tomorrow people will remember Iraq.

However, absolute thinking teaches us that in the future all things will fade away except that which is permanent, therefore if Iraq is not perfectly permanent (for this illustration let's say it is not perfect relative to God), it will fade away at some future time and would be as if not. All thought would be on perfection and there would be no room for Iraq or any thought of any glory for Iraq in rememberance or in thinking.

So, to relatively think of perfection is enlightening and can be illustrated in the following: Today Christ God remembers Christ Jesus of Nazareth and tomorrow we know that Christ God will remember Christ Jesus of Nazareth (one and the same).

Therefore we have accomplished absolute reasoning. So you can believe in Christ and/or you can believe in the works of logic: This makes you a prophet of Christ.

This also accomplishes relative reasoning, since Christ was human both before and after burial in the tomb. So you know that tomorrow Christ is remembered relatively within the human timeframe, and that tomorrow Christ is remembered even now in the absolute timeframe.

Since we can move from relative to absolute reasoning, we can accomplish enlightening.

Believer in logic and/or believer in Christ:

Congratulations on becoming a prophet!


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