Driving: From the north or south: Take I93 to the Storrow Drive exit, follow that about 2.5 miles to the Central Sq / Allston exit, keep to the left of the exit and turn left at the light. Continue straight up Cambridge St to the 4th set of lights. If you then take a left onto Harvard Ave, the club will be immediately on your right.
Driving From the west: Take I90 to the Allston / Cambridge exit and follow the signs toward Allston. Continue straight up Cambridge St to the 3rd set of lights. If you then take a left onto Harvard Ave, the club will be immediately on your right. From within Boston: Take Commonwealth Ave to Harvard Ave. If coming from the direction of downtown, turn right. O'Brien's is on the left just before the 2nd set of lights on Harvard. If your coming from the southern parts of Boston, pick up Harvard Ave near Coolidge Corner or Brookline Village and take it to the other end.
Parking: O'Brien's does not have it's own parking lot. There is limited parking available along Harvard Ave and Cambridge St. There is also some parking available on a side street next to the Sports Depot.
Public transportation:In Boston via the T: Take the Green B Line to the Harvard Ave stop, take a right onto Harvard Ave, walk for two sets of lights and O'Brien's on your left.
From Cambridge via the T: Take Bus #64 (Oak Square) from Central Sq or #66 (Dudley) from Harvard Sq. Get off at Sport's Depot, O'Brien's is diagonally across the intersection.
O'Briens Pub
Sha Na Na's
731 Airport Road
Warwick, RI 02886
Phone: 401-732-4737
No Directions provided that I could find. Use the address to get online directions or call the club.