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                   Another Foggy Moment

 These are the continuing adventures of a typical resident
 of the self-proclaimed center of the Pugetopolis universe -
 Seattle. Most are true stories but some are made of whole-
 cloth. I ain't the Mayor, the Governor or a Big Shot. Just
 another Working Stiff with a Bad Attitude.

    WARNING: This is not a Child-Proof Neighborhood.
    If you're a kid - scram!, beat it! you little
    punk before your Old Lady catches you and calls
    the cops. They'll throw you in the Big House in
    Walla Walla and won't let you out until you're
    89 years old. There. Don't say I didn't warn you.

                          - 125 -

 In the wake of President Carter's recent stop over in Seattle
 to autograph his new book, it was curious to see him snubbed
 by our local News Nazis. The day before coming here, while in
 California, he was minor headlines. The day after, while in
 Denver, minor headlines again. While in Seattle - nada. I 
 thought we were supposed to be the island of liberalality in
 a sea of Washingtonian conservatism. Looks like that's as phony 
 as the rest of Hooterville's rep.


 Pudgy "Cadillac" Sims got tagged for the Chairmanship of the 
 Sound Transit board. I'm laughing. There are only two reasons 
 anyone is made chairman of anything: 
 (1) so they can run things, or
 (2) to get 'em the hell outta the way. 

 It's not too difficult to figure out why "Cadillac" got the job.
 After the mess he made out of King County's new computer system,; 
 after his trashing of the KingCo Public Transit system, reducing 
 it from merely a mediocre system to one that sucks so bad nobody 
 wants to ride it or drive for it; after the way he screwed over 
 Seattle's black community on First Hill and in the Rainier Valley 
 in the routing of the original Light Rapid Transit plan; after his 
 hilariously bungled coup duet with his buddy, our dearly departed 
 Mayor Paulie, in attempting to seize control of the LRT plan with 
 his half-baked/half-assed alternative, sticking our suburban neighbors 
 with the bill and earning their eternal distrust; it's a cinch he 
 isn't going to run anything. Trust me on this. You really wouldn't 
 want him to even try. 

 They gave him the job to get him out of the way. He's already
 demonstrated that he doesn't know squat about public transit nor
 does he care a hoot about it. He sure as hell doesn't ride his
 own buses, preferring instead to "Cadillac It" to work. Ton 'o
 Lard probably couldn't make it up the stairs without using the
 wheel-chair ramp. Squeezing his fat butt into a seat would be a
 challenge. He has no ideas, no vision, no clue at all about the 
 importance of a good public transit system to a region's well
 being. To him, it's just another way to service the developers
 he's always sucking up to and a stick to beat opponents over the
 head with. Vision talk bores him half to death and makes him
 sleepy. As Chair, he'll be able to kick back, slam-dunk dozens 
 of donuts and maybe even sneek in a little game of Pocket Pool 
 now and then while Mayor Nickles and the suburbanites scream, 
 holler and attempt to scratch each others eyes out. 
 Yes we do need a Light Rapid Transit system. We needed it 10 years
 ago. But no, we won't get anything like a functional one from our
 political jerks. At best we'll end up with some crippleware crap 
 primarily designed to weasel Easy Money outta Congress into their
 back pockets. Appointing a clueless Boob like "Cadillac" to ST's 
 Chair, all but ensures that.


 I've been checking around to see if our local scientific libraries
 complied with the wishes of the editor of "Human Immunology". All
 subscribers, both libraries and individuals, were instructed to rip
 out a population-genetics paper done by highly-regarded Spanish 
 geneticist Antonio Aisiz-Villena. The paper dealt with similarities
 between Jews and Palestinians. Genetic comparisons of populations -
 both human and non-human - are Tony's specialty. So far all libraries 
 checked were flagrently ignoring the editorial Bimbo's advice. It 
 was like asking an art curator to mutilate one of their paintings.
 Pretty freak'n stupid eh.

 The reason for the directive didn't involve the science in the paper.
 Rather, it involved Tony's terminology. He referred to Palestinian
 Refugee Camps as concentration camps and Palestian territories as
 if they actually were Palestinian lands - both reasonably accurate
 descriptions. He also suggested the present conflict in Israel and
 Palestine is, once you strip away the theological excuses, just a 
 continuation of the ancient land war between the two parties that
 has been going on for millenia. Apparently a sizeable number of 
 Jewish subscribers took offence and threatened to pull their 
 subscriptions en-masse. It hard to tell which is the bigger idiot:
 the editor who would ask librarians to mutilate their volumes or
 the dumb schmucks who demand such a thing from her. 

 The paper appeared a few months ago in a special Population Genetics
 issue and is quite short but interesting. The offensive references
 are very few and difficult to spot without a magnifying glass. Not
 to mention irrelevant to the issue at hand. Aside from finding no
 significant genetic differences between Jews and Palestinians (both
 are of Cannanite stock), it had some other interesting observations.
 I didn't realize Greeks are considered to have come from Equatorial
 African stock. Archeologists think they may have migrated up from
 EA to Egypt where they were on the losing end of a dynastic fight 
 and ended up swimming to Greece to settle. The geneticists now back 
 that theory too. Shoot! And I always thought they were just regular 
 well-tanned White guys. Still doesn't explain their affection for 
 wearing skirts. Maybe that's why they got kicked out of Egypt eh.


  Politics is for the moment. An equation is for eternity.

                       Al Einstein

                   GOOF'N WITH THE G-MEN

 As our FBI meanders the streets of Detroit's Arabic community,
 freely indulging, unimpeded, in their favorite passtime - racist 
 terrorizing of innocent citizens and immigrants - it's got to
 bring a lot of happy memories back for the old guys. Just like
 in the good old days when they rode with the Klan helping to 
 hang black men for fun and bludgeoning Freedom Riders like 
 Detroit housewife Viola Liuso to death for having the nerve 
 to insist on integrated Greyhound buses. It brought back the 
 Good Old Days for me too.

 While our Congress Critters amusingly engage in polite debates 
 about the desireability of suspending our most fundamental laws, 
 I'm here to say the FBI never actually has given much of a damn 
 about the opinion of Congress or about our system of laws - both
 are irrelevant to them. Which is perhaps why so many of them have 
 been arrested themselves over the years. You could form a whole 
 'shadow FBI' from all the G-Men who are now ex-cons. And that's 
 not counting the very patriotic and deeply-religious Agent Hansen, 
 recently rescued from the gallows after selling off our secrets 
 for a song and a dance. Our foreign agents compromised by him 
 didn't encounter the same compassion - they were executed. He 
 as good as put the gun to their heads himself. You'd have thought
 President Yellowbelly himself would have dropped him eh.

 The agents who picked me up didn't need no stink'n warrant. 
 They just bided their time until they knew I was alone and took 
 me. That's how they traditionally do it. Kidnapping by any other 
 name. They always tell you they'd just like to talk to you for 
 a couple hours 'downtown'. They're lying of course. Being a bit 
 chickenshit, it took two of them. Two armed men to take one 
 unarmed kid. Pretty brave eh? Forget about being denied access 
 to a lawyer, I didn't even have access to the outside world. To 
 my family and friends, I had simply 'disappeared'. Vanished into 
 thin air without a trace.

 My crime? There was none. I hadn't broken a single law. Well, 
 okay, I did jaywalk for kicks every once in a while. There were 
 no charges and no warrant. Nada. Nothing. My 'crime' was that 
 I harbored impure thoughts about Uncle Sammy's sanity - I 
 peacefully and legally opposed one of his activities. That was 
 it, sum and total.  That's all it took back then. Worse, I was, 
 as I continue to be, a Nobody. An insignificant bug on Uncle 
 Sammy's windshield. This little indulgence of theirs must have 
 cost the taxpayers a Bundle though they of course were never 
 informed of the expenditure. They might have had the opportunity 
 to object. The FBI is no fan of openness or democracy. Never has 
 been. Like cockroaches, they prefer working in the dark. That's 
 how you can tell if they've been in your home - the telltale 
 stink they leave behind. Similiar to that left by the homeless 
 in public washrooms.

 The purpose of this exercise seemed to be intimidation. They 
 wanted to scare the hell outta me by kidnapping me. I guess 
 they read about how it seemed to work pretty good for Hitler's 
 Gestapo and Joe Stalin's KBG so they thought they'd give it 
 a try too. 

 It worked pretty good at first. I truely was scared. I was 
 afterall just one teenager up against a roomful of hostile, 
 armed men who gave no indication whatsoever that they gave 
 the slightest hoot about my well-being. On the contrary, my 
 well-being seemed to be the furthest thing from their minds. 
 That can tend to be intimidating. I had no idea how long I 
 was going to be held. As the days passed (yes,it was days, 
 not hours), I became increasingly convinced that this was it - 
 I was a goner. I'd never see the light of day again. I truely 
 did. Nobody knew where I was or what had become of me. It 
 would have been a cinch to make me permanently disappear. 

 This made me increasing pissed off. What a bunch of gutless 
 wonders! All these big, tough guys to handle one skinny kid? 
 And not a single one of them with the guts to say to the 
 others, "Hey! This is nuts. This is wrong. We shouldn't be 
 doing this." Not a single one. Cowards don't come much more 
 cowardly and ball-less than a G-Man. The thought played on 
 my mind. I began to draw strength from it. At first more or 
 less cooperative out of fear, I stopped being afraid and 
 refused to cooperate at all. I clammed right up. What in the 
 hell did I have to lose? Let the chips fall where they may. 
 They found this new trend most disconcerting. It wasn't in 
 their script. It wasn't long after that that they popped me 
 free. No charges were ever filed. Kept the entire episode 
 off the books.

 Call the Cops you say? Yeah, sure - "Honest Officer! I aint' 
 crazy. I was kidnapped by the FBI!" It would be better to tell 
 them you were abducted by aliens. They might actually sympathize 
 with that. Sue them you say? Forget it. Lawyers aint' interested 
 in teenagers with no Dough. And political cases scare them for 
 many reasons. Even ACLU chickened out during the McCarthy Era. 
 And what exactly would you use for evidence? Where do you imagine 
 that judges get their jobs? From Uncle Sammy of course. Screw 
 the law. They ain't going to dam up their Career Stream just for 
 your sake. Go to the News Nazis you say? Forget it. They cook 
 information, they don't report it - not interested.

 None the less, afterwards I felt an odd excitement from the
 experience. As obscure as I was, I had been judged dangerous
 enough to require extra-legal means to capture. I then knew
 I was on the right track and had indeed found The Good Fight. 
 And I had survived a circumstance many, in other times and
 places, never returned from. I now knew what it felt like to 
 officially 'disappear'. And knew just how pathetically impotent 
 and cowardly The System really is - it has physically practical 
 limits on its power. If you refuse to cooperate, there is little 
 they can do about it. I've referred to that time often over the 


 "In this day and age of digal wizardry, many things can be done
  to alter its [the Osama tape] veracity."

                        Henry Hingson
                    - former president -
        National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers

                  'OL YELLER GOES TO WAR

 Life in my neighborhood continues much as it was before 9/11.
 All but one of the flags that were up a month ago have been
 taken down. They have been replaced by 'for rent' signs. For
 the first time in years land-lords are sucking air - their
 tenants are doing the Skeedaddle From Seattle leaving them
 high and dry. The flight of Big Money from unsafe, insecure
 America not only continues but has intensified leaving tens 
 of thousands more Americans out-of-work as we slide inevitably 
 into recession. Big Money is loyal to only one thing - The
 Almighty Buck. America don't mean squat to them.

 All of this uncertainty and insecurity has people bitchier 
 than usual. There is a chronic melancholia in the atmosphere 
 these days - happy just ain't a happening no matter how
 hard people try. We're not used to being the most hated 
 nation in the world. Calling it 'the price we pay' is little
 compensation or solice.

 Pre-war Germany must have felt much like this. The wounded 
 pride, the frustration, the feeling of having been profoundly
 violated, the ubiquitous uncertainty, the sense that the 
 whole world was against them. The reasons and general
 circumstances were vastly different but that is mere detail. 
 It is the underlying passion, emotion, Eros that counts.

 Hitler emerged much as President Yellowbelly did - getting the 
 nod from a buyable political flunky after a rigged election
 resulted in a dead-lock. At a time of enormous social, economic 
 and political upheaval unfairly and hypocritically inflicted on 
 Germans by their European neighbors as a grossly disproportionate 
 punishment for their part in WW-I; at a time when Germans were 
 dying in the streets of starvation and nobody gave a damn; Adolph 
 stepped forward. With an economic recovery plan to understand? 
 Hell no. He gave them an insane, bizarre dream to believe in. 
 When the world gets crazy, the crazy get go'n. 

 Instead of appealing to their intellect, he appealed to their 
 hearts and souls. Victims of the hatred of their neighbors, he
 turned that hatred to good use. Hate has a cleansing, unifying
 power far greater than Love. As they starved and froze to death,
 he told them they were superior to all other people and destined 
 to conquer and subjugate the world, creating a German Civilization, 
 a Reich, that would last 1,000 years. In massive public assemblies
 he invoked the ancient Titans of Teutonic myth and promised to 
 exorcise the nation of its demons. The Jews were EVIL - they had 
 engineered Germany's misery and economically bled its people without 
 mercy. The Queers were EVIL - perverts out to destroy the moral 
 fabric of the nation. The Liberals/Socialists/Communists were EVIL - 
 traitors offering aid and comfort to the enemy. Don't just kill the 
 bastards, crush them, grind them into the earth. Sure it was crazy, 
 if not insane. But then so were the times. It was no time for
 Business As Usual. They ate it up.

 Yellowbelly has only altered one factor of the equation - insert
 Muslims for Jews. His racial superiority sling is subtler but no
 less obvious. Just look at all we have created. What further proof
 is needed? And the implication is that it is the result of White
 brains and Colored muscle. Just substitute 'The American Way of Life' 
 for 'German Civilization'. Hitler was considered a man of mediocre 
 intellect and mundane taste. Ditto for Ol Yeller. He had a profound, 
 even pathological, disregard for human life. Ditto for Ol Yeller. 
 He presented himself as a deeply religious man and recruited the 
 involvement of the Christian churches in his crusade. Ditto for 
 Yeller. Many German Jews laughed at the suggestion a buffoon like 
 Adolph would be a threat to them. Everybody laughs at Yeller, even 
 as he kills the American Dream - dismantling our Constitution and 
 Bill of Rights. And there aint' a single member of Congress or
 Federal judge with the balls to stop him. 

 Everybody knew, at some level, that Hitler's sling was bullshit 
 but they really deeply wanted to believe it was true. They wanted
 to believe in themselves again - desperately. Men and women of 
 considerable intelligence contorted and twisted that intelligence 
 to produce obliging apologetics supporting his insanity. It would 
 be considered nothing less than insane to suggest Ol Yeller is 
 anything but a well-meaning Good Guy. Our News Nazis will allow 
 no other interpretation. They voluntarily correct his gaffs and
 bury his embarassments. Don't even have to ask.

 Hitler declared 'might makes right' and, with the big Ruhr 
 Valley industrialists bankrolling his Nazi Party, invested 
 the entire national bankroll in manufacturing a military force 
 that would ensure revenge - no nation on earth would be able 
 to defend itself against it. Just substitute The Military-
 Industrial Complex for Ruhr Valley Industrialists. 

 Sieg heil, y'all!


 It took a few months to cook it up, but Ol Yeller's buddies 
 finally got that video of Osama ready this week. If they did
 it for me, they were wasting their time. Anything from DoD,
 is bullshit far as I'm concerned. With their extensive history
 of lying, fabricating and covering-up it would be insane to
 trust them. Not only do they possess the means to fabricate
 such a tape, they have strong incentive to do so. From the 
 poor video and audio quality to the amazingly superhuman travel
 antics of the 'visitor' to the miraculous immunity of Osama's
 'crib' in Kanduhar which, despite being hit by 10,000 bombs,
 left him with functional TVs playing CNN in every room, it 
 stunk. Even a traffic court judge would gag at the idea of 
 accepting a piece of crap like that as evidence of anything.
 Oh well. The 'converted' will no doubt be Born Again - they'll
 buy it. 

 The real purpose of the Osama video was to soften us up for the
 nuking. Our Paycheck Patriots have wanted to nuke somebody for
 decades and now they are about to get their chance. It's the
 perfect set-up. Osama's imaginary bunker in the mountains is
 conveniently remote from anything like civilization. We've been
 assured that, unlike the many other times they had him cornered
 during the past couple months, this time it's for real. Our News
 Nazis dutifully report that he's been both heard and seen in the
 area. No doubt about it, nor any pictures, tapes or thinking for
 that matter. They've cranked up the 'capture' pressure to the max. 
 Action is demanded. With the video tape, they now have convinced  
 the converted that he was directly responsible for 9/11. We've 
 been convinced that conventional weapons aren't getting the job 
 done. The Daisy Cutters, smart bombs, etc. have all failed to 
 inflict significant damage on the cave dwellers. Invoking Harry 
 Truman's tried-and-true excuse: 'to spare un-necessary loss of 
 American lives' (a la Hiroshima and Nagasaki), everyone will be 
 pulled back and they'll do it. And if they're wrong? So what? 

 Then, when the Russians nuke the Chechnians, the Chinese nuke
 their Muslim rabblerousers, the Israelis nuke the Palestinians,
 if we attempt to prevent it, they'll just laugh at us and say,
 "If it's good enough for you, it's good enough for us." Genocide
 will be a practical reality. And things truely never again will 
 be the same. I hope to God I'm wrong.

 Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going
 to the garage makes you a car.

                    - Lawrence J. Peter -  

                        MONDO VATICANO

 Future-Super-Saint JP-2 figures this Israeli/Palestinian thing
 just might work out pretty good after all. With a little luck
 the Jews and Muslims will kill each other off and leave the Holy
 Land to it's rightful owners - the Catholics. Since neither
 side finds anything respectible in his spiritual leadership, 
 he's been totally useless as a mediator. Just to show he still 
 has a sense of humor, this Spiritual Father to the IRA terrorists 
 as well as numerous murderous anti-abortion hate groups and 
 inspiration to many fascists around the world, accused the Jews 
 and Muslims both of being extremists. Ain't he a piece of work?

 Having nothing to contribute on the peaceful side, this week he 
 upped the hateful side a notch or two by staging an unannounced 
 conference on the future of Christians in the Holy Land, just to 
 see if he could piss them both off a little more. Clearly his 
 idea of a Christian future there has no room for either Jewish or 
 Islamic input. Just to show there were no hard feelings, he also 
 came forth with another of his empty symbolic gestures - a one-meal 
 fast in memory of the dead Muslims of Afghanistan. Like it would 
 hurt that fat Pollock to miss a few meals eh. Maybe he should 
 have the garbage from the Papal Apartments shipped off to an 
 Afghani refugee camp. Bet they could live off it for a couple 

                    	+	+	+

 Our own Bishop Brunett seems to have taken up the Great American
 hobby of Gay Bashing these days. "Catholic Dignity" which used to
 have regular services for its homosexual/lesbian/trans-sexual
 membership at St. Joe's up on Capital Hill, after 21 years, has 
 discontinued their uneasy relationship with the archdiocese's 
 Gay/Lesbian Ministry. It's kind of dicey trying to be friendly 
 with someone who believes you're 'intrinsically evil'. Bishop 
 Brunett has been increasingly hostile and aggressive towards 
 Dignity lately, essentially demanding that they can participate
 in the diocese Gay/Lesbian ministry only if they are willing to
 pretend they aren't Gay or Lesbian and do nothing to support
 Gay and Lesbian legal rights in the state. A unique though odd
 approach for a ministry of any sort. So Dignity took a hike and
 has moved their activities over to the United Methodists in 
 Ravenna. They are still Catholic, of course. Nobody is too sure
 what Bishop Brunett is anymore. Certainly not Catholic in any
 meaningful sense.
			+	+	+

 They called them "Katholischer Kreigspfarreren" - Catholic War 
 Ministers. 'Minister' in the sense of 'chaplain/priest/preacher'. 
 They were Catholic priests in Germany's WW-II Nazi military; part 
 of the general staff of most Army units. Their portraits are a 
 strange sight indeed. If it weren't for the crucifix hanging from 
 their necks, you'd never guess they were priests. Many discretely 
 tucked their crucifix inside their military tunics to apparently 
 look more 'soldierly'. They look indistinguishable from any other 
 officer - with that trademark confident, arrogant smirk so popular 
 at the time. 

 The Germany military unit that tortured and murdered Sister Edith 
 Stein, recently canonized as a saint in part for her heroic 
 resistance of the Nazis, likely had a Katholischer Kriegspfarrer 
 of its own. We had ALL the bases covered - both tormentor and 
 victim. Were any of these priests, who subscribed to the Nazi's 
 'aryanizing' of the Church and insistance of accepting the "Fuhrer 
 Principle" excommunicated either then or afterward? Hell no. The 
 Catholic Church in Germany was a willing and enthusiastic participant
 in Hitler's ideological insanity. It even requistioned slaves from 
 the Nazis. Perhaps the sophisticated and urbane Cardinal Kaspers 
 can explain how his German Church came to conceive of any of God's 
 People as a tradeable commodity. You certainly wouldn't have found
 him sticking HIS neck out in those days. He's strictly a Talker,
 not a Walker. And Pope Pius XIIth's 'blind eye' to the extermination 
 of the Jews is legendary and well documented despite much whining 
 to the contrary.

			+	+	+
 "Look at me when I talk to you!", shouted a Bishop at Future-Super-
 Saint JP-2 during the Bishop's recent meeting at the Vatican. Our
 venerable Sacred Fossil has a bad reputation for ignoring the people
 in the trenches and a growing number of them are getting mighty
 pissed about that bad attitude of his. Is he too senile to handle
 the job anymore? Or has being surrounded by all that wealth and
 all those Bum-Boys gone to his head? Either way, he's outta touch
 with the Church outside of Roma and is failing in his duty to lead
 it. Few places better symbolize that enstrangement than Corpus 
 Christi church in Rochester, NY where the Spiritus Christi movement 
 began. It was there that Mary Ramerman was recently ordained a priest, 
 much to Roma's consturnation. JP-2's call for priests and other 
 clergy to stay away was largely ignored. He has neither the 
 spiritual integrity nor the ability to lead any longer. He's become 
 little more than a media Talking Head. And, unless you enjoy looking
 at old guys on death's door, a mighty grim one at that.

			+	+	+

 The legendary Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota did a 6-month 
 study of 800 heart patients to see if prayer helped them. Half
 of the patients, without realizing it, had people praying for 
 their recovery while the other half didn't. They found that there
 was no significant difference in the outcome of their illness. 
 Heart attacks, strokes, deaths, etc. were the same in both groups.

 The above is copyright material. You want to use it,
 ask. You want to make money off it, gimme some first.
 I'll let you know if it's enough. You want to steal it,
 I'll sic my lawyer Yoshi 'The Proctologist' Rasmussen
 on you baby. He'll teriyaki your sorry butt and turn
 it into Lutefisk.
 MAIL:    tofoggymoment@yahoo.com
 ARCHIVE: http://www.geocities.com/tofoggymoment